Day 3….sun, more sun, dancing, alcohol and 8 sillly Germans.

Published: March 28th 2007
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Wow! Today was fantastic! (like any day of this trip will be anything less…) I woke up around 8 am, had my breakfast in my hotel before I got ready to do whatever. I wasn’t exactly sure what my day was going to bring, because I didn’t have any tour scheduled until 1930, so well after the sun sets. But hey! Right outside my hotel is the Copa---Copacabaaaanna!!! (sing it.) Copa is about 3.5km from one end to the other. And I’m at one end, literally… So I decided to walk it. I was kinda hoping to randomly meet with some of the ppl from yesterday’s trip, but to no avail. ‘sall good though. I walked the 3.5km…it was about 35degrees (about 95f). I didn’t realize how sweaty one can get…and then it dawned on me!! Every woman I see is walking around in a bikini top and shorts, or just the bikini itself…I was thinking to myself “I should have worn my 2piece, but I’d still be all icky cuz it’s like wearing a shirt. SO, I stopped and bought a bikini. Hey—who am I going to worry about judging me….from the looks of it-anything goes in lovely Rio de Janeiro. There were Grannies in bikinis…OLD grannies. So ain’t no thing if I do it, right? EXACTLY! When in Rome… after I made my refreshing stop, I was still about 2km from getting back to my hotel. Walking around makes a girl wish she had coffee…so I stopped at a quaint little café off the beaches and in the city streets. My Portugese is still lacking quite a bit, but I do know Café com leite (café con leche) por favor! (Coffee with milk puhleeze).

I finally made the trek back to my hotel to get my towel. A day like this….I NEED THE BEACH! By this time it was about 130pm. Yea, I spent about 3 hours walking around town. The next 3 hours were spent absorbing as much sand, water, capaihina, and sun as I could. I met a nice Argentinia woman. One problem…she spoke Spanish…no English…and I speak much less Spanish that I can understand. So she could talk to me but I couldn’t respond…unless I looked it up in my PORTUGESE book. Lol. LEARN Spanish….gotta work on that.

Well After I was sufficiently burned (just my shoulders and my nose…) I went to get ready for my dinner. I was joining a tour group for another bout with a churrascaria and a Brazilian dance show. I was lucky, I met up with Lesa and Simon, a cool Aussie couple that was on my day trip thru Rio the day before. Once the tour guide picked us up, she informed us that we were the only 3 English speaking folk on the tour and a group of 8 Germans would be joining us. They were great! They did speak a slight bit of English, so that’s good. And I don’t know ANY German. I started to feel like a silly American—not knowing any other language but my own, but it was okay… all of us knew BEER. So we had a common ground.

After dinner we went to Botofogo--another area of Rio—for the dance show. THAT WAS FANTASTIC! The show started off with native dances and worked the way through Brazilian dances up to Carnival…The costumes were great…and the MEN… oh my. I’ve said it before….MUY GUAPO (I don’t know the portugese way to say it…) but OY! Part of the show was the men doing some Brazilian Martial arts. They are awesome! They can move so damn quick! The night ended with the women in carnival costumes having the audience all come and dance. So Lesa and I joined in. it was the perfect ending to a perfect day….Tomorrow I sadly leave Rio….I will DEFINITELY come back here. I think it’s my new vacay spot. Hmmm. Well, off to Fox do Iguazu. (Iguazu falls). I can’t wait! It’s going to be wild! Here’s a few pix from the show tonight….including a mirror pic of me in my Bikini…don’t judge. 😉


3rd April 2007

Barry Manilow would be proud!

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