Blogs from Coyhaique, Aisén, Chile, South America - page 2


South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique April 16th 2012

Before hitting the road, I had worked 3 months at a hostel ( The reason being 1. so that I could improve my Spanish, and 2. so that I could become a little bit more assimilated before I set off to travel by myself. After several goodbyes and toasts, I was finally sitting on the plane to Santiago. There, I had an American from Flagstaff, AZ, next to me (check out his website at This was somewhat coincidental, because I had worked in Prescott, AZ, for a couple of summers. Furthermore, James Q, as this Arizonian is named, spent the previous day with a mutual friend of mine (this will become a theme, I am sure). We chatted the entire trip to Santiago exchanging stories. But despite the distraction of conversation, I felt that I ... read more

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique January 4th 2012

Hi all! Many thanks for the messages, we can really see people are on holiday and have more time on their hands! We can´t believe our holiday is drawing to a close, with less than 2 months left and still so much to see!!! We left the island of Chiloe and went back over the Andes to Argentina, to the tourist town of Bariloche. Here, we had made plans to hike in the Nahuel Haupi nature Reserve. While driving to Bariloche, we were surprised with the overcast conditions despite a clear sunny sky forecast. As we drove further we noticed this fine grey dust everywhere which just got worse and worse. We drove past a sign saying Puyehue Reserve we then realised it was the ash of Volcano Puyehue (or something like that) which erupted last ... read more
Catedral Hike
Catedral Hike
Catedral Hike

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique January 3rd 2012

Hello dear readers, here I am again, struggling to learn how to use the spanish keyboard. Anyway, I made it safely to Coyhaique with about half of the group. We all met in Santiago, as three of them had missed their connections and one was supposed to be on my flight anway. Another joined us at the airport and (happy day) all my luggage came through. Others were not so lucky. Patagonia is breath taking. It is different and familiar and exciting, comforting, dramatic, domestic, and any number of other positive superlatives. I cannot fairly describe what the country side is like here. We drove from a flat plain up through ridges dotted with funny round evergreens that were bent by the wind (sound familiar?) into mountain passes that were stunning, granite walls rising straight up, ... read more
Las Salamandras Hostel
Las Salamandras Hostel

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique March 24th 2011

The next leg was around 330km from Cochrane to Coyhaique, with the last 100km being paved road. We left Cochrane the day after the Rodeo and made our way up some steep ascents until we reached Lago General Carrera, which is supposed to be one of the biggest bodies of water in South America. Our first view of the lake was awesome as we´d be climbing for a while and saw it as we reached the top - quite a nice reward! We spent a day cycling round the lake and asked a farmer to camp on his land that evening. Luckily Aline is fluent in Spanish so they invited us in for matte and coffee. They also gave us bread and homemade jam which was awsome. We did the same the next night and got ... read more
Lago General Carrera
Filling up the water bottles
Camp site view

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique November 21st 2010

Last weekend in Patagonia I will never forget. Everyone wanted to spend time with us and say thanks for our time spent here. My school prepared a special "once" for me where we shared stories from the last couple of months. They gave me presents and thanked me for all the work I had dedicated to help their kids. The regional Ministry of Education put together a special presentation in English about our time there. And lastly, my host family had an asado with "cordero parado" which for those of you who don't know it, please Google it. It looks amazing and it tastes even better. We'll I guess this is it for Patagonia for now. But I ate some calafate which means that I'm definitely coming back!... read more
Me and Jessica, my host mom

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique November 15th 2010

I have one week left in Patagonia... ONE WEEK! I can't believe 5 months have gone by this fast! I nearly didn't get to do things that I wanted and got to do a whole lot more that never new I would do. As for school, this week I've planned a lot of fun games and activities for my classes so that the kids remember what a good time we had together. With my 5th grade we played tons of games that had to do with body parts such as "Simon says" and "Head to toe". With my 12th grade I designed a treasure hunt. They ran up and down the school for half an hour deciphering clues only to find out the treasure was learning English. Of course! I also gave them lollipops. I still ... read more
Helping my kids
Foot to knee!
My 5th Alamo

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique November 14th 2010

There are few beautiful Spring days in Patagonia where the sun shines with no clouds around and the temperature rises to a comfortable 15 degrees. We've had a full week of those. To celebrate, my host family decided to have a cookout and eat outside on the backyard. We ate sausages, hot dogs and pork while enjoying the nice but strong Patagonian sun. Note to self: wear sunblock otherwise you'll get burn after an hour outside. On Sunday my host dad had the wonderful idea of having a picnic outside by the river. The kids got so excited they put on their bathing suites and decided that they would go in the water. I, of course, followed and got in the second most freezing water I've ever bathed in my life (first was Vermont in late ... read more
Our table
Back of the house
Rufo & Pipe

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique October 22nd 2010

As part of my involvement in the English Department, I conducted a Spelling Bee competition at the elementary school I work at. I invited all the kids to participate voluntarily. As a result, I had more contestants than I needed. I had to carry out a preliminary round the day before the competition so that I could have 5 kids per grade left. The competition was done by rounds were two grades participated at the time. The whole competition was carried out in English so sometimes it was up to my applause of lack of to notify the parents, teachers and students that they had spelled correctly or incorrectly a word. Chilean kids are always full of energy and I was a little worried that they would misbehave during the competition. On the contrary, they were ... read more
The feared podium
With our 1st grade spellers
The audience

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique October 15th 2010

Because of all the hard work teachers invest in students in Chile, Teacher's Day is nationally celebrated as a holiday. Students come to school for a half day filled with celebrations and food. I've never eaten so much junk food in Chile in one day! After the feast, the kids prepared some musical numbers for our enjoyment. For our afternoon off, the elementary school teachers and I had an "asado" at the Coyhaique Reserve. We ate even more food and shared stories about our kids. Teachers do really love their jobs. For dinner, the whole school got together to share a good meal and some dancing. ... read more
One of our little angles
Teachers at Laguna del Toro
Playing around

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique September 24th 2010

In order to make English a bit more approchable we had some 7th graders prepare a skit about the Bicentennial. We started from the beginning, from the discovery of Chile and the significance of copper. Then we recreated the first National Council of Chile of September 18, 1810. It was here where Chileans decided that they should be able to represent themselves in the world and not let the Spanish do it for them. At that time, it wasn't the Chileans intention to separate from Spain but the Spanish Crown took it too literally. They fueled a feud which started what became to be known as the Chilean War for Independence which was the end of our skit. Chile's Declaration of Independence was signed on February 12, 1818. This means that Chile is officially 192 years ... read more
The Spanish threating the Argentinians
Girls in costume
Kids in classroom

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