Blogs from Otago, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 14


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago » Queenstown March 13th 2009

13 March 2009 Theres snow on the mountain tops around Cromwell. It looks beautiful, but its not a good sign for the harvest. We need warm weather not freezing cold mornings. Luckily there wasn't any frost on the vines. When I booked my tickets a month ago Matt expected the harvest to begin in Mid-March, but now he says it looks like Mid-April. I think I will be able to work in the vineyards until then. My housemate and I just bought a car so now we aren't trapped at home. Thats the way many people who are staying for a few months do it. That way it is usually cheaper than renting because you can get most of the money back when you sell it before you leave. We are working on getting the internet ... read more
Our Kitchen
Our Living Room
Our Car

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago March 12th 2009

When our planned stint with the owners of the earth house didn't work out, we called another location in the area, the Vat-T-Can, and the owner Christine agreed that we could come. First, we explored Oamaru a little. There’s lots of history in Oamaru. We were very close to the 45th parallel, the same latitude as the part of Vermont that we had been living in before the NZ trip. There was time for pictures outside the café/tavern opposite the railway station. Behind the 1901 railway station was a section of ground where there were piles of rusty wheels and bits of boiler where once rail wagons were marshaled in number. Some old these retired wagons and engines had been used as parts of the sea wall that protected the railway yard. Lunch was had in ... read more
I think its a Train Wreck...
More painting?
Christine and Billy

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago March 10th 2009

Friday 27 February Leaving Aoraki Mt Cook National Park behind me this morning, I headed south then east, aiming eventually for Dunedin, probably getting there tomorrow. My first stop was at Twizel as I needed fuel. As I pulled off the highway into Twizel I was feeling hungry and came across “The Musterer’s Hut” - now there, I thought, is a place where you are bound to get a good breakfast! I wasn’t wrong! When I ordered the “musterer’s breakfast” the man looked at me strangely but carried on - when it came out it was massive, but I gave it my best shot, and did, even if I say so myself, pretty well. Certainly beats the muesli and fruit I’ve had nearly every other day! I’ve always said one of the best things about B&Bs ... read more
The Water of Leith, Dunedin (2)
The Water of Leith, Dunedin (3)
The Water of Leith, Dunedin (4)

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago » Dunedin March 10th 2009

March 10, 2009 Here is a long delayed report of the last few days. March 8 dawned over and dismal as we sailed into Milford Sound in Fiordlands National Park on the southwest coast of New Zealand. Our crossing of the Tasman Sea was rough but I found out that I am a pretty good sailor. The bonus of a rainy day in Milford Sound is the hundreds of cascading waterfalls. There is little topsoil and the runoff from rain in quick and brief. We benefited from the rain but also suffered from the low clouds and mist and did not sea the glacier. Given my choice I think I prefer the waterfalls. I would attach some pictures (I’m sure they are magnificent) but my digital camera died. No downloads and for the last two days ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago » Dunedin March 6th 2009

The "little Edinburgh" of Otago. Quick tour round - interesting architecture - especially the well known railway station; Cathedral in light Oamuru stone' and yet another Museum (The Otago Settlers museum - good collection of Transport items as well as the settlers info). Campsite shared with car enthusiasts attending a car show next door - mainly american cars Chevvys etc. Otago Peninsular - Went out late evening to remote beach to watch (from hide) yellow-eyed penguins coming ashore - saw one Fiordland crested penguin and one yellowed eyed one + a sea-lion! The beach was amazing - soft blown sand-dunes stretching way inland. (pics to follow) Castle Lanarch gardens - restored from overgrown state by current owner - 40 years work - now superb and in a fantastic setting. At Taiaroa Head at the end of ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago » Dunedin March 5th 2009

Kids out of school for a half day, cruising Otago Bay to see 1 Blue Penguin, a few Giant Albatross, a few fur seals and 2 sea lions. ANOTHER EXHAUSTING LOVELY DAY Thank you Kerry, Thank you all News from Granny please A toute la famille Beauchamp nos plus profondes sympathies a la perte de Ronald, un vrai Monsieur, bon courage a tous, nos pensees et nos prieres sont avec vous.... read more
Otao Bay from winding road at the top of a cliff- Kerry's favorite type of road
Farmer and dogs herding sheep

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago » Dunedin February 24th 2009

Woke up to a better day, the rain had stopped! Got the tent down, had breakfast and off to the Otago Peninsula. This area is known for it’s blue penguins, albatrosses and fur seals. We drove along the coastal road first up to the tip of the peninsula. We walked down to one of the beaches and there were male fur seals all over the place, sleeping their dinner off! The main area is fenced off to protect them but 4 had come around to our side and were not afraid! We got quite close to get some photo’s. One of them was on his back and snoring - so funny! Sounded like a motorbike ticking over! They were lovely to watch. We walked along the sand and saw a dead penguin  , the sign ... read more
The snoring seal!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago February 23rd 2009

Oh Lordy, so sorry we have been so incredibly behind in uploading pictures, never mind a word or two about our travel. I'll probably end up filling you all in, and finishing this blog from good old NH. Nevertheless, here's a few more pics for you!!... read more
"Wake up, Sheeple!"
Kafka on the Shore

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago February 20th 2009

After seeing the penguins we drove on to Invercargill for the night and then spent the morning in the town museum and park, where we saw a 160 ancestor of dynosaurs, called Henry the tuatara. He has just become a father apparently. Then, after shopping, we went on to Riverton. Leaving Lys to sit in the sun I wandered round the harbour to take pictures. As I came back across the bridge a car pulled up and the driver said " Mr Dexter?". What a surprise. What had I done? The face looked vaguely familiar, but when he said that his wife knew me I realised it was Alan Oakley, husband of Cathy who worked for me at Trinity. She was also churchwarden at Dalston. We all met up and they invited us for tea, then ... read more
Cathy and Alan Oakly
The viewpoint for Doubtful Sound
Doubtful Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago February 15th 2009

From CHCH we moved over the hill to Akaroa on the Banks Pensinsula; quite a drive, but well worth it for the views on the way and a lovely little village when we arrived late in the afternoon. Lots of small harbours and indentations in the long harbour which is the home to dolphins etc. We sussed out the local trips on our first day and planned to do one on the second, but the weather turned against us and the clouds came down from the mountains, so we set off for the sun further south - or so we thought. The drive from CHCH to Otago was pretty dull and quite wet, but we arrived at a beautiful little bay, All Day Bay, and spent the night in a lay by there. The weather had ... read more

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