Blogs from Oceania - page 7872


Oceania » Australia » Victoria July 20th 1990

Saturday 2nd June, 1990. After three days holed out at The Rucksack Rest, the cheapest guesthouse Sydney’s Kings Cross red light district could offer us, some sightseeing, eating budget burgers (no more cholesterol please) and mulling over our transport options we finally made a decision: we’d go for the car; he has to fly on the third - tomorrow - and will be desperate. We ambled down Victoria Street that is lined with backpackers selling their vehicles: cars, wagons, camper vans and even the odd motorbike. An old VW camper would be great, but they hold their prices really well and even an ancient one is beyond us at 3000 bucks. Spotting those who are desperate to sell is easy. They’ll inevitably be pacing, eager to catch your eye and will flash you a strained smile, ... read more
Kings Cross red light district
A 1976 Ford Falcon panel wagon. This one bearing a go-faster stripe but no roo-bars.
Batemans bay

Oceania » Fiji » Suva May 4th 1990

This entry was prompted by the forum on health by "Talesofawoolleymammoth" as well as by pictures of Fiji recently posted on Facebook by our friend Tom; plus I currently have time on my hands (Ali being back in Britain, looking after her convalescing mum, and it being a holiday weekend here in the States). And so, I've succumb to another self-indulgent retro-blog. Many apologies for using photos pinched from a previous blog ("Twenty two years ago today"), both for the repetition and lousy quality (even worse evidently for having been copied from one blog to another ; the relevant photos are currently inaccessible, but will be substituted as soon as possible). Friday 4th May 1990, Suva, Viti Levu. We arrived from Savusavu on Venua Levu back to the capital, Suva, at the ungodly hour of 6 ... read more

Oceania » Fiji April 26th 1990

With indulgent time on our hands here in KL it occurred to me: where were we on this day during previous trips? Then checking some old diary folders I came across this… The photos are dismal (images scanned from photos taken on a 1970s child's Kodak). Wednesday 25th April 1990; Taveuni, Fiji. An early rise and caught the 9 a.m. bus to Prince Charles beach with David and Oscar. The small white-sand beach slopes down to a chunk of reef that is exposed at low-tide. Fabulous coral and a myriad of different fish made for great snorkelling interrupted only by sunbathing breaks when we tucked into David’s rum. Again there are no buses back and, with no taxis in evidence either, we decided to try hitching rather than face a nine mile walk. Luckily a truck ... read more
Rusi prepares the kava, veranda of Mataitoga family home
Pounding grog
Beach boys near Buca village, Venua Levu

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland February 1st 1990

Part of the motorway (or whatever they call it there) had been closed down for the 100km cycle time trials. The alternative route was grid locked and since we were not in any particular hurry and fancied watching some cycling, we parked up and waited around to watch all the various teams go past. The games were entering their second week when we returned to Auckland to stay for the remainder of our time in New Zealand. We got lucky and managed to get some tickets for the athletics at Mount Smart for the next day. And what a great day it was; men's high jump, men's long jump, women's javelin, men's 400m, women's 200m, men's 5000m, women's 110m hurdles and the 800m wheelchairs. Loads of medals for England. As well as cheering for the English ... read more
Javelin Winner
Victorious Brits
Victorious Brits

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands January 31st 1990

Russell and the Bay of Islands are supposed to be beautiful, but the weather changed all that. We had plans for some long walks, climbing to some viewpoints and a boat trip round the islands, but the rain sapped any motivation we had and we frankly couldn't be bothered. It was a bit of disastrous trip really, but what the hell, we were on holiday. What walks we did try resulted in us slipping all over the place and we got back to the car covered in mud. All the roads were unsurfaced and they had turned into skid tracks. Mike turned a bit psychotic and drove with the deliberate objective of skidding. He loved it, but I must admit that I did not have sufficient faith in his driving to be particularly comfortable with the ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Waitomo January 30th 1990

We got massively lost in Waitomo, which was quite an achievement given the size of the place. The Lonely Planet Guide recommended a hostel so we followed the directions and ended up at a wreck of a hut in the middle of nowhere. If that was the hostel then we were not going to stay there (obviously we'd got stuck-up since Pee Pee Island). When we did eventually find the one which was recommended, it was an improvement but only just. Anyone wanting to spend a night in Waitomo, don't bother! The following morning we visited what are imaginatively called the Glow-worm caves. We travelled into the caves by boat and in the darkness you could see literally thousands of little green lights on the roof of the cave. It was quite magical. Photographs were a ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington January 28th 1990

Wellington is not as big as Auckland but it is New Zealand's political capital. Similar to Canberra and Sydney, or Washington and New York. Wellington was a lot more picturesque than Canberra! There were various scenic looking houses dotted over the hills, in a setting by the sea. It reminded me of some of the places in Northern England, say like Whitby, and the horrendous weather only helped to enhance that impression. We had a quick tour round the town and stopped for something to eat. We also checked out a view point which gave excellent views over the city. The Kiwi's have this annoying habit of saying "'ay'" on the end of every sentence and, by this point, it was seriously starting to wind us up.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Palmerston North January 27th 1990

Palmerston North is not exactly high on the tourist circuit, in fact it's not on the tourist circuit at all. However some of the people from the hostel in Melbourne came from here and we had arranged to meet them for a while. Our meeting point was the Kentucky Fried Chicken of all places as, like McDonalds, these places are not exactly hard to find. I love the subtle way that they try to blend their so called restaurants into the surroundings! We were then given the guided tour, which consisted mainly of various pubs. The climax of the tour was a club that was $20 to get in and then all the drinks were free. That just about sums up our time in Palmerston North - if you find a winning formula stick with it. ... read more
Mount Rutapehu
North Island View
Hire Car

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua January 25th 1990

The scenery in New Zealand is out of this world and it was nice just to be able to drive round and appreciate it. Our first specific destination was Rotorua. This is a must and is one of the main attractions of the North Island, although I dare say some New Zealanders (or Kiwi's as they are otherwise known) might correct me on that one. We checked into the YHA hostel, running the risk of having to do some chores. One thing I must say about the New Zealand hostels is that they are absolutely immaculate. The only problem with this one was the constant stench of sulphur, but then there was no getting away from it in Rotorua There were several thermal reserves to chose from, but the guidebooks gave plenty of tips as to ... read more
Prince of Wales Geyser
Thermal Fields
Thermal Fields

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland January 23rd 1990

Leaving Australia was very sad for both of us. The flights from Sydney to Auckland, and on to Honolulu and Los Angeles were with United Airlines who had been plagued by accidents at the time. The Australians had taken great pleasure in telling me that I was making a big mistake and how they will only ever fly Quantas who had an impeccable record. However bad United's record was, it wasn't a patch on Aeroflot or Buraq and we had survived them no worries (Heaven help me, I'm starting to sound like an Australian, I mean an Aussie). The flight, however, was fantastic and they had obviously been working hard to counter their reputation. The hostel was one of the YHA efforts that expect you to do 'duties', and well early in the morning as well. ... read more
One Tree Hill
Auckland Harbour
Central Auckland

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