Blogs from Waynesville, North Carolina, United States, North America


This past week, our little family had the opportunity to travel again to our beloved family cabin at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. Situated near Waynesville, NC and Maggie Valley, NC, Lake Junaluska is a peaceful retreat that has become like a second home to us. I had never heard of the locale until I met and married my husband, but he grew up riding his bike along the paved pathways and taking family walks around the lake with his brother and parents. Since then, we have come up here at least two to three times every year to reflect, spend time together, and disconnect from the technology that can be so overwhelming at times. This past trip was especially sweet, and very memorable! We got up to the cabin around 11:00 p.m. on Friday night. We ... read more
My Husband and I at the Reflection Garden
Playing on the Junaluska Playground
Cross Illuminated

My husband’s family owns a darling little cabin in the woods near Lake Junaluska, NC. It’s one of those places that you wouldn’t even really know exists unless someone you know has been there before. Tucked away about 45 minutes from bustling and artsy Asheville, NC, Lake Junaluska is a quiet hum of a community. It’s where the United Methodist Church has its Western Conference every year and is a sort of sacred meeting ground for Methodists ministers and their families. As my father-in-law is a minister in Mocksville, NC, he has been coming up to the Lake almost his entire adult life for conferences, so back in the late 1980s he and his wife Susan decided to buy a little cottage to cut down on all the hotel stays they were accruing. Since then, the ... read more
Cabin Porch

North America » United States » North Carolina » Waynesville February 5th 2018

A few weeks ago, I posted about my first experience skiing, and how it went pretty miserably that initial go-round. While falling in the cold snow in the middle of the night, with no ski poles to lift myself up by would be enough to make anyone second-guess trying the sport again, I'm not one to shy away from an adventure or a challenge. That's why, when my husband suggested we pack up the kids and head to the mountain cabin for the weekend with his parents, I was excited. He'd mentioned leaving the kids with my in-laws for half a day while we hit the slopes at the nearby Cataloochee Ski Areain Maggie Valley, NC. Keep in mind that this was the exact same ski spot in which I'd had my earlier debacle! However, I'm ... read more
Maggie Valley Mountains

North America » United States » North Carolina » Waynesville January 25th 2018

We were riding to our morning story time at the library the other week, when my daughter piped up from her car seat. "Mama!" she exclaimed, "Let's go back to Lake Junaluska!" I quickly reminded her that the house was winterized and it wouldn't be available until the spring. You see, my husband's parents have a little wooden cabin in the woods up in the Maggie Valley/Waynesville part of western North Carolina, near the beautiful and sacred Lake Junaluska. He grew up playing around the lake, and even spent an entire summer there -- six whole weeks of bicycle rides, ice cream stops, and daily visits to the oversized cross that sits atop the ridge, overlooking the water below. I first visited when we were dating in high school. The family graciously gave me the spare ... read more
Lake Junaluska
Lake Junaluska

North America » United States » North Carolina » Waynesville December 29th 2017

If you've never been skiing before, it's unlikely you want to go in the middle of the night. You probably also want to steer clear of the super-high Black Diamonds that beckon in the distance. I should have known both of these things, but a few years ago I accompanied a few friends from a church group on a nighttime skiing adventure at Catalooche Ski Resort near Waynesville, NC. The resort is about three hours from our church in the Triad region of the state. We all piled into the rickety old church van and set off around 5:00 p.m. After a drive-through supper, we arrived at the destination around 9:00. With two children under four, I'm exhausted by 8:00 p.m. most nights, so to be away from them and just beginning my snow-covered adventure was ... read more

Adieu Florida – und damit Hitze, Schwüle und den kleinen Saugbiestern. Nein – nicht ganz. In Süd Carolina haben wir bei Columbia noch den Congaree Nationalpark als Joggingareal genutzt. Ein Feuchtgebiet mit schützenswerten alten Beständen von Laub- und Nadelhölzern. Eine 10 km-Runde, teilweise auf Holzstegen und über schmale Brücken, führte durch den Park. Wir hatten uns mit einem guten Repellent (Antimückenspray) vorher eingesprüht. Dennoch – ich sah, wie Hans einen ganzen Mückenschwarm hinter sich herzog. Ihhh…. Das ist bei mir bestimmt auch so! Also nichts wie Volldampf voraus. Pipi-Pause war nicht erlaubt – wäre eine schmerzvolle Erfahrung geworden. Unter ein bestimmtes Lauftempo durfte man auch nicht fallen, denn dann hockten sich die Saugviecher nieder und das bedeutete tausendfache Strafe. Es war eine schweißtreibende Angelegenheit. Danach testeten wir zum ersten Mal unsere neue S... read more
2 Auf zum Jogging
3 Old Growth Wälder
4 Am Blue Ridge Parkway

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