Ihla Grande

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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande
July 20th 2006
Published: July 27th 2006
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From the hectic city of Rio, Gareth, Matt and I headed south to Ihla Grande. The hostel we stayed in was located at the end of the beach with great views looking out over the small island. For such a small island we assumed that there would not be much to do except chill on the beach all day, play a bit of football and try and body surf the huge waves. So that is exactly what we did for three days.

The most strenuous part of the day was actually getting to the beach which involved a 2 1/2 hr trek over what felt like a mountain which was more a big hill (more than one I may add) and through what was a jungle although it could be argued it was a laid out path through a load of trees. Anyway, it was well worth sweating 2 stone of body weight to reach what was an amazing stretch of beach to sunbath all day and attempt to swim/stay alive against the massive waves in the sea.

During one evening, we sat in a bar in the main square and watched some locals dance all night which was highly amusing the more beer we drunk and listened to Mr Sleepy McSleeperson tell his boring stories. Gareth, Matt and I were unfortunate enough to have to share a room with this guy who looked like a slim version of Keith from "The Office" and constantly narrated his life stories in his monotone voice. Apart from that he was fine.

There seemed no valid reason (except to leave Mr Sleepy McSleeperson ) as to why we should leave sunny Ihla Grande to visit some waterfalls but Gareth and I left our new mate Matt and started a 27 hr journey to Foz do Iguazu.

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