Back to Rio

Published: July 20th 2006
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There was only one reason for us to head back to Rio and that was for the Copa Final between Flamengo and Vasco Da Gama. To pass the time, the afternoon was spent visiting Sugar Loaf, 396 metres high overlooking Rio. The views from the top were spectacular and i'm sure even the photos don't justify how amazing it was.

Early evening, Rio was buzzing with everyone awaiting the kick off between two of Rio's big guns. Fans lined the streets constantly letting off fireworks and singing. Arriving at the Maracana was unbelievable, the atmosphere was something i've never experienced at a football before. We were standing in the Flamengo end so it would have been suicidal to have supported Vasco. I can't describe how noisy it was inside the stadium but the fans were always chanting whilst letting off red smoke bombs and dancing like lunatics to the beat of drums. We felt safer once we all bought Flamengo bandana's and some local guy even taught us the chants which roughly translated to "F**k off Vasco!!"

Thankfully Flamengo won 2-0 so the fans in our stand were happy and celebrating unlike the Vasco fans who were looking to settle the score off the field. Whilst walking through the crowds back to the minibus, armed riot police ran past trying to stop the street brawls not far from us.

The rest of the night was spent drinking with everyone from the hostel whilst being entertained by Gareth and Butler on the guitar. A good end to what was probably one of the most exciting nights in Rio.

Photos to follow.

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Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


1st August 2006

Biggest Fan
I am your biggest fan. It's hard to look at the pics, brings back too many good memories. Keep having the time of your lives. Wash x

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