Blogs from Cali, Colombia, South America - page 2


South America » Colombia » Cali May 12th 2014

21 mai 2012 : Lever à 7h30. Nous passons prendre la maman de Socorro avec Maria-Clara et sa fille Alejandra. Nous partons pour Monterico voir Eleanor, une autre amie de Socorro, dans sa finca. Nous rentrons ensuite à Cali et rendons visite à une tante de de Socorro puis nous rentrons chez Maria-Clara, mangeons des lasagnes et allons nous coucher à 21h45. 22 mai 2012 : Nous faisons nos adieux à Maria-Clara, Alejandra et à la maman de Socorro et nous rendons à l'autre extrémité de Cali, chez Diana et Julio, d'autres amis de Socorro. Nous avons encore quelques problèmes avec le GPS qui nous fait tourner en rond. Nous finissons par arriver à destination et rendons la voiture chez Hertz, avec laquelle nous avons parcouru près de 1 000 kms (plein fait pour 96 000 ... read more

South America » Colombia » Cali March 22nd 2014

Monday 17th March (Odyssey Day 129) We didn’t leave until 0900 today so there was plenty of time for breakfast. Hannah, Joanna and Mike are staying on an extra day and will catch a bus to meet us in Popayan. The truck was only half full today, with only 13 passengers on board. It feels so odd, even though we know that 5 people are going to re-join us in the next few days. We stopped in a town called Buga for lunch and had just enough time to visit the Basilica del Senor de los Milagros, which is the cathedral there. It is quite a grand looking building with a pinkish brick façade. The inside was also beautiful and a few of us actually took the time to have a good look within. Ellie and ... read more

South America » Colombia » Cali February 18th 2014

11 mai 2012 : Départ pour la Colombie. Pour cela, nous arrivons à Orly-Ouest à 8h10 pour un décollage à 11h55 direction Madrid où nous arrivons à 14h00. Le système d'orientation est très mauvais (pas de bureau d'information) et nous tournons un peu en rond avant de trouver quelqu'un qui puisse nous aider. Finalement après être arrivés au bureau d'enregistrement, on nous annonce que l'avion de la compagnie Avianca qui doit nous emmener à Cali a un problème de moteur. Du coup, nous nous retrouvons à l'"Auditorium Hôtel" de Madrid où nous passons la nuit. Le temps d'arriver à l'hôtel, nous prenons notre repas de midi à 16h45 et notre dîner à 21h30. Les informations venant d'Avianca ne sont pas claires et nous allons nous coucher sans savoir à quel moment nous allons pouvoir partir. Voilà ... read more

South America » Colombia » Cali January 10th 2014

8 January 2014 – Wednesday We awoke to cock crown this morning as though we were in the countryside although we were in fact in an area of many small workshops. Shortly after the cock crowed the pounding and sawing and hammering began; the workers start work early here. The hotel provided coffee and scrambled eggs for breakfast. We went out and found ourselves in the middle of an area filled with small work factories and workshops, including a street dedicated to printers with old print machines circling and ejecting the pages of what looked like brochures and textbooks. We walked passed on workshop where they had a McDonalds golden arch in their warehouse. We walked a few blocks to the centre of Cali which is full of shops selling clothes and shoes and costume jewellery, ... read more
Cali Day 1 012
Cali Day 1 006
Cali Day 1 001

South America » Colombia » Cali January 9th 2014

Again we woke early, this time to catch the 6:30am bus to Cali. The journey of nearly 500 kilometres was scheduled for 8 to 9 hours (in actually it took 12 hours). It wasn’t quite as bone-jarring as the bus from Medellin to Bogota – or perhaps are bones are getting used to the jarring! The scenery in the mountains was equally spectacular – long vistas of shades of green, beautiful mountains and very deep ravines, plantain and banana plantations stretching up the hillsides, fields of cocoa plants and sugar canes. Clusters of small houses, a few shops and usually a couple of places to eat. At the summit of one of the mountains a small hand-painted sign in front of a small house stated ‘Alaska’. Along one of the steepest and most-twisting of the mountain ... read more

South America » Colombia » Cali June 28th 2013

Cali has now become the city I have spent longest in on any of my travels, and the title of this blog is their motto, roughly meaning “Cali is Cali, and the rest is in the hills/over there” (i.e. not as good as Cali!!). I had best laid plans to only stay there two days, but like all best laid plans they were brilliantly interrupted when I met a beautiful Colombian girl, Erika. Wanting to spend as much time as possible with Erika led to me renting a room in a shared house for a month at the bargain price of £130, fully furnished and all bills included!! It was located in the historic quarter of Cali, San Antonio, and even came with a newly added roof terrace that had beautiful views over the city – ... read more
La Ermita
Moody clouds
Meal together

South America » Colombia » Cali May 17th 2013

Before arriving in Colombia I had heard nothing but positive reports from other travellers that had recently visited, with many saying with a knowing look that I would end up spending a lot longer here than I expected! I hate to pander to the stereotypes but they were exactly right, as I've already been here 6 weeks and this may be the first country where I have to do a nifty quickstep across the nearest border to renew a visa, as the three months I was given doesn't look like its going to be enough! The trip didn't start too auspiciously with a looooong bus (close to 24 hours instead of the expected 14-15) from Ecuador, which reached the southern town of Popoyan so late in the day that all the buses to my intended destination ... read more
Another hike, another cracking view...!!
I found this photo from my year five art class...
Partying too hard...

South America » Colombia » Cali January 19th 2013

Its been a while, so I'm going to break down some of the main events over the last 4 months, starting with halloween. On halloween, 11th grade of my colegio (my class) was in charge of dressing up and parading around the school for the amusement of the younger grades, ending at the school auditorium. There, we climbed on the stage and led the school in dancing. I had dressed up as PSY so I had to lead the whole school in the "Gangnam Style" dance. Very un-halloween like, but super fun :) Just like back at home, there were people dressed up all over Cali, walking down the streets, and in the malls. November, my grade began practicing for a theatrical presentation that my colegio presents every year called the "macro proyecto." This was the ... read more

South America » Colombia » Cali January 19th 2013

Just Pictures and a Map of my trip to the Pacific Coast and to Sevilla!... read more

South America » Colombia » Cali » San Cipriano September 30th 2012

My voyage to Colombia was an epic 10 hours, with 2 layovers in Houston and Panama City. My second layover in Panama City was made worthwhile by meeting one of my dear friend's mother, Alma Martinez. It was good luck, or fate perhaps, that she should be working that very day in the airport. As I made my way off the plane and down the corridor into the terminal, I was greeted by a young man holding up a sign with my name, who then escorted me to Alma’s mother. I knew it was her before she'd even stood up; I saw the same glow, and confident smile that I’ve gotten to appreciate over the past several years. We had a nice time chatting over coffee, and made phone calls to Alma, and even to her ... read more

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