Classes have officially begun! and a trip to Brisbane

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February 28th 2010
Published: February 28th 2010
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Hello all! Michelle and I started class on Tuesday! Our classes seem very interesting and it looks like they shouldn’t be too hard! I am actually taking a digital photographic practice class, which will be really interesting because I just got my new SLR from my parents for Christmas and I’ll get to learn how to use a lot more of it than I would have trying to teach myself. We have been to the beach a couple of times and we ate some really tasty gelato! Michelle and I got to ride bikes at starbucks to blend drinks, we got the drinks, and we also each got a $5 starbucks gift card! Michelle’s birthday was on Thursday and Ariana and I got her a cake from the local bakery that was yummy! We went to the beach for a little before we went out to 240v, one of the clubs in Mooloolaba. On Friday, we left for Brisbane, a pretty big city about an hour south. We took a train and got to walk around quite a bit. We went with a group of 14 girls and went out to dinner at a tapas restaurant and then out to a bar that had a band playing live music, which was really enjoyable. We stayed at a hostel in two rooms with 6 beds each. There was a free shuttle into the city every hour and to the train station. We walked along south bank and there was a man made beach in the middle of the city close to the river! It even had chlorinated water; I thought that was pretty funny. We had a chocolate stuffed banana with chocolate hazlenut mmm. We had to check out of the hostel by 10 and Michelle and I didn’t know there were lockers at the train station, so we carried our bags around all day, phew! We went on the “taxi” ferry and somehow we stayed on for 2 hours! We had to make it back to where we started and that’s how long it took, but we only had to pay $1.22, so awesome! It ended up being a $5 roundtrip train ticket to Brisbane, even though we thought it was going to be like $20 or something like that. As soon as we got back, it was 5:45 on Sunday evening, I hadn’t showered since Thursday, and the shuttle was at the bus stop for Grace Church. We got on it and headed to church and it was so great to be in fellowship. The people were so friendly and really wanted to introduce us to everyone, plus they fed us! The weekend is over for Michelle, but I don’t have class till Tuesday, so homework it is for me tomorrow!

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