Blogs from North, Ecuador, South America - page 7


South America » Ecuador » North » Quito July 2nd 2018

Almost ten years that I've dreamt of going to South America, and here we are! First stop on our 3 month exploration of this diverse sub-continent was Quito in Ecuador. We based ourselves at the Juana de Arco hostel in the old town. A very nice place to stay however get a room away from the main road as it is noisy almost all of the time. We took a walk around the old town and saw the main plazas under a grey sky which later cleared up. Quito is quite hilly and at 2800 masl you do feel the breathlessness creep in when going up any incline. Taxis are plentiful and a cheap way of getting about quickly and more safely (just make sure you get them to put the taxi meter on). The taxi ... read more
Quito views up top of Teleferiqo

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito June 14th 2018

Montag, den 11. Juni, habe ich Kolumbien verlassen und bin nach Ecuador gegangen. Verschiedene Leute hatten mir Horrorgeschichten von diesem Grenzübergang erzählt und gesagt dass dort so viele Venezuelaner die Grenze überqueren möchten, dass es Stunden oder sogar einen ganzen Tag dauern kann dort rüber zu kommen. Also hatte ich entschieden sehr früh dorthin zu gehen und hatte mir ein Taxi für 6h morgens bestellt. Allerdings kam und kam der Typ nicht und so bin ich um 6h20 losgegangen und habe mir ein anderes Taxi auf der Straße gesucht. Die Grenze ist nur um die 7km von Ipiales entfernt und so war ich dann gegen 6h30 dort, aber ich konnte kaum meinen Augen glauben bei dem Anblick der sich mir dort bot! Es waren bereits mehr als 100 Leute dort in der Warteschlange um Kolumbien zu ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North June 14th 2018

On Monday, June 11th, I left Colombia and entered Ecuador. People had made me afraid of this border, telling me that there are so many Venezuelians trying to cross the border that it can take hours to cross here. So I had decided to go there very early in the morning and I had ordered a taxi via the apartment I had booked for 6AM, but they guy never showed and so, at 6:20, I went to find another taxi in the streets of Ipiales. The border is only 7km or so from Ipiales and so I got there around 6:30AM, but I couldn’t believe my eyes when I got there! There was already a line of more than 100 people waiting to exit Colombia! Fortunately, there was a nice guy trying to make me exchange ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Cotacachi June 4th 2018

Hola Amigos! I was a bit lazy about taking photos this past month. Thanks to Colin and Michelle for letting me use some pics they took. There are more pictures than there is text, so scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "next" if you want to see them all. Colin is a friend of a friend who has become a friend of mine...he comes to Ecuador every year to climb an Andean peak (or two) and occasionally he'll come and spend a few days in Baños as well. This time he was with his lovely wife, Lori and two of their friends. We went out for tapas at La Tasca and since there were 5 of us we ordered one of each thing on the menu. Delish!! After dinner, needing something sweet, ... read more
Vegan Dinner
Happy Birthday Shana!
Shana's Birthday

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito May 10th 2018

Ecuador's Capital: Quito (05/05/2018-07/05/2018) Quito is the highest capital city in the World... at a whopping 2,800m! The airport is pretty far away from the centre, so I caught a bus (1 hour), then taxi (1 hour) with a Colombian girl from Cali (hilariously, we made friends via Google Translate). We had arrived just as a very rainy and loud thunder storm started. Jeez.. I couldn't believe how lovely our taxi man was.. so lovely in fact that, I got his number in preparation for using him for the next 2 days. But when it came to the last stop.. my hostel.. he tried the whole "mucho traffic" "no change" game and wanted to charge me $20; not quite the price of $5 he initially requested. At this point, I reflected upon the time our dear ... read more
The Middle Of The World
The Changing of the Guards
Large Crowds at The Plaza

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito » Historical Center May 7th 2018

It was cold and raining when we woke up and went down to breakfast. The four of us sat and discussed what we would do as we had a whole day in Quito until our flight after midnight. We decided to get a taxi and go into town. It was the first time that Don and I had been into town which was about an hour’s drive from the airport. Fortunately the weather improved somewhat, but it remained cool and overcast all day. The taxi service that the hotel used was a limousine service! We piled into the immaculate car and went into town. Caroline and the taxi driver were chatting in Spanish and we added our comments in a mix of Spanish/English. The journey into town was quite staggering. The road crossed a deep ... read more
El Maple vegan cakes
Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito April 28th 2018

Up again ridiculously early, our bodies still had not adjusted. We davened and ate a yummy Shabbat lunch. Fortunately the hotel maintained 24-hour free coffee and tea in the lobby so we could have our early morning coffee and a cup of tea later. Mostly we had a lazy day in the hotel reading! I can recommend "House of Spies" by Daniel Silva. In the evening the four of us walked to the airport mall. We only had slight crossing problems considering the lack of pedestrian foot paths. Although the roads around the airport are four-lane fast roads there was not much traffic. .... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito April 27th 2018

Quito is the capital of Ecuador and is 2,850 metres above sea level. The word Ecuador is Spanish for equator and the central square of the city of Quito is located about 25 kilometres south of the equator. It is the second highest capital city in the world, the first being La Paz. Quito is located on the eastern slope of an active stratovolcano in the Andes mountains. When you travel into the town from the airport one wonders at how some of the houses manage to cling to the mountains as they seem to be precariously balanced. But more about our journey into the city later in the blog. We had arrived after midnight at the new Mariscal Sucre International Airport which opened in February 2013. It is the busiest airport in Ecuador and is ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito April 26th 2018

Up at 6 to receive the good news that our bags were waiting for us at the airport. Both our host and hostess had arisen too early yesterday, being unsure precisely when and how we would get to their home. So this morning only Art got up to call a cab and see us off. The cab (Lyft - much much less than a regular taxi) arrived expediently and off we drove to the airport. We found our two delayed bags!!! Our plane took off late and we had a bit of a bumpy ride to Houston. At Houston we found our daughter Caroline and her friend Max and boarded our flight for Quito, Ecuador. We arrived there after midnight with all the bags! We quickly checked into the Wyndham Quito Airport Hotel and went to ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito » Historical Center March 31st 2018

Pour ceux qui pensent que voyager est un plaisir, voici le résumé de ma journée de changement de pays. Pas d'agence pour organiser le voyage et ne se soucier de rien, pas de bus direct entre Quito et Pasto ou Cali pour faciliter les choses et pas de budget pour prendre un avion. Réveil matinal donc à 7h00 pour quitter l'hostel à 8h00. 15 minutes de marche avec les sacs jusqu'à l'arrêt de bus pour prendre le trole (trolley) en direction de la gare routière. 30 minutes de trole ensuite avant d'enchaîner avec 5h de bus jusqu'à Tulcan, ville frontière avec la Colombie. Le point positif c'est qu'il y a des bus toutes les 10 ou 15 minutes et au-moins je n'aurai pas à attendre dans la gare routière. Arrivé à Tulcan, des taxis attendent à ... read more

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