Blogs from Junin, Peru, South America - page 6


South America » Peru » Junin » La Merced July 15th 2008

Ik ben maar 2 dagen in de Selva geweest, maar de JUNGLE is toch wel een aparte post waard. Ik was spontaan in La Merced beland. Net in de centrale Selva. La Merced en de omringende plaatsjes zijn niet bijzonder wild aangezien ze gecultiveerd zijn, maar de echte jungle ligt daar binnen handbereik. Het is kennelijk ook een populaire vakantiebestemming voor Limeñas, waardoor er genoeg keuze is aan tour operators die je graag helpen om een op maat gemaakt avontuur te beleven. De volgende dag op dagtour gegaan langs watervallen (waar je kunt zwemmen! Koud water, maar dat is met die hitte niet zo erg), een bezoek aan een native community (die volgens eigen zeggen nog op geheel traditionele wijze leeft... Het is kennelijk heel traditioneel om een dansact voor de toeristen op te voeren en ... read more
Op bezoek bij de indianen
Gezichts verf
Uitzicht over La Merced

South America » Peru » Junin » Huancayo July 10th 2008

Bij mijn laatste update zat ik in Ayacucho. Een mooie oude koloniale stad, met allemaal schitterende kerken waar je niet in komt buiten de mis. Ik kon het niet opbrengen om zo vroeg op te staan, dus ik vertrouw mijn reisgids op dit punt maar blindelings. Na de eerste dag een beetje rondgelopen te hebben besloot ik de tweede dag op excursie te gaan. Met een combi busje naar de Wari ruines. Er staat nog heel wat, al vermoed ik dat ze de meeste van die mooie muurtjes weer hebben opgebouwd. Maar wat wil je dan ook. Het is duizenden jaren oud! (de precieze datums zal ik moeten opzoeken, maar ik meen voor onze jaartelling!). Na daar wat te hebben rondgelopen was ik weer naar buiten gegaan om de eerst volgende combi aan te zwaaien. De ... read more

South America » Peru » Junin » Huancayo July 9th 2008

I cannot believe our three weeks in Huancayo are coming to a close! We have been so busy since we've been here.... There is a national transportation strike today, which means no cars, taxis, buses or trains are driving anywhere in Peru. If they do drive, people will throw rocks at the cars, etc. Because of the strike, a lot of businesses are closed and we sort of have the day off, which gives me time to write.... The Andean Outreach Program (the group I am here with - there are six of us on this trip) works with a local organization called La Luz Esperanza (the light of hope) and we met with them early on and visited four small, rural schools that they have helped build and support in recent years. One school was ... read more
Peruvian bowling with the little guys
Amigas at Francisco Mayer
The kids from Aldea Rosario and us

South America » Peru » Junin » La Merced June 8th 2008

So we are officially done the volunteering portion of the trip. Even though the kids were energetic to say the least, we miss them already. Even Victor Hugo and his hair pulling tendancies. Others we shall miss are spider man, who will go nowhere without his spider man costume, Carlos and his young love Melanie, Eduardo and his young love Carlos, Mayerly and her innability to eat on her own, and Victor Kevin ad his toothless smile. Once we realized that the kids were better behaved when we gave them something to do (something the teachers didn´t always) they quickly learned "What time is it Mr. Wolf" and stella ella ola. Both of which they wanted to play at every moment of every day. We´ll miss having discussions about the best Cevicheria (see last entry) with ... read more

South America » Peru » Junin » La Merced June 4th 2008

GAH! BIG NEWS EVERYONE!! today, i found GOOD COFFEE!!! this is kristina, btw, in case any of you were wondering. so as i was saying, as i sipped my cafe con leche and ate my crema voltada and gazed out over the jungle mountains, i began to think about the food here in peru. i usually think a lot about food, so i decided to create a blog entry just about that. feel free to skip this one if you dont share my passion for anything etible or sipable. so to start off, lets talk about coffee. when i was preparing for this trip, i thought i was going to coffe heaven. i believe i once called it ¨kristinas coffee tour around south america¨. unfortunately, that didnt pan out, and all i could find for the ... read more

South America » Peru » Junin » La Merced May 31st 2008

We haven´t actually met anyone named george here, but we are looking out for trees. (andrea laughs hystericaly for a few minutes) We arrived in the jungle on tuesday, and to our homestay, which is very, open concept in as much as none of the hallways have roofs. What do they do in the rainy season? We are living with a local Pastor, and family, so don´t expect any shenannigans like our last trip to the jungle (Kristina sighs and has had to curb her 4:30 am dancing. The 4:30 pm dancing however is still going strong-- apparently the kids think its funny). We are volunteering at INABIF which is a centre where underprivelaged children and elderly people come during the day. In the mornings, we work with a group of kids 8-12, first helping them ... read more

South America » Peru » Junin » Huancayo May 26th 2008

They´re really cute, and fuzzy. Alpacas that is. So we are leaving to volunteer for 2 weeks in jungle. Its hard to believe that our trip is half over and we have to leave all of the kids here. So much has happened over the past month it has certainly flown by. On the weekend, we walked to Torre Torre, a rock formation just outside Huancayo-- very reminiscent of a tiny grand canyon (or so I have heard). We also visited Huancayo´s local zoo. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my. I feel like most of the animals could have broken out of their corrugated tin cages if they wanted to... the fox definately looked like it was preparing for it. i myself (kristina) didnt go to torre torre or the zoo, but i did go ... read more

South America » Peru » Junin » Huancayo May 24th 2008

ok, so to continue from where i left off- i take the combi back to the volunteer residence, where i live with the co-ordinators of mosoq ayllu, patty and juan jose, and their two kids, little juan jose and galilea. galilea may be one of the cutest, most rambunctios kids ever. she often runs around screaming for no reason, and can often be found draging the kitten around by the neck. (the kitten is surprisingly good about this, and rarely bites/scratches her). I then take my spanish lesson, which is 2 hours, and is pretty much invaluable to me in my life in peru. then lunch, another combi ride, and im at coto coto. i have spent a lot more time in coto coto than i have in ladrierra this trip. coto coto is an orphinage, ... read more

South America » Peru » Junin » Huancayo May 23rd 2008

hola from peru! this is kristina, just wanting to let all of you faithful readers out there what its like in the day of a peruvian volunteer. this last week, i have been waking up at around 8:00 to the sound of dogs barking, taxis honking, the recitation of spanish verbs etc, and the occasional herd of cows or sheep passing by. and no, we dont live in the country, or even near it for that matter. for whatever reason, herds of farm animals will trot by on our residential street and end up in a park, where they will eat and leave poop for us to step in. i eat breakfast, and walk about 15 minutes to the combi stop. for those of you who dont know, a combi is a regular sized van, seating ... read more

South America » Peru » Junin » Huancayo May 22nd 2008

I read the news today oh boy... Actually I didn´t-- i have no idea whats happening in north america right now. I´m really just assuming it still exists, so there are still people to read this thing. So I figured we should right a little bit about what we do all week. From Andrea´s perspective: 8-10 is spanish lessons-- they´re coming along quite nicely. Don´t expect me to be reading Don Quixote in the original spanish (or even in english) any time soon, but I did mangage to direct a taxi driver today. baby steps. And if you need the time told in spanish, I´m your girl. 10-2 is spent working in Coto Coto, which is the orphanage for kids up to age 6. In the mornings, its just the little ones who aren´t at school, ... read more

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