Blogs from Catamarca, Argentina, South America


Wie verließen Villarica, fuhren am Villarica See entlang und am Villarica Vulkan (denen ist wirklichnicht viel eingefallen), durch Täler und einen Pass hinauf zur Grenze nach Argentinien. An Grrenzen immer die gleiche Prozedur: Warten, Auswanderung ich, Warten, Auswanderung Motorrad, Warten, Kontrolle, Weiterfahrt zum nächsten Häusl; Warten, Einwanderung ich, Warten, Einwanderung Motorrad, Warten, Kontrolle, Weiterfahrt. Kann problemlos mehrere Stunden dauern. Heute war's nicht ganz so schlimm, aber es zog sich schon. Dann Schotterstraße, vorbei an Chad's Corner, wo vor 1 1/2 Jahren Chad nach 2 Reisetagen seinen Trip beendete - dem MR fehlte nicht viel, aber er hatte einen Bänderriß und musste heimfliegen. Waschbrett Straße - da kann man entweder meditativ in jede Rille hineinfahren, langsam wieder heraus, in die nächste Rille hinein - endlos so weiter. Da braucht man dann vi... read more

South America » Argentina » Catamarca November 8th 2013

Der erste halbe Tag war schön, der andere halbe Tag war fad. Zuerst ging es das Tal von Cafayate aufwärts, durch Weingaerten und manchmal war direkt zwischen den Weinstöcken ein riesiger Kandelaberkaktus. Sie werden gute 3 m hoch und koennen so dick sein, wie Baumstämme. Momentan blühen viele von ihnen und der Kontrast zwischen den stacheligen Gesellen und den zartweissen Blüten ist fast komisch. Auf einem sass heute ganz oben ein Vogel. Wie macht er das, dass er da landet ohne sich an den Stacheln zu verletzen? Dann auf einen 3000 m hohen Pass, auf der Nordseite diese riesigen Kakteen und schlechte Strasse, auf der Südseite Wiesen und Kühe und perfekt ausgebaute Strasse. Es ging dann schoen kurvig bergab, immer tiefer, und wurde ungemein heiss. Lange Strecke durch flache, argentinische Pampa mit Zuckerrohr, Tabak, Gras, Getreide. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Catamarca March 15th 2013

Tongoy to Copiapo was basically just a run up the Pan Pacific Highway and dicing with the many trucks that ply this route. A couple of the riders missed the gas stop at Vallenar, but as I had extra fuel on board for them, we all made it. Radar made the distance on his trusty KLR. Howard picks up the story from here...... We were sort of on time away this morning, after pumping up the tyres and paying for extras for the rooms, it was overcast and a bit cold, but didn't have the liners in the jacket and pants. First off went to a Cathedral on top of a hill at Coquimbo, which was built as the 2000th year since Christ. Quite impressive. I did a bit of a faux pas in taking picutres ... read more
Ah Hah there it is
Thanks to Nead it!
Don out there

Here we are all safe and sound in Belen, Argentina. Considering the boat only berthed on Sunday, then the container transported on Monday, and we were driving North by Tuesday afternoon, was a great achievement, by all the people involved on our behalf, especially by Gerardo. We made a run for Tongoy, arriving around 10.30 pm. The next day was another big drive up Copiapo, but by doing that, we were back onto our original schedule. We left Copiapo at 8.00 am and got into Tinogasta at 7.30pm. This was a big day for us and the cars, we topped 4747 metres, with the Absolums, little Citrenetta gasping for every bit of thin air that was available, but with love and kind words from Paul, managed to crawl over the summit. See photo. We are all ... read more
Allan and Tony making pace
Another gas stop.
Refuelling the thirsty one

South America » Argentina » Catamarca August 28th 2011

Hi There! Our last full stop was Iguazu falls on the Argentinian side. We had such a great time there! Our hotel was the only one right next to the falls, but on the day which we arrived we just relaxed by the pool and enjoyed the views. The next day though, we got up and straight from breakfast embarked on the adventure! The amazing thing about the Argentinian side is that you are so close to the waterfalls- we could actually stand underneath and get wet! We followed the trail and marveled at the fabulous water features, including Devils Throat. We also made friends with the curious animals there, Coatis, as well as the colourful and inquisitive birds who would land next to us. We stood in a place where you were sprayed by the ... read more
Anna photos 784
Anna photos 796
Anna photos 809

South America » Argentina » Catamarca March 14th 2011

We awoke this morning to the news of the horrific earthquake in Japan, lucky for us, we were heading for the hills, leaving behind us the threat of the predicted tsunami We headed to Andacolla and a warm welcome from the towns folk, when they realised that Rosco ( Brother of Saint Antonio) was back in town. After lots of photos and with Ada taking us to her house for coffee, bread and eggs, with the local media arriving on the scene, I was whisked away to meet the Father of Andacolla. After more photos we said our farewells and headed outa town. We all arrived at Distante in good time for a fabulous Chilean BBQ and some of us went to the Observatory and scanned the night sky, with all of us flopping into bed ... read more
Rosco in Andacolla
Rosco and the Father

South America » Argentina » Catamarca January 14th 2010

Sunday 27 December: Tucuman We arrived in Tucuman feeling pretty good considering that we had been on the bus for 13 hours overnight from Mendoza. I had spent the last couple of hours looking out of the window, initially at the rain and thankfully at blue skies by the time we arrived. We had a breakfast of coffee and medialunas at the bus station before going in search of our hotel, thankfully it had air conditioning. We thought it had been hot before but Tucuman really was hot. Being the Sunday after Christmas the city centre was fairly empty with nearly everything closed. We wandered around for a while looking at the outside of some closed museums, tracked down the town centre cinemas which had either closed down - or now showed programming suitable for over ... read more
Tucuman Cathedral
Government House, Tucuman
Sugar Mill in Tucuman Park

South America » Argentina » Catamarca December 9th 2007

We picked up our spanking clean Chevrolet Corsa and headed out of Salta down Ruta 68 for about 170K to Cafayate. Paved road all the way with spectacular quebrada/canyon scenery part of the way. Picked up a local hitching with two small boys - who fell asleep for the whole ride so the driving must have been OK. Spent a couple of nights in Cafayate. Walked up one of the small hills outside town - great view of the mountains, desert and vineyards. Also went up to one of the bodegas and Andrew went in search of some alleged painted caves at the Cueva del Suri. Involved wandering up and down the hillside in the company of a man possessed from Buenos Aires to eventually find one painted llama and a squiggle. Mmn. From Cafayate we ... read more
Gargantua del Diablo
Is that a Llama?
Cafayate Cathedral

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