Blogs from Queenstown, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 8


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown January 26th 2016

We left Te Anau with the sun trying to shine but we knew from experience this was not necessarily a sign of things to come! The day started off at 16°C and the temperature rose to 25°C as the day progressed. And, wonder of wonders, it didn't rain all day! We hadn't initially planned to visit Queenstown but a friend had recommended the gondola there and, on hearing of that, I just had to go. Unfortunately, Queenstown is a very popular place for all sorts of reasons, adventure sports being one of them, and Steve struggled to find any available accommodation so we were restricted to one night, which is all we could get. We had to blow the budget a bit, but no matter. We took the Scenic Route (Road 97, then Road 6) via ... read more
View from the gondola
View of Queenstown
TSS Earnslaw

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown January 20th 2016

Now in Queenstown, and wow, a really awesome place, well over my expectations. Checked in to a room with an impressive view over the lake, with patio. 10 minutes walking distance into town. Straight away, set off for a meander. Weather cloudy today, so great excuse to look round the tourist shops. Booked in on the shot over jet for Wednesday, as tomorrow forecast rain. The New Zealanders have all said the weather is acting rather strange down to the El Niño, which is really affecting fjord land. All the land is bare scrub instead of lush green. Walked around the quay side, and the peninsula, on it has tennis courts, bowling greens, golf frisby!! Ice skating, and plenty of cyclists and walkers. Then had blue cod and chips on the quay side, before though, called ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown December 13th 2015

I have great news... One Ear has been found! We found ourselves back in Queenstown and had a spare few hours so we retraced our steps. We found him lying face down, bruised and battered, next to Lake Wakatipu at a campsite we stayed at. It appears he had a few adventures of his own whilst we were gone. We are so excited at his return and look forward to taking him on many more adventures - after a little surgery to repair him! As we found him it started raining - we were just in time to stop him getting soaked. As a bonus, the rain caused a great rainbow. As a special treat we took One Ear to Paradise today... but more on that in a future blog.... read more
One Ear's Campsite
One Ear Recovered
One Ear in Paradise

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown December 9th 2015

Queenstown is the destination of choice for most tourists visiting the South Island. The guide books are full of information on this settlement, the 29th largest in New Zealand, with a population of around 13,000 people which sits on the shores of Lake Wakatipu. It has a reputation for extreme beauty and extreme sports. If I hadn't seen other parts of New Zealand, I would have been impressed however, on first sight, it paled in comparison to areas such as Wanaka, Fox Glacier and Abel Tasman. Needless to say, the sports held no interest at all to me. To get to Queenstown we drove over the Crown Range from Wanaka. This is the highest main road in New Zealand. The first half is extremely boring - you drive up a steep hill in a v-shaped valley. ... read more
At the Ice Bar
Arrowtown Chinese Settlement
Lupins by Lake Wakatipu

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown December 7th 2015

It is with great sadness that I report the loss of our beloved travel companion, One Ear. One Ear is a well loved, yellowish soft toy dog with one brown ear. He is the mascot for our travels and we miss him greatly. Sadly we lost him between 7th and 9th December in the Queenstown, Arrowtown, Wanaka or Mt Aspiring areas of New Zealand. It is most likely he fell out of my bag as we hiked up to Rob Roy Glacier or in the shops of Arrowtown. I understand that the loss of a soft toy may seem insignificant, but One Ear has a lot of sentimental value for me. I don't see a 30 year old soft toy with a gashed leg and lost fur, for me he is so much more... One Ear ... read more
One Ear's Last Adventure - Rob Roy Glacier, Mount Aspiring National Park
One Ear in Abel Tasman
One Ear at Sydney Opera House

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown December 4th 2015

Made it to Queenstown! Known as the adventure and party capital of NZ. Such a beautiful place. Nestled in the mountains and surrounded by lakes it reminds me of Banff, but I'd say about twice the size of Banff. On Wednesday I was in Wanaka and met up with my cousin Heather. It was such a great time. Wanaka is really beautiful - a very small town, relaxed atmosphere, friendly people, beautiful scenery. Would have loved to spend more time there! Arrived in Queenstown yesterday at around mid day. Queenstown is where bungy jumping was invented, so I decided to do the Nevis Bungy jump. It's a 134m drop and you free fall for 8 seconds. Pretty wicked. Decided to do it with 2 friends, Harry and Lee. We all agreed we would jump when they ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown November 15th 2015

