Blogs from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America - page 14


South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro August 13th 2015

Hi All, Today we went on a full day tour to Sugar Loaf Mountain, Maracana Stadium, Christ the Redeemer, Sambadrome (Rio Carnival strip), Saô Sebastião Cathedral, beach tour, and a buffet lunch. We booked up through the hostel for approx. £40, we thought it would have come close to this cost if we were to have done each attraction by ourselves, and it was stress free and we had an English tour guide. Our first stop was Sugar Loaf Mountain, which is a peak that lies at the mouth of Guanabara Bay and rises 396m/1299ft above the harbor. The tour included the two cable cars that took us up for panoramic views of the city. People can opt to just do the first cable car, if you go by your self, but the views are much ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro August 11th 2015

Hi Followers, So our first day in Rio, we started by looking at all the tours available, and whether it would be cheaper to do them on our own or on a tour. We worked out there was not much in it and the tour would explain everything and have the added history so we decided on the full day tour including Sugar loaf and Chris the redeemer with a few other things included. We booked it for a few days time. We walked to Botafogo beach today, which was a 5min walk, it was nice but the water was dirty as the yacht club was there so they had emptied out the bilges and all the engine oil so we decided to walk to Copacabana. We walked through the traffic tunnels to get to Copacabana ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro August 10th 2015

Hello All, So today we had an 1100 o’clock bus to Rio booked up online. In the morning we updated our phones, had our free breakfast, made chicken and cheese toasties to take with us for lunch then checked out. The couple we did the walking tour with were heading to Rio as well so we all walked to the Metro station then got the Metro to the bus station. It was only 8 stops on the metro so we got there about 1000, this turned out to be a good thing because when we checked our E-tickets it never said which company to go to, to get the tickets. After asking every company in English and bad Spanish we finally got our tickets and made the bus at 1100. It was 6 hours to Rio ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro June 11th 2015

We arrive in Rio de Janeiro yesterday and settledinto our hotel The Windsor Excelsior right on Cocobana Beach. Several of us took at tour to see the FAVELA's. There are 1200 favels in this city of 12 million. One million people live in the favels. These are the homes of the very, very poor. It was very facinating, emotional, insightful to see how these people live. It explained the social and political differences of the very poor. One house is built on another up the sides of the hill. They pay no money to the state. Water is delivered and stored in blue buckets on the roof. They have electricity provided by the government. They work, go to school, live and socialize in these communities. It was shattering to see but very informative. Our tour lasted ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty June 10th 2015

Wednesday 10th June 2015 Parati, sometimes spelt Paraty and pronounced Parachi, is a well-preserved Portuguese colonial town, in the south of the state of Rio in the “Parque Nacional da Serra Bocaina” (the Bocaina National Park). Building regulations are severely strict, resulting in a completely unspoilt environment, with lethal cobbled streets, artisan craft shops and a wonderful winter tropical climate; it would be somewhat harsher in the summer. The rainforest-clad mountains reach down to palm fringed beaches where horses bathe in the water beside fishermen stringing their nets. It is a little piece of paradise, or as the Brazilians would say, “um paraiso”. The only thing lacking, in our opinion, is good food. South America just does not seem to have the culinary skills found in Europe or Asia. Here in Brazil everything is served with ... read more
Another Catholic church down a pretty cobbled street
Another church beside the canal
Traditional transport

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande June 7th 2015

The journey from Rio to Ilha Grande took seven hours, not three, from 10.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. It is only 130 km south of Rio, but this is Brazil! After a delayed start, stopping and starting to pick up passengers, we finally made it out of the city by midday. On the outskirts of Rio, the favelas (slums) are never-ending. We have seen plenty of slum districts before (and stayed close to a few) but we have never seen anything on the scale of Rio. It is not surprising that there have been massive demonstrations against the expense of hosting the Olympics: billions of dollars and it is doubtful whether the citizens of Rio will reap any benefit from the event. The bus stopped after about 80 km and the driver told everyone it was ... read more
Another room with a wonderful view!
Praia Julia
Praia Arbraao

Wednesday 3rd June 2015 Our journey back from the Rio Mamori to Manaus was without incident as was the four hour flight to Rio, which arrived on time at 23.15. Since we were arriving late at night, we had asked for an airport pick up to the hotel, which we had booked online before going to Mamori, but since we hadn´t received any confirmation, we were half expecting not to get it and we didn´t! However, it was easy to get a taxi and we got to our hotel just after midnight. After the jungle experience, we wanted a bit of luxury, so booked four nights in a nice boutique hotel in the old district of Santa Teresa, which justifiably boasts the best views in Rio. From our spacious 15 square metre terrace, we have a ... read more
Out of the jungle...
A room with a view
The Corcovado and Redeemer to our right

Puisqu'en trois mois nous avons bouclé les questions de revenus (boulot), logement et transport (voiture), Carlos a activé son mode anti-procrastination et a décidé que malgré notre faible réseau et notre capital inexistant, le moment était venu pour nous de commencer un projet culinaire pour mettre un pied dans le milieu de la gastronomie carioca. Ainsi nait Cozinha pour tous.... Cozinha voulant dire ''cuisine'' je vous laisse deviner le concept : Face à l'envolée des prix des bars/restaurants à Rio et profitant de la vague Masterchef qui est arrivée l'an dernier au Brésil, attisant (comme elle la fait en France) la volonté des particuliers de bien manger, Cozinha pour tous propose des menus dégustations de 3 à 5 plats (boissons incluses) en petit comité (15 personnes max) à un prix accessible. Je vous laisse découvrir les ... read more
Conchiggliones farcies saumon épinard
Vittelo Tonato et pop corn de capres
Pannacota e seu jardim colorido

Ça y est! Nous voila propriétaires d'une nouvelle voiture citadine. A nous les voyages dans les villes et états voisins !!! Fenêtres ouvertes, planche de bodyboard ballon et paréo sur la plage arrière sur des sons de axé (musique brésilienne de l'état de Bahia, c'est le type de musique que l'on danse autour de la piscine au Club Med).... Vivre près de la mer n'a pas de prix. Certes, c'est un peu comme avoir une piscine un babyfoot ou un billard, on l'utilise les trois premières semaines et après on sait qu'il est là mais on y va quasiment jamais. Sauf que la mer c'est mieux. ?... read more

Le boulot en poche il nous faut désormais trouvera un logement pour pouvoir laisser Gabrielle et Ricardo tranquilles et trouver un endroit à nous. On peut tout à fait comparer une recherche d'appart à Rio et une recherche d'appart à Paris : le prix c'est le même voir plus cher (par rapport au salaire minimum), la qualité des habitations c'est la même (des bâtiment des années 70 qui mériteraient un bon coup de lessive), et la galère de la garantie est aussi la même (si tu n'as pas de garant dans la ville de Rio c'est encore plus compliqué).... sans parler évidemment du stationnement. Nous quittons donc le quartier de Taquara pour aller nous poser, toujours dans la zone Ouest de Rio, à 800 mètres de notre nouveau boulot et à 10 minutes de voiture de ... read more
Vue de la Nouvelle maison
Dedicace Sonja et Marko !!!

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