Blogs from Harrisburg , Pennsylvania, United States, North America


The drive from Quaker Woods Campground in Quakertown PA to Elizabethtown/Hershey KOA in Elizabethtown PA on SUNDAY, August 4, 2019 was just under 100 miles and just under two hours, according to GoogleMaps, and was uneventful. My regular readers know that I enjoy visiting state capitals and all that usually accompanies them, including the state history museum and the state Vietnam Veterans Memorial. They also know that I usually travel on Wednesdays but occasionally two consecutive stops deserve more that one week but not really two weeks; however, like Baby Bear, a week and a half, “Is just right!” Such was the case with Quakertown (nearby capital, Trenton NJ) and Elizabethtown (nearby capital, Harrisburg PA). For some reason that still puzzles me, my first order of business on Monday, August 5, 2019 was a stop at ... read more
From Time to Time, The Visitor Can Listen in On Relevant Conversations
The Foil Wrapping Came Along 17 Years After the Hershey Kiss Was Created
Some of the (No Longer) Trade Secrets of the Day Are Revealed

If you’ve done a lot of traveling, then you know that the amazing places you’ve seen always leave you with a wanting to remember them – vividly. But, that isn’t always as easy as buying a cheap souvenir. Maybe you don’t have space, or maybe those little cheap trinkets don’t capture the feeling you had standing on top of the Parthenon in Athens for the first time. I get it. I know exactly how you feel. Every place I’ve ever been I’ve wanted to tattoo onto my person (but let’s be honest…that may not be the most attractive option in the world). Yet, I also know that I can’t go taking bits of the Berlin wall or Machu Picchu just because I have a nostalgic itch I know I’ll need to scratch. So what should you ... read more

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