Blogs from Paraná, Brazil, South America - page 4


South America » Brazil » Paraná » Curitiba June 27th 2015

We recently read a review of the Serra Verde Express train journey, written by an Australian guy who has travelled extensively and done some interesting things, like kayaking across Sydney Harbour and horse riding in the Australian outback. He said that his sensational ride on the Serra Verde Express in Paraná, Brazil, was “up there” with all the rest of his travel experiences. This kind of recommendation cannot be ignored, so we decided to ride this train. Would it live up to such high expectations? It did! Our Serra Verde experience this week was certainly up there with all of our other travel highlights and the Atlantic Rainforest is up there with other outstanding scenery that we have been fortunate to see, like the Grand Canyon and the Amazon. This train journey, through the Atlantic Rainforest, ... read more
"Do not lean out of train windows!"
"Unless you are in Brazil!"
Crossing a gorge

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Curitiba June 23rd 2015

Oh, we are struggling with the Portuguese language and it seems to get harder the further south we go! Or perhaps it is just harder because we seem to be the only foreign tourists in Brazil right now! The word for bus station, in Portuguese, is “rodoviária” but the “r” is often, but not always, pronounced as an “h” so one needs to ask directions to the “hodoviária”. Now here in Curitiba (pronounced “Cuhichiba”) the bus station is also a train station for the famous Serra Verde Express, which we are going to journey on tomorrow. The train/bus station is called the “rodoferroviária” and it is pronounced as the “hodofehoviária”. Tomorrow, when we catch the train we are going to a town called Morretes and this is pronounced ... read more
"Rua 24"
Pedestrian street in the city centre
Curitiba is a garden city

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls June 12th 2015

The day started out cloudy and it even drizzled a little in the Brazil national park. The entrance to this national park was more well developed and structured. The park itself however was much smaller. Most of the waterfalls are located in the Argentinian side. This meant that the view from Brazil was spectacular. We weren't given a lot of time to walk through the trail (in my opinion anyway) but I still managed to enjoy the view immensely. Towards the end, just as we were leaving, the clouds parted and blue skies could be seen. The sun peaked through and I prayed for a rainbow. And not 5 seconds later, a rainbow appeared over the water falls. I have never been this excited or elated in my life. It was so beautiful. In the afternoon, ... read more

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls May 12th 2015

I was awake quite early but felt miles better having caught up on my sleep. We weren't meeting until 10am, so we had a leisurely breakfast, chatting over fruit and coffee. In the lobby, Santi explained that we were getting the bus to the Brazilian side of Iguassu falls, which has about 30% of the water falls. We were waiting for the bus as we were going with another group for the next couple of days. I think I'd once read somewhere that Iguassu was one of the natural wonders of the world. They seem to have different wonders of the world these days, natural world, modern world man made world.... Either way the pictures looked fantastic and I was so looking forward to going here. In my mind it would be one of the highlights ... read more
Morning chiccos!!
Map of the falls
Sam at start of the falls

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls March 26th 2015

We awoke at 7 am and planned to visit the falls at the opening time of 9 am. It was to rain this day, but they said it would start after noon. Well, the opposite happened. Bernadete made a wonderful breakfast for us and then drove us to the bus stop. It took about 20 minutes to get to the falls by bus. It had begun to rain very hard, but what can you do? You are there to see the falls and must march on no matter what! We thought about waiting to see if the rain would stop, but decided to put on our ponchos and head out on the trails. The first sight of the falls was amazing! There are no words to describe it and the photos do not do any justice. ... read more
Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Hotel das Cataratas

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls March 6th 2015

We flew to Fox do Iguacu in Brazil from Rio. It was a short flight and the taxi ride to our hotel was only ten minutes. We arranged for our taxi driver to pick us up in the morning and take us to the Brazil side of the falls. Iguazu is a park in two contries and each is run seperately. The Brazil park is in Brazil of course. The Brazil park accepts credit cards so we paid with a credit card and went in. They have buses that take you through the park. You can get off at different stops. Everyone including us usually takes the bus to the end of the line where you walk along a path and walkways to view the magnificent falls. At the end, the walkway takes you close enough ... read more

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Foz do Iguaçu February 5th 2015

2 février 2015 - Jour 108 Nous voici arrivés à Puerto Iguazu, à la frontière avec le Brésil, porte d'entrée pour aller visiter les chutes d'eau d'Iguazu, partagées entre les 2 pays. L'idéal est de visiter les chutes des 2 côtés car elles n'offrent pas les mêmes panoramas: du côté brésilien on bénéficie d'une vue d'ensemble de tout le site avec des points de vue plus panoramiques tandis que du côté argentin on peut s'approcher très près des chutes, en les surplombant. Comme nous allons ensuite continuer notre route au Brésil, nous commencerons donc par le côté argentin. Avant de quitter le terminal de bus, nous achetons tous les billets nécessaires pour ces 2 prochains jours puis nous nous rendons à pied à notre hôtel pour déposer les bagages. Il est 8h du matin, le climat ... read more
AR - circuit inférieur
AR - Gorge du Diable

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls January 31st 2015

26. Januar, Iguazú Mit dem Bus sind wir zum Nationalpark gefahren. Gleich beim Eingang haben wir ein Ticket für die Bootstour am Nachmittag gekauft. Im Park sind wir mit dem vollgestopften Tram Richtung „Garganta del Diablo“ gefahren. Die Iguazú Wasserfälle bestehen aus 20 grösseren sowie 255 kleineren Wasserfälle auf einer Länge von 2.7 km, einige sind bis zu 82 m hoch, aber der Grossteil ist 64 m hoch und die Wassermenge schwankt von 1500 m³/s bis 7000 m³/s. Bei dieser Menge an Wasser musste Fabian sehr auf die Kamera achten, dass diese nicht zu nass wird. Nach 3/4 Stunden konnten wir uns vom Wasserfall lösen und sind mit dem Tram bis zur Mittelstation gefahren. Da kamen die ersten Nasenbären auf uns zu und suchten nach Essen. Es gibt extrem viele dieser Tiere hier! Wir gingen weiter ... read more
Argentinien Iguazu 2
Argentinien Iguazu 3
Argentinien Iguazu 4

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls January 12th 2015

Despite the arduous overnight bus to get there (a collapsed bridge meant we had to catch 4 buses over 20 hours), it was with great excitement and anticipation that we arrived in Iguaçu Falls. Having heard from many people that it was one of their highlights in the world, we were eager to get a glimpse of the enormous falls that straddle the border of Brasil, Argentina and Paraguay. Before we left Australia, we’d researched a lot and having read up on Brasil decided it might be easier to chose a (relatively) small part of it to focus on in the month we allocated. For that reason and because we would have been on the road for a long time, we booked an organised tour with Tucan Travel. The “Falls to Rio” tour was 10 days ... read more
Viewing the Argetine side of Iguacu Falls from the boat was an incredible experience
The power of the falls was unbelievable
Finally captured a coati on film without it moving too much

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls October 28th 2014

Oh, they are cute and seemingly friendly. But beware these are wild animals that only appear tame because they want only one thing...whatever food you may be carrying. They look like a cross between an aardvark and a raccoon. They run in packs and are very determined. They WILL attack you and leave nasty wounds. Signs proliferate with warnings but people being people still feed them because they think they are sooooooo cute. This only leads to more bad behavior on their part. Go to 'you tube' for the 'attack of the coatimundi' video and you will see exactly what happened to a woman in my group. She was completely unaware that the animals were even near as they lurk the the foliage. When they smell food they come out in packs and attack. Just a ... read more
Devil's Throat

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