Blogs from Machu Picchu, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 14


South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu October 1st 2012

October 1, 2012 Starting Elevation 2680m (8792ft) 4th Camp - Cusco!- Warm Bed and Shower Well here it was, the day we had all been looking forward to: Day 4 Inca Trail and time for some Machu Picchu action! During the briefing the night before we decided to get up even earlier than we had been, 3:30am if memory serves me correctly...the deal with this day is to reach the Sun Gate by sunrise, and with this only being about a 4km hike it wasn't going to take everyone in the camps is thinking the same thing; dreading the thoughts of traffic jams on the trail for this final leg... So we were up and doing our final packing, saying goodbye to our porters and tents before making our way down to the was ... read more
Crack of dawn at the Control Point...
Control Point
View from the trail...

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu September 29th 2012

Inca Trail ending at Machu Picchu, 4 miles - Day 4 - Up at 3 am to get in line with every other person in every other group to hike to the Sun Gate. Like waiting in line for a concert. Everyone is getting a little testy, the hike has been much more demanding than most people realized. Even the Canadians seem ragged. The last two days were mostly downhill and rainy, causing everyone to rest at every chance. Because of this, we actually passed some of the LA contingent for long stretches and they were FURIOUS to the point of fighting with each other. We couldn't stop laughing about it, how ridiculous and unaware they were. The Brazilians were fighting with each other too. Anyone who's ever heard Brazilian Portuguese being screamed would agree that ... read more
Dad at Intipunku, the "Gate of the Sun"
Machu Picchu / "Old Peak"
We Made It!!

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu September 28th 2012

Die Entscheidung, mit einem Teil meines noch reichlich vorhandenen Jahresurlaubs nach Peru zu fliegen fiel eher spontan. Christoph ist zwei Monate durch Suedamerika unterwegs, und nach den ersten drei Wochen mit Hanne wollte ich also nun zu ihm stossen. Mit sehr leichten 7.5 kg musste ich in Muenchen nicht mal Gepaeck einchecken, was mir beim Wechsel der Fluglinien in Bogota eine Einreise nach Kolumbien zum Gepaeck einchecken ersparte. Das Boarding Ticket gabs einfach am Gate. Nachts um zwei Uhr fand ich Christoph und Hanne in einem abgesprochenen Hostel in Lima auf. Nachdem die Haupstadt Perus ausser vielen Einwohnern nichts sehenwertes zu bieten hat, und Hanne wenig Zeit uebrig hatte, nahmen wir den Comfort-Business-Class-Bus nach Cusco. Nach knapp 24h Fliegen also 20h Busfahren. Psyched. In Cusco angekommen besorgten wir uns im Kulturministerium Tickets fuer Machu Picchu. Nac ... read more
Nachtbus von Lima nach Cusco
Cuscos Plaza de Armas
Cloud Mountains

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu September 18th 2012

I feel that every trip I've taken so far has been a blessing. I've definitely grown as a traveler and as a person, and I feel so lucky to have been where I've been. For our trip to Peru, we went for a week and concentrated our time in Cusco, Machu Picchu, and spent a little time in Lima. I had a lot of fun planning this trip, I just couldn't fathom being dropped off in Cusco with no idea of what I was doing or looking at... so I researched for about 5 months. Everything from the Incas to how to avoid altitude sickness in Cusco (11,200 ft. above sea level). So lets start with that... these are my 4 recommended tips for anyone worried about altitude sickness in Cusco: (1) Drink lots of GATORADE!! ... read more
Cusco Landscape
White Water Rafting with Mayuc

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu September 18th 2012

The trekking to Machu Pichu took me to Aguas calientes (a obligatory stop for everybody). I arrived on the 18th at arround 17:45 at the train station, where the new guide was expecting us. Leo showed us our accommodation, this last night we stayed at a hostel not in tents. We had 30 minutes to take the first shower in 3 days and meet the rest of the group for diner. After diner I walked around town, which is not big, and saw the surroundings. This little town atmosphere, feeling and lookings can be compare to Baños or Montañita in Ecuador, Mancora in Peru, Yangshuo in China, Koh-Tao in Thailand. Around 10pm and 2 Pisco Sours later went to my room - a big and exhausting day was expecting ... read more
Up there is the goal
Photo 4
Photo 5

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu September 9th 2012

We arrived in Lima and headed out on a culinary tour of the city that began with pisco sours. Alex got behind the bar to mix together the Peruvian drink made with pisco (a grape alcohol), egg white, lime, simple syrup, and bitters. At our next stop, we had appetizers, including beef heart and ceviche, at a restaurant nestled among Incan ruins. We ate our main course while watching a show of various South American dances. The next day, we met up with our friends and had a delicious lunch at La Mar. We checked out the Plaza de Armas and got some rest before our flight to Cuzco the next morning. After a day spent acclimatizing to Cuzco’s elevation of 11,000 feet and drinking Starbucks for the first time in a year, we went with ... read more
Weaving Alpaca Wool
View near Pisac
Machu Picchu

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu August 31st 2012

We were a little bummed that we didn't plan our trip enough ahead of time so we could do the trek up to Machu Picchu, but minus a few obnoxious fellow tourists, the train ride to the base town of Aquas Calientes was pretty spectacular. The town itself can be described as "cute" being nestled in the base of the mountains with amazing greenery surrounding it and lacking any kind of access from public roads. This town is the only jump off point to going to Machu Picchu, so obviously is pretty touristy and not lacking in the touter department. Our hostel was super ghetto, but we weren't too concern because we were only going to sleep for a short while so we could catch the first line of buses up the mountain to Machu Picchu. ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu August 13th 2012

Hola, einer der Hoehepunkte meiner Reise: Machu Picchu - von Quechua auf Deutsch uebersetzt: Heiliger Berg! 12. August: Um 7.30 Uhr morgens war ich am vereinbarten Treffpunkt fuer das Collectivo (Kleinbus) nach Hydroelectrica. Ich wurde schon nervoes, als das Collectivo um 8 Uhr noch immer nicht am vereinbarten Treffpunkt war. Doch kurz danach war es soweit und ich stieg in das volle Kleinbustaxi ein. Hier traf ich auch wieder den Franzosen Kevin und die Argentinieren Diana welche ich vom Machu Picchu Ticket office her kenne. Zufall dass wir das selbe Fahrzeug hatten! Mit an Bord andere Machu Picchu Pilgerer und auch 3 kommunikative Chilenen. Die Fahrt begann. Die ersten 5 Stunden auf asphaltierter Strasse durch die Taeler der Anden mit nicht enden wollenden Serpentinen und wundervoller Aussicht. Gelegentlich fuhren wir auch bei kleineren Inkaruinen vorbei. Nach ... read more
Machu Picchu Crew auf dem Weg nach Los Aguas Calientes
Machuu Picchu Conmigo
Loco personas cruzan el puente

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu August 9th 2012

El Camino Inca (the Inca Trail) The Inca Trail had been on our respective bucket lists forever. And it completely lived up to our expectations. The climb was hard, but the rewards magnificent and experience unforgettable. What follows is a more complete commentary than for other places we have visited. We hope you enjoy the story. Inca Trail day 1 As planned we were on the Peru Treks minibus by 0540 and we were the first. We then wound our way through the streets of Cusco picking up fellow trekkers, the guides and some of the porters. It was quite cold and everyone’s gear was piled into the bus. Around Cusco clearly many others were going through the same process. Some buses more luxurious, many trekkers going further down market. At various key spots, the cook ... read more
On top of the Andes
The easy way to Machu Pichu - by train!
Setting out on the trek

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