Blogs from Machu Picchu, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 15


South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu August 9th 2012

Today we got on the train to travel up the Inca trail to Machu Picchu. The view was very pretty, and I was glad to see green again. We got up in the afternoon, and hopped on a bus up to Machu Picchu park. They limit the number of visitors to about 3000 per day, so you have to have your ticket ahead of time. Getting up there, we left the rest of the slowpoke group behind (good thing too, because they didnt even get through all of it) and took the extra guide for just us four. The view was spectacular, and learning about the history was so fascinating. They have one temple, the sun temple, which has two windows- one sunlight comes in during the winter solstice (June 21) and the other during sunrise ... read more
The Family
Face in the Mountains

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu August 6th 2012

Had just finished reading An Idiot Abroad where Karl Pilkington visits the seven wonders of the world. Machu Picchu had been the only seventh wonder of the world that he had been remotely enthusiastic about my expectation was high. Maybe my trip was tainted somewhat before it started because I was unable to do the trek I wanted due to poor health and opted instead for a two day tour. However having the company of Jane and knowing that we were arriving at Machu Picchu before sunrise still filled me with excitment. The first day of the tour; started with seven hours sitting on the back seat of a mini bus with three others on some of the bumpest roads I have ever encountered (and that is saying something). Dust and dirt stuck to my skin ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu August 6th 2012

And so this is the end of the road. The path that we set out on, have been enthralled with and challenged by, shed tears of happiness and anguish upon, have thrived and stumbled upon, the road that we have travelled for almost nine hundred days enters its final chapter. There have not been many things that we have done along this colossal journey that could be construed as taking the easy option, instead choosing to challenge ourselves along the more difficult path whose rewards are often all the more rich for the effort. It was fitting then that we should end our adventure in that exact vein, taking the long way round to Machu Picchu via the mountain pass of Salkantay, a five day trek to reach one of the most astounding places in this ... read more
Morning Mist
Tree at Machu Picchu
Clouds about the terraces

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu July 27th 2012

We had unfortunately left our Machu Picchu planning a bit late, so were running around like a couple of headless chickens the first day in Cusco. We had also idiotically decided to go to a major international tourist attraction, slap bang during the time that all the travel guides advise you NOT to go! That is, during mid high season and right around the time of Peru’s Independence Day – 28 July! Oh well... Machu Picchu only allows 2500 people a day and tickets have to be reserved online then paid at the Cusco municipal office within 6 hours. Tickets also book out at least 2 days prior. There is also no vehicular access to the town of Aguas Caliente, the tourist town below Machu Picchu, so you either have to book a train in, or ... read more
Camouflaged Municipal Office
Official looking Officials

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu July 17th 2012

Ok! Adam is sleeping so I am trying to post some of our photos.... they might be sideways...just turn your computer :)... read more
dorota 002
dorota 003
dorota 004

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu July 16th 2012

dear friends and family, last night we returned from our andes adventure. i should mention that i´m on very little sleep and left my travel book in the room, so spelling of cities and such will be suspect, also cuzco, as i was spelling it previously, will be now spelled as cusco. it seems to switch back and forth -- like my brother, teehee. we took a train from aguas caliente to ollytambambo and then a taxi to cusco, dropped our bags and head out (late!) to see the virgenes de cameron festival and hook up with two of our team members/friends from the trek, neal and finlay from scottland, for proper beers and cider. so let´s back up. this will be hard to describe and may take a few posts. maybe even a little bit ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu July 8th 2012

From Arequipa it was on a plane to Cuzco (the Incan Capital), and after dropping our stuff at the hotel we headed out for a walk around the city. It's quite a lovely city with the Incan culture evident throughout, although it is very touristy as Cuzco is the base for many people doing trails leading to Machu Picchu. During the afternoon Nick, Ted and I went and visited a church which had been built on top of the ruins of an Incan temple, the contrast in the buildings was quite evident. It was probably my favorite church/chapel I have seen so far. Day two in Cuzco took a small step back from culture and took on a more adventurous theme, Nick and I heading out to Action Valley to do the worlds highest bungee slingshot ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu June 30th 2012

Day 3 We slept in a little bit, avoiding the alarms as much as possible. The walk to get breakfast was met with lots of Buenos Dias from everyone but no one actually meaning that it was a good morning. The hangover heads were visible from well across the valley I’d say! Luckily for us we opted to do a zip lining morning rather than trekking for the morning so I was glad of that! A small group opted to trek so we were divided for the first half of the day. We arrived at the zip lining and to be honest I hadn’t really thought about it, just that I wanted to try it cos we hadn’t done it this far. We got geared up in our very attractive harnesses, braking gloves and helmets and ... read more
Zip Lining
Zip Lining
Machu Picchu morning trek

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu June 23rd 2012

Our Machu Picchu tour guide's name was "Hamilton"; he commented that it was an unusual English name for a Peruvian. He told us we had the choice of an early start the next day to see the sunrise at Machu Picchu or to catch a later bus and have a more leisurely start to our day. The forecast was for cloud and some showers so we opted for more time in bed. The day dawned cool and dreary with cloud so our alarm clock choice proved to be the right one. We caught the bus to the top of the mountain with lots of other people. Wow, what a ride! It seemed like we were going backwards and forwards up the side of a cliff. We found Hamilton at the prearranged spot at 8:30 am where ... read more
Our guide Hamilton
First view of Inca Bridge
Lunch at Toto's House Restaurant

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu June 22nd 2012

The first part of our journey to Aguas Calientes, which means hot water, was aboard a bus which stopped at historic sites through the "Sacred Valley". After our 8 am pick up, we made our first stop at a very ordinary market to stock up on coca products and drinks. It was best described as a useful toilet stop. Then it was on to Complejo Arqueologico Pisaq which is an historic hill top settlement. The road went through a series of switchbacks and as we rose high above the valley we could see impressive Inca terraces and the remains of a village. After exploring the Pisaq site, we decended to the Pisaq market where we viewed a silver jewellery manufacturing operation before travelling to our lunch stop. Everyone on the bus had paid different prices for ... read more
Ollantaytambo terraces
Train to Aguas Calientes
On the way to Aguas Calientes

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