Blogs from Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina, South America - page 63


South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza December 8th 2006

We had one main task to do today and that was to send a parcel to the Simmonds family in time for Christmas. Having walked the 14 blocks to the DHL office we found it closed. This was pretty annoying as we'd been in there a couple of days earlier asking about opening hours and they didn't mention they would be closed on Friday (today). We then tried the 2nd office we knew of, with no success. So we (well, Ed) spent the rest of the day lugging this large bag around with us. Very well travelled presents even before they have been sent anywhere! We visited the large, well kept park for a couple of hours. Quite an amazing place which must be down to plenty of sunshine and plenty of water coming down from ... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza December 7th 2006

Mendoza is a lovely town. Most of the world only knows of it because of its wines, but it's a good place to visit for plenty of other reasons. With a week or so here you could head into the mountains for walking, rafting and mountain biking. With a bit more time you could try and climb Aconcagua, South America's highest point. That's actually quite a hardcore mountaineering expedition, which the owner of our favourite hostel in Alaska did a few years ago - he's from Mendoza and his pride in his hometown is the reason we're here. We gave activities a miss today and explored the streets, parks and cafes. We also finished off gathering our Christmas presents for shipping back home. That's a bit of a story in itself but would ruin the surprise ... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza December 6th 2006

Today we embarked on a bike and wine tour of the Maipu wine region south of Mendoza. We got to pick our mountain bikes, with paniers in case you might have extra luggage on the way back. After Gemma chose what looked like a child-sized bike Ed tried to get a discount, but language problems scuppered that idea. We started off with a wine museum and vineyard, taking a cursory look around their old-fashioned wine making things before tasting some of their special 'museo' wine at 11am - we started the day as we meant to go on. This was a special wine only for tourists on wine tasting tours and it tasted about as expensive as its price tag (free). We didn't realise it at the time but looking back this was probably our first ... read more
Exclusive parking for our bikes
We got a bit muddy

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza December 5th 2006

The bus arrived in Mendoza in the morning and once we had settled into the hostel (Lazares - clean and quiet) we headed out to explore. It was a pleasant change walking the streets in summer gear. We had a perfect temperature and it was just a perfect summer's day. Very welcome after wearing pretty much all the clothes we have with us - at the same time - for the last month or so. After a delicious al fresco lunch we managed to pick up a number of Christmas presents for the rest of the Simmonds family. We even managed to get Gemma to a decent hairdressers for a haircut, despite the horror stories we had heard of purple/orange hair dye and bad cuts. Most of the time spent in there was trying to explain ... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza December 1st 2006

All we knew about Mendoza was that it is the wine capital of Argentina, that it has 300 days of sunshine a year and that everyone we knew who´d visited loved it. We thought these references where enough to develop rather a "cockins" route to include it in our itinery. We flew from Buenos Aires to Santiago in Chile, spent an unremarkable night there and headed off in the morning for an 8 hour bus journey back the way we had come into Argentina and Mendoza. We arrived in Mendoza and made our way to Lagares, which is a great little hostel. It seems to be run by a local family and this gives it a great homely feel. They are also very helpful in making sure that you make the most of your stay. They ... read more
Amazing views from the bus as we crossed back over the Andes
Mendoza city park
Traditional Asado at Lagares Hostel

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza November 26th 2006

Our last 18hr South American bus journey, from Bariloche to Mendoza, was probably the most fun of all the bus journeys taken. It was comfortable, the food was good, time to get to Mendoza seem to go quite quick and the biggest highlight of the journey was winning a bottle of wine at bus bingo in Spanish. Mum - you would be so proud of your daughter, all those years of practising with you paid off. To the disappointment of some of the locals on the bus, (l´m sure a lot of them were thinking ´not that roudy gringo chica in the back..´) it made a very pleasant and interesting bus ride. Over 1000 active wineries in Mendoza makes up over 70% of the Argentinas wine. The minute l set foot into this city it spelled ... read more
Overlooking Mendoza
Nadia and Lou all strapped in

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza November 21st 2006

Well from Chile to Argentina was the plan and so i have headed over the Andes to the Argentinian city of Mendoza. This involved an 9 hour bus which i decided to take during the night. I have been informed afterwards that it is probably best done in the day as the views whilst crossing the mountains are just spectacular. My trip was also slightly ruined by a bunch of 15 old woman telling jokes to each other from around 8pm til 3am, and the border crossing which took 90 mins standing out in the freezing cold (-5C) with nothing more than a t-shirt, jumper and long pants. Mendoza is beautiful though and well worth the trip over for anyone thinking of visiting here. It is the wine hub of Argentina and although i have not ... read more
Rafting in Mendoza
Rafting in Mendoza
Rafting in Mendoza

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza November 11th 2006

Landed in Mendoza at 8pm (after a six hour stopover in Buenos Aires) and it was still 30c heat. Struck lucky with a cab to the hostel, by a cabbie who was let down by someone, so got it for half price. Hostel owner is from Derby, which made everything easier. Today was supposed to be spent doing a lovely half day tour of the wineries, instead for Zoe anyway, it was spent with a massively aching bum and a bicycle that was too big for her. Wineries visited - 1 Wineries supposed to be visited - 4 Was Zoe happy NO!! Leon on the other hand enjoyed his 12km bike ride, as he had a bike that fitted him and still managed to push me along when i was flagging. More trips to the gym ... read more
In the Vineyard
Through the Vineyards
Tango in San Telmo

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza November 10th 2006

(Me llamo Ryan) You might wonder about the title. It refers to the Royal treatment we´ve recieved in Mendoza so far. First off, we´re starting to get use to the Argentine meal schedule. So, before we came to mendoza we went to dinner at 10. Standard. Well, we went to bed at 12ish or so and had to get up at 4 for our 615 flight out of BA to Mendoza. My bad on the scheduling. OOps. So, we arrive in Mendoza and checkin to out nice little boutique hotel ($65 a night - probably $200 in US)...and are soon thereafter we were greeted by three smiles. One, Mattias - good friend and business partner of Steve Clifton (winemaker of Palmina), his Father Pedro, and their gigantic german shepard, Gabo. We hopped in the truck and ... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza November 6th 2006

1th of nov---5th of nov ,Cajon Arenales,with nacho and pachi ,climb with pato,5days trip.windy and hight elevetion(camp2500m), so sometime very cold for belay.sometime cold rock .and alpine rock so sometime rotten and rough rock. but it was great climbing.rout name " armonifca" (3400alt)and "mejor no hablarde ciertos cosas" (rout 500m long)was super good!!I love there. Santiago から車で6時間 アルゼンチン アンデスの山々の反対側です。もちろん目的はクライミングそして待望の大自然の中でのキャンプ標高3400mまだまだ雪も少し残ってる。あんまり違う国に来た実感なし。でも食べ物若干やすいかも?特に肉!ステーキセットが400円!! ... read more
looks good
pato on"aguja el choete"

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