Blogs from Whangarei, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 24


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 29th 2008

Wednesday 27th A really early start, but I'm kind of awake anyway. Onto the bus, Leftie is the driver (met him on the South Island). Smooth journey to Whangerai, where I am collected by Peter from Bunkdown Lodge. This is their home, combined as a backpackers - feels like a good place to chill out. Spend the morning sorting my bags a bit more, finding more things to throw/post off, before heading into Whangerai for the afternoon for a bit more shopping and some time on the internet - but it won't let me do much so not too long! Back to relax with others at the hostel, and early to bed as have a 630am wake-up call. Thursday 28th Sure enough we're woken 630am. Ready in plenty of time for the Dive Tutekaka shuttle at ... read more
Completing my Open Water!
Sheep World
Views en route

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 21st 2008

Day 5 2/19 Just hangout and did the laundry. Went to the Beach, diving area and Yacht Club in Tutukaka. This is a big marine sanctuary that includes Poor Knights Islands. They will not let people land on the islands without a special permit. Tomorrow is back to Auckland and then south to Tarnaki (New Plymouth) to visit friends (Lloyd & Anita Burke). ... read more
Yachet Club 2

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 18th 2008

Day 3-Northland - Wangarei (Sunday 2/17) We decided to go north and explore Northland. Actually made it out of Auckland just like we knew what we were doing. The traffic was pretty bad even though it was Sunday morning. Rush hour traffic must be a real experience. Stopped and spent a few hours at Orewa. It is a beach town and I was surprised that a lot of the stores were open. They were having a farmer’s market and all the fruits and veggies are in season. The fruits and veggies are great NZ because they are all locally grown. New Zealand has not been Walmarted One thing we realized was that New Zealand has not been Walmarted. When the sign says City Center, this is where you find all businesses. With the exception of Auckland, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei January 31st 2008

hey as you all know it was hannahs birthday so we all decided to do sumthin different yesterday so we went sailing ,across the bay which wos a tad bit scary at times !(sharks n stuff ) Then we went out to a beautiful lil restaurant over looking the mariner with mountains in the background ! Just so you know we had a couple of birthday drinks and feel fine today. love and miss all xxx ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei January 30th 2008

hey thank you for the birthday messages! Yesterday we went shopping then headed to the beach then stayed in a batch overlooking it which was preety cool, they had us starting early on the drinking games last night! this morning we have headed back to pat and gails which is where we are staying for the next week, they have a converted garage which has become our home away from home! going to head into town later with sheila and dave and go to a nice resturant. hoping to go to the bay of islands tomorrow which is meant to be really nice and hopefully will find some dolphins to swim with! xxx... read more
Orewa beach
North shore

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei January 29th 2008

hey guys up in whangerei at the moment travelled up in dave and shelias van and headed to the beach straight away! did a bit of snorkelling and a bit of swimming then went for fish and chips and a couple of drinks! Still waiting on charlies bag..having a bit of trouble with the delivery side of things(delivered to wrong address!) Hoping to do a bit of shopping tommorow before hannas bday then beach it again. Fleur and hana are amusing themselves with a guitar and a recorder..never gonna get a record deal!! Anyway speak soon xxxxxx... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei January 23rd 2008

Kia Ora and hello from Aotearoa (New Zealand). As you can probably gather from the title we've been experiencing "weather" in NZ for the last few days. They say it's the country where you can experience 4 seasons in 1 day but we seem to be having just the 1 at the moment and that's rain. Tropical cyclone Funa (yet another cyclone) has been hovering over us for the past few days and treating us to various levels of rain, from downpour to gloomy drizzle, but hey ho, we're still enjoying ourselves. Landed in Auckland 3 weeks ago and were met by friends Nod (Paul) and Rebecca at the airport. Spent the next four days at their house out at Point Chevalier which was a great base for exploring the city. Saw the key sights; Sky ... read more
Cape Reinga
The Lighthouse Family

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei January 18th 2008

After a day in Aukland, I was ready to get out of town and see some scenery. I headed north to Whangarei to do some pre-arranged scuba diving at the poor knights islands. Whangarei is a small town with it's own bay full of sailboats. My hostel turned out to be a 30 minute hike from the bus station, with the last part of it being uphill. This was the first test of my backpack, and it passed with flying colors. It just so happened that the hostel I was staying in was also where my dive master was living. Originally from Australia, DJ has been diving in New Zealand for the past two years. I also got to meet Libby, another American backpacker, who was also staying in my hostel. She had also recently quit ... read more
Jam session
A long way from home...
Snorkeling at the Poor Knights Islands

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei January 14th 2008

Ne vous habituez pas aux posts quotidiens, demain, je retourne dans une zone avec l'internet payant et lent! Je voulais juste partager avec vous quelques photos de ma balade de ce matin... Et j'ajouterais qu'apres m'etre fait reclamer un document d'identite dans un bar a Auckland pour pouvoir consommer une biere (j'ai quand meme casi 30 ans, je vous le rappelle!!!), je continue dans le registre de la "legalite": je viens de monter dans une voiture de police NZ... No worries, juste un ami de Stu avec qui on a fait un BBQ hier soir qui a propose de me deposer voyant que je souffrais en marchant en plein soleil! ... read more
Boites aux lettres
Ici, les fougeres, elles poussent comme des arbres... bizarre...
Whau Valley Dam

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei January 13th 2008

Et voila! Hier, j'ai fait ma premiere trampette dans le Pacifique!!! Ocean Beach... Les 2 cotes en 2 jours... la magie de la Nouvelle Zelande! Eau plutot chaude (pas vraiment au debut, mais on s'y fait!), carrement transparente, et avec des vagues de oufs! Le matin j'etais allee faire une petite rando autour des Whangarei Falls... Le tout bien sur toujours accompagne de ma super creme top protection!!! je vais revenir plus blanche que blanche!... read more
Whangarei Falls

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