Blogs from Valparaíso, Valparaíso Region, Chile, South America - page 31


South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso April 29th 2008

So, Its been a bit too long, and actually a lot of cool stuff has happened. I guess I'll back it up to the weekend before last... I had a really relaxed weekend mostly hanging out with friends and Zach's chilean family. His baby host sister, Amanda or Amandita, turned 1! The whole house was full inside and out of friends and family celebrating one very small one yearold's (who napped through half of the fiesta) birth. When she wasn't sleeping she was being a GREAT baby. Letting everyone hold her, talk to her, and tug on her pretty new dress. After a HUGE meal of meat, meat, potatoes, meat, and of course cake (2 kinds!) we headed to the church to see Amandita get baptized. The family planned this way ahead of time knowing it ... read more
Pablo's House
Pablo's Art

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso April 16th 2008

Comfy, soft spongy chair, 'ah...' I thought twiddling with the reclining button and getting the angle just right. Santiago sped by and I closed my eyes. Six or seven hours of countryside awaited, there would be plenty of time to look out windows. I felt a gentle prod on my shoulder and looked up. The young man dressed impeccably in a freshly ironed uniform handed me a pair of headphones. I smiled, 'gracias...; and closed my eyes. Moments later he was back, placing an unexpected pillow under my neck. Before we had left the city he returned carrying newspapers. 'El Dia?' I think he said in a hopeful tone, and I shook my head, smiling. I had just switched on the iPod and was listening to David Kitt singing about park benches in Dublin when he ... read more
Iglesia Santo Domingo
Iglesia San Francisco

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso April 15th 2008

Day 193 - Monday 31 March After waking up getting breakfast and spending a bit of time on the internet we headed over to the bus station so we could get the bus down to valparaiso. The journey took about 8 hours and on the way i noticed that Chileans seem quite keen on fitness. There were loads of gyms and they were all packed, maybe thats why theres hardly any fatties even though they eat tonnes of burgers. We finally arrived about half eight in the evening so as it was starting to get late we were quite glad that the hostel hawkers were still at the bus station. After finding somewhere (many of the hostels over here aren't actually hostels but somebodies house and you just rent a room), we were pretty tired so ... read more
Pretty church
Graffiti in town
Ascensor I rode

I was just looking quickly over other blogs & can´t believe that I´ve been to some of these places. It seems surreal. You forget how beautiful the places were & the photos only capture a fraction of it. Anyway next stop was Valparaiso,a Unesco world heritage city. Again we were met by a fella at the bus station that pointed us towads a great hostel, right in the centre. Valparaiso is a hilly city & has lifts for those of whom the climb is a bit of a struggle. We were based right beside the 2nd oldest lift.....the Cordillera lift but I can confirm that we never took the lift, despite the 163 steps to our place & the rancid smell of urine...both human & animal on the hike up the steep steps. We arrived there ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso March 28th 2008

Hello all welcome to the latest South america update, right where to start. Our Plane was delayed once again by 6 hours meaning we had to spend another 6 hours in our lovely hotel, that part was good, unfortunatley it meant getting up at 5am to go to the airport and having to spend a 13 hour flight wide awake with nothing much to do (except for play cards and make paper sculptures) We finally arrived at Santiago and checked out at 8. we were then immediatley pounced upon by some over friendly Pedros who were very keen to help us out we were suspicious but too jet lagged to put up much of a struggle, long story short they gave us a taxi which charged us waaay too much to get to the bus station, ... read more
Wined and dined at the beach
Me with a random spanish student
Cutting peaches for our wine...with a credit card...

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso March 20th 2008

So, its been a while since I last updated this site and so now i have ALOT to say. I will do my best not to ramble so that it doesn't turn into a book, ok? First of all, I am doing great--alot better than a few weeks ago, when i had to stay home sick (strep, sinus infection, and anemia!) but no worries, i am much better now, on antibiotics, and feeling great. Plus, i was not the only one--almost all 26 students came down with something or another and had to take a day or so off at least. Thankfully, SIT was EXTREMELY accomadating and totally understanding so it was no big deal that we missed some stuff. Luckily, I started feeling better just in time for last weekend, which was my grandmothers 80th ... read more
fishy tomatos

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso March 14th 2008

Hello again! Gestern fuhr ich mit der U-Bahn und dann mit dem Bus (2 h) nach Valparaiso. Eine herrliche Stadt am Meer die sich bis hoch in die Huegel hinauf zieht. Fuer die weniger Fitten hat es auch immer wieder einen Lift oder wie man das nennen will. Ich ging natuerlich zu Fuss hoch, rauf und runter. Zwischendurch wieder mal etwas gegessen oder einen Kaffee getrunken. War ein anstrengender aber schoener Tag. Am Abend dann in einer typischen chilenischen Bar etwas gegessen. Heute ging's dann auf eine Weintour. Zum Glueck waren wir nur 4 Leute und so hatten wir die Gelegenheit viel zu erfahren. Beim Weintesten wurde zuegig eingeschenkt. Am Nachmittag besuchte ich dann den Fischmarkt mit einer riesigen Auswahl und genoss dann einen guten Fisch. Einfach herrlich. Was mir in Santiago auffiel ist, dass es ... read more
Steile Strassen in Valparaiso
Lift fuer die Faulen
Hier laesst es sich aushalten!

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso March 10th 2008

I'm a pretty pretty princess! Or at least my host family thinks so... I am NOT allowed to lift a finger when I'm at home. My host mom makes my breakfast the moment she hears me get up (out of the bed she makes everyday), then she takes away all my dishes and sets out my lunch box to take with me to school. My laundry is done EVERY day and my room is constently neat and tidy. When my host mom isnt there to make my breakfast or my little dinner (once, remember?) one of my host sisters do it. Its actually kinda overwhelming and a little awkward but I'm sure Ill manage. hehe. In other news, Viña and Valpo are AWESOME. We spent all weekend at the beach! The weather was so nice and ... read more
HIll top houses
Passion Flower
Crazy Street Art

Hola a todos, A few days ago, after I got off the metro and started making my way towards the bus stop (I was coming from Vina del Mar, where our classes are, going back home to Valparaiso) and it started snowing! Well not really, but it kind of seemed like it; instead of snow falling from the sky, it was ashes. For the past week there have been numerous fires (incendios) around the city, including one gigantic forest fire that is way, way up on the hills. Apparently, Valparaiso has a big problem with fires in the summer because it is so dry here and because of the strong winds. My host mom was telling me how it is normal to have a few fires every summer, but this particular summer has been one of ... read more
Cleaning up

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