Blogs from Aconcagua, Mendoza, Argentina, South America


South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Aconcagua March 4th 2016

Destinazione Puente del Inca. Di cui ovviamente nessuno sa niente al terminal. Chiedo a tutte le compagnie, a tutte, nessuno sa niente. Quando spunta il botteghino di lei, la compagnia che passa con nomi random a random ore senza che nessuno dica niente, quella delle 30 ore senza mangiare o bere. Il signore al banco mi sorride, a me scoppia una colica. Lui ci va a Puente del Inca mi dice, basta prendere il bus per Mendoza e chiedere all'autista se ti fa scendere. Generalmente il 95% degli autisti ti fa scendere, aggiunge dopo che ho comprato il biglietto. L'atavica sfiga se la ride, per lei 95% è come sparare sulla croce rossa. Arriva il bus, guardo in faccia l'autista. Me lo sento già prima di chiedere. Non mi fa scendere, mi dice che non è ... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Aconcagua December 1st 2015

On Monday, we met for breakfast at 7 AM, to be ready for our pick up at 8 AM by Kahuak Tours and our high mountain guide for the day. This guide turned out to be Martin, who had a constant smile on his face, laughed easily, and was joyful of an opportunity to go into his beloved mountains. Unlike the wine tours, the Aconcagua Experience was not a private tour, but we were lucky that there were only two other people joining us that day, a young Brazilian couple from Sao Paolo. Small world, we all soon found out that we all, us, Martin, and the young couple, had been at Andeluna the day before. During our drive, Martin spent the time giving us a detailed background of this area of the Cordillera, their formation, ... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Aconcagua January 25th 2015

Today I crossed over into Chile from Argentina. The entire trip passes through the Andes and on both sides the views are dramatic. There are rivers, a disused railway track, tunnels, desert, canyons and mountains and famous points that we were told about during the tour such as Punta de Vacas where the 3 rivers meet in the Andes. It is a beautiful day. It’s a pleasant journey with the warmth of the sun radiating through the window keeping my arms and legs warm whilst the bus is nicely air conditioned and we are being served food and pepsi.... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Aconcagua January 22nd 2015

Alta Montana tour The guide showed us various spots in the Andes and told us about various disasters and mysteries that had occurred in the mountains throughout history. I was intrigued and loved hearing the details and it left me with desire to see a lot of films and read a lot of books that I previously hadn’t known existed. Amongst the stories was one about a Uruguayan plane which crashed in the mountains and the survivors walked to the Chilean border to get help. We also heard about a plane crash involving a UK plane which in 1947 was carrying war veterans, pound sterling, documents regarding the war and gold. It came down due to bad weather. There were no survivors and years later all the bodies were found in perfect condition due to the ... read more
Mendoza's artificial lake
route 7 which leads to Santiago

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Aconcagua January 21st 2015

I took a bus tour to Alta Montana where the guide explained all in both English and Spanish. It was great for me because I could listen to the English explanation to get the general idea and the Spanish explanation to fill in the details, and re-check again by listening to the English version and asking more questions. The geography of Mendoza, Anconcagua and the Andes The tour started with the artificial lake created to act as a reservoir to supply water to all the people in Mendoza which then is brought down from the mountains and then transported through open canals which pass through each street in the city. It was built in 2005. This lake is the only source of water for people in Mendoza and in right now in the summer months ... read more
three condors in the sky

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Aconcagua May 11th 2014

Cinquième étape : L'Argentine ! Olà! Qué tal biene?! Arrivée en Argentine hier soir avec un changement radical d'ambiance. Il fait chaud, il fait beau et les gens sont tous conviviaux. J'ai choisi de faire escale à Mendoza car c'est une ville partagée par deux types de populations. L'une est d'une pauvreté reconnue et l'autre partie au contraire, étale sa richesse sans scrupule. J'ai été choquée de ce triste constat.. J'ai un ami qui m'avait déjà parlé de cet écart de richesse affligeant qui s'exposait de façon assez perturbante sous nos yeux et devant ce spectacle, je me sentais coupable de la chance que j'ai de vivre dans une ville dont le patrimoine est reconnu par UNESCO. (et où il fait vraiment, bon vivre!) La collaboration entre ces deux ethnies est compliquée, ce qui implique notamment ... read more
Felicien et Jobba

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Aconcagua April 18th 2013

For our last full day in Mendoza, we had booked ourselves into a high mountains tour. Speaking with a French guy at the hostel, he mentioned that we should go to the Cristo Redentor de los Andes (Christ the Redeemer of the Andes), a monument placed on the border of Argentina and Chile on the old highway between the two countries at 4000 metres above sea level. The intention of the monument was to signify peace between the two often fueding nations. The only way that we could get to the monument was via a tour, which also took us through other parts of the old highway, and included the Puente del Inca (The Inca's Bridge). After being picked up at 8am, the first stop was at the entry to the Villavicencio nature reserve. Some 40000 ... read more
Half way up the pass
Made it. Top of the the first pass

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Aconcagua March 17th 2013

4:25 p.m. We have been sitting on the bus at Chilean immigration control since 3:45. We were warned of a multi-hour wait because of how tightly they check, particularly for absolutely anything resembling a fruit, vegetable or meat product unless it is pickled in a jar or can. Plus, the luggage is x-rayed, including hand luggage. Our group responsibly brought activities for waiting on the bus, so all is calm. I don’t mind the wait, because we have spent the last seven hours riding through the fabled Andes in perfect, sunny weather! We left Mendoza City at 9:30 this morning, leaving behind vineyards for dry scrub. As we began climbing into the Andes Plata Range, I was surprised at how friable was the rock – almost un-pressed sedimentary rock. The further we went, the more... read more
El Puente del Inca
Entering Chile

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Aconcagua July 18th 2012

Snow Journey--Aconcagua Don't know when I'll make it to Everest, but here I am at the highest mountain outside the Himalayas! Mighty Aconcagua, at 6962 meters/22,841 feet, and her sister mountains and volcanoes soar at the apex of the 7000 kilometers of the Andes Cordillera. From the trail, they seem so accessible, yet they've filled the Climbers' Cemetery below with an international throng. It's winter, and I've slip-slided my way up an icy trail in Aconcagua Park to view the peak somewhat up close. Occasionally, I stepped off the slippery, 3-hour trail to avoid falling but then sank knee-deep in snow--much more dangerous. In my beloved Caviahue, I'd once sunk so deep, all my thrashing to extract myself proved futile, and I had to wait for someone to come along and pull me out. Here, there ... read more
Los Libertadores Pass--steep Chilean side
incredible multi-colored cliffs
monument in to a fallen climber in the Mountain Climbers' Cemetery

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Aconcagua December 25th 2010

Finally got around to posting and annotating photos from December's trip to Argentina. A synopsis of the Aconcagua climb is provided in case anyone is wondering about the details. Note: $1 = 1 ARG peso and at the time of the trip $US1 ≈ 3.9-4.0 pesos. Day -2, 12/9/2010 - Spent the day in Atlanta after a red-eye from Seattle. Slept in the terminal for about 3 hours til 9 am before grabbing some breakfast and heading downtown for the CNN tour which was kind of lame. The long, uneventful flight to Bs As left around 8 pm. Sadly no upgrade since it was a frequent flier ticket but that did not preclude me from asking. At least I had an exit row for the 10 hour flight. Day -1 - Arrived on time in Bs ... read more
Champagne is Served on the Ride to Mendoza
Crossing the Muddy Horcones River
Confluencia Campsite

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