Kia Ora again! Derek here to add some banter to the blog! Following on from our nights stay in Wellington, it was ferry time. Legs still in pain from the 20km walk, did we mention we done a 20km walk up & down a mountain?!? Up early to catch the 9 am ferry and drop the car back. The three hour ferry went by in a flash, some stunning views along the way & a quick chat to talk Emma "off the ledge" when it comes to shared rooms in hostels! Once off the ferry we picked up our new rented car for the South Island. Picture Dumb & Dumber when they downgrade from the Sheep Van to the Scooter. We went from a Holden Captiva to a Fiat 500! After squeezing our bags into the ... read more
Franz Josef
Franz Josef Waterfall

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown November 1st 2015

W dwóch poprzednich notatkach skupiliśmy się głównie na opisaniu tego, co widzieliśmy/robiliśmy w kraju kiwi. Na koniec mamy kilka ogólnych refleksji o tym intrygującym kraju na końcu świata. Po wyspie poruszaliśmy się wyłącznie wynajętym samochodem. Trasa była piękna, ale też niezwykle jednorodna – wszędzie tylko góry, jeziora i łąki z wypasającymi się owcami… Ponoć w kraju żyje ich 30 milionów (jestem w stanie w to uwierzyć), podczas gdy całkowita liczba ludności to nieco ponad 4 miliony. Owce i ich pastwiska zajmowały niemal każdy skrawek terenu porośniętego trawą. Gdzieniegdzie tylko owce zastąpione były przez krowy lub lamy (domyślamy się, że ze są one hodowane w celu urozmaicenia wyrobów przemysłu włókienniczego). Mijając różne widoki porównywaliśmy je do tych znanych z LOTR: „o teraz Shire!” lub „to wygląda jak Rohan!” :-). Zgodnie stwierdzamy, że przyroda, a z... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown October 28th 2015

W poniedziałek zaczęliśmy chyba najbardziej wyczekiwany etap naszej podróży – przed nami 5 dni w Nowej Zelandii! Z Sydney polecieliśmy do Queenstown na południowej wyspie. Jeśli ktoś myślał, że to „rzut beretem” to się mylił - pomiędzy obydwoma krajami jest dwie godziny różnicy czasu oraz trzy godziny podróży samolotem. Lądowaliśmy na lotnisku otoczonym wysokimi górami (do 2 tys. m n.p.m.), gdzie podchodzenie do pasa startowego było prawie tak przerażające jak lądowanie na krawędzi klifu w Chanii w Grecji… ;-) Pogoda w tej części kraju jest wciąż dosyć kapryśna i wczesnowiosenna. Z prognoz wiedzieliśmy, że średnio dwa dni na trzy są deszczowe i trzeba się przygotować nawet na przymrozki w nocy. Rzeczywiście, powietrze było ciągle dość rześkie, a zimny wiatr odmrażał ręce i nosy, ale popołudniami zazwyczaj świeciło piękne słońce dodające jeszcze uroku temu przepięknemu regionowi. Mieli ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown September 29th 2015

Nouvel aéroport, nouvelle ville, nouveau pays, nouveau choc culturel. Nous voilà en Nouvelle Zélande, terre des kiwis et des hobbits, mais également terre de rugby, alors que commence la coupe du monde. Après avoir salué l'énorme Gimli en pierre massive de l'aéroport, on réalise vite fait que l'on est des clowns avec nos shorts d'Hong Kong lorsque le vent aiguisé vient nous lacérer les mollets. Notre nouvel hôte couchsurfing pour Auckland, Richard, nous met rapidement dans le bain. Il est en fait Anglais, mesure plus de deux mètres, et a une langue bien pendue. Issu d'une famille aristocratique britannique, (grands père héros de guerre, mère amirale, père général et grand prêtre franc maçon), il a fait ses études à Oxford et passé son doctorat à Harvard. Tout va bien. Patriote flirtant souvent avec le nationalisme, il ... read more
Sur la Mer de Tasmanie
Parc National Abel Tasman
They see me rollin

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