Blogs from Sacred Valley, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 10


South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley April 22nd 2008

dees heb ik al nen hele tijd gelede beginne schrijve, ga het nu vlug afwerke, was da veel te uitgebreid aant make precies Naar Cuzco, vrijwilligerswerk bij Las Chullpas en daarna .... (Rit naar) Cuzco Ondertusse al een tijdje gelede ben ik vanuit Trujillo naar Lima vertrokke, een reis van ongeveer acht uur, stelt niet veel voor hier in Peru en was ook direct voorbij! In Lima aangekomen vroeg ik wanneer ik nen bus naar Cuzco kon pakken, er was er net eentje aan het vertrekken! De volgende zou voor de volgende dag zijn dus sprong ik nog juist op tijd op de bus naar Cuzco. Ik had er geen enkel idee van hoe lang die rit zou duren maar dacht een over een paar uur wel te zijn... Die rit bleef echter duren en ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley March 23rd 2008

Here we are safe and sound in Cusco, Peru. We are looking forward to a couple of days off the motorcycles, and our tour of the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu. Alec, is still in Salta with his wife Hazel, who flew over from NZ to be with him, he is recovering well, albeit a bit slowly. Charlie, is also doing well now in hospital in La Pas, they have operated and pinned his leg. His freind will fly down from Brazil to see him in a few days. We are sorry that these two very experienced riders can't continue with us, but such are the dangers of this sort of adventure on motorcycles in such remote places. It is not just the the riding that is a challenge, it is also the altitude, as it ... read more
The big guy and the little guy
Out there
Rock Tree

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley March 19th 2008

Lesmahagow To Peru - Day 12 Sunday 27th January 2008 Well, another early rise. I am amazed at how I am coping in the mornings, as I am most definitely NOT a morning person, but so far on the trip I have been bright and breezy and reasonably communicative. (In the main!) Our tour leader, bus and guide - Ruth, turned up on time, and after a small time collecting guests from a few other hotels, we were off on our adventure for the day. Sunday is market day in the Sacred Valley, so we headed off to the village of Pisac. On route we stopped at one of the Kodak stops for a great view of the Valley and the Urubamba River. And our first encounter with the locals complete with outfits and llamas. It ... read more
The Church in Pisac

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley March 4th 2008

After being dazzled by Cusco, it was time for stops in the Sacred Valley. The agriculture is really rich throughout the valley, and there are Inca terraces all along the way. I opted for hiking and collectivos--small mini-vans that collect anyone and everything along the way: one of the rides included a live duck unknowingly quacking it's way to market. Highlights: Moray--Inca agricultural testing center. Three large circular terraced pits where the micro-climate changes as you get lower and lower. I couldn't feel the humidity change (it was raining), but it got warmer as I went descended through 20 terraces. Salinas--about 400 ponds of saline water each drying at a different rate, and producing different grades of salt. Unlike any salt-producing place I had ever seen. Pisac--a fortress high above a village that each Sunday becomes ... read more
Blowing the conch
Pisac market

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley January 26th 2008

Hey, Friday night just after a full day tour of Sacred Valley - visited Inca ruins similar to Machu Picchu but not as big or well preserved or impressive. Had two mini hikes during the day up huge rough steps (will be very similar to the 65km or so on the Inca Trail) and oh my god was I worried about the state of my fitness after the first one... ouch! But found the second one much easier and was not so out of breath! Please, please, please let it not lash rain the entire time... three nights camping and four days hiking.... can you imagine doing that wet and cold..... oh oh big time! I´m just a spoilt chicken, will be fine I´m sure (have heard so many horror stories of food poisioning and stomach ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley January 19th 2008

Following our whirlwind tour of Peru (and brief foray into Bolivia) we were back in Cuzco for one final time. Cuzco, Cuzco, Cuzco, I freely admit that I thoroughly fell for all its ancient charms, peoples, history, cobbled streets, traveller friendly shops and colourful parades that seem to occur on a weekly basis here. Cuzco was the Inca’s capital city and it is believed that it was originally laid out to represent the puma, and although the invading Castilians raised the majority of its original buildings the Inca foundations are still clearly visible on numerous streets, proudly bearing the load of many a modern day construction and displaying all the finesse and skill of craftsmen at the top of their game. The Incas certainly knew how to make a building to withstand the seismic disturbances that ... read more
pisaq - church locals in traditional atire
sacsayhuaman - sun setting
ollantaytambo - mountain stream

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley December 19th 2007

A selfish decision When we first started this blog, I (Chas) made a decision to be honest about what happened to us and what we were feeling. I wanted the blog to be more than just an update on the beautiful places we were visiting but actually letting you, the readers, know about us personally. Notice all the 'I's in this paragraph; this was an arrogant and selfish decision. It has drawn much criticism from friends, family and strangers alike for being cynical and negative whereas the live action version has nearly always been joyful. I feel I should not write funny stories that describe negative aspects of our travel due to a very harsh comment we received on a previous blog saying we need to take a positive attitude pill or fly home. I would ... read more
The narrow and beautiful streets of San Blas
The dreaded steps up to Home Sweet Home hostel
The Plaza de Armas at dusk

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley December 8th 2007

So you may wonder what Cuy is well its Guinny Pig which happens to be a very popular dish here in Peru. So my and a few friends felt it was only right to go and try it out.. We caught a cab to Tipon and stoped where the drive said prepaired the best Cuy. All I can say is I tried it once and never again.. After our meal we went to the Inca site of Tipon which was unreal well you can see for yourself..... read more
Waiting for the Cuy
The Cuy
Dig in..

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley December 5th 2007

After a couple of days working up at the school it was time for us to go to the Sacred Valley and check out some more Inca sites. The Sacred Valley is about 15km (as the crow fly’s) from Cusco. The star attractions are the lofty Inca citadels of Pisac and Ollantaytambo which preside over its undulating twists and turns. We were doing a two day tour, with Selvy as our guide again, and first up was a visit to Chinchero, a small Andean village known to the Incas as the birthplace of the rainbow. Coming into the main village square we were confronted with a large colonial church which is built upon old Inca ruins. Once again the Spanish had demolished the Inca site here, and to show their superiority and dominance they built their ... read more
The terraces at Chinchero
I´m the king of Ollantaytambo
The terraces at Ollantaytambo

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley November 16th 2007

Cusco, once imperial seat of the mighty Incan empire, is now home to a population of 300,000 and is the bustling, jumping off point for tourists heading to the Inca Trail, Machu Picchu and other Incan ruins in the region. At an altitude of 3,500 metres it was ironically found to have the highest levels of ultraviolet light on earth by a study in 2006 - interesting given the Incas fascination with the sun. Rising to prominence in the 11th Century, Cusco became the capital of the burgeoning Incan empire and with its fertile valleys, abundant glacial water supply and central location it was the perfect spot to launch the massive expansion that was to come. It was Sapa Inca Pachacuti who began the transformation of Cusco from a small city-state into the mighty Incan empire ... read more
Coricancha, Temple of the Sun, Cusco
Dan & Janice, On the "Throne" at Qenko
Horseriding thru Inca Ruins

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