Blogs from Tuolumne, California, United States, North America


North America » United States » California » Tuolumne June 27th 2018

We got up at 4:00 in the morning to drive across the Nevada desert ? before it got too hot! We were surprised by the beauty of the landscape with Joshua trees and cacti. We reached our campground in Tuolumne Meadows, the high country of Yosemite National Park. The temperatures reached down into the high 30s overnight. We were glad to get to stay in this beautiful mountain area and glad for the warmth of our cozy sleeping bags.... read more

North America » United States » California » Tuolumne July 21st 2009

US Part 4 West Coast July 6th …After the burger we continued towards Grand Canyon West. I believe this is a fairly new site. The GC South Rim and North Rim have been common for visits for quite a while. For our compact trip to Vegas and the Grand Canyon it turned out to be sufficient enough. It only took us some 6 hours back and forth... The GC West is where the new (2007) GC Skywalk is situated. The Skywalk is a Glass “bridge” suspended on just one side over the void of Grand Canyon. The vertical drop is apparently some 2000 ft, and when looking down you can see the Colorado river 4000 ft below. The whole attraction is on the Hualapai Indian Nation grounds and there is also an Indian exhibition of their ... read more
Dinner at Guano Point
Guano Point
Nevada Joe's

North America » United States » California » Tuolumne November 5th 2007

Patti’s comment on yesterday’s blog made me think about California. The weather in this part of the state, at this time of year, is nearly perfect. It’s cool in the mornings and very cool after the sun sets, but during the day it’s so warm, and I love not having any wind. And we are in an area that doesn’t have many people~~you read the sign, there’s 364 here, and I think that’s counting a full camp! And then you go into a small town, and ten minutes later you’re in a Miles City size town. When I thought of California I thought of gobs of people~~people that could cause a hundred car pileup! I didn’t know there were small, remote, slow-moving areas like this. Saturday for tour we went to a historic gold mining town. ... read more
The platform for the amphitheater
I thought this was an interesting tree.
Not what you'd expect in CA?!

North America » United States » California » Tuolumne November 2nd 2007

I keep forgetting to tell you about our pet woodpecker. He’s trying to claim our motor home as his territory, by pecking on the roof. And yes, it is very distracting. We can spin the antennae, and that sort of scares him away, but he’s back before long. At first it sounded like someone knocking at the door, but after answering the door 30-40 times, I caught on!!! Then he’ll be gone for a few days, and we think he’s gone, but low and behold, he’s back! This morning he was up there, and then pecked on the roof of the jeep a couple times, and then back on the motor home! We’ve had several suggestions~~get an owl…but how could we keep an owl up there? Get some mice, tie their little legs to the luggage ... read more
Look how clear the water is.
You can see how dry the land  is.
This is looking downstream

North America » United States » California » Tuolumne October 29th 2007

North America » United States » California » Tuolumne October 28th 2007

We haven’t had tv reception since we’ve been here, and it’s funny the things that revolve around tv. Like bedtime. When we retired we discussed what time to have dinner~~if work doesn’t dictate what time you eat, what time do you want to eat? It’s the same way with tv~~we don’t have to wait until the news is over, or a certain show ends, to go to bed. We go when we’re tired! New concept! We discussed it the other day with the other couples and they said the same thing. When we finally got wifi signal in the motor home we began spending more time on the computer (we, meaning Bob) I’ve read several books. But I think not having tv is nice. Last weekend there was a church group using Silver Ridge (house ... read more
Steam engine
The power pullers
The tour crew

North America » United States » California » Tuolumne October 28th 2007

There are signs placed all around the camp that either give directions, or make you smile...or both!! Steve, the camp director for nearly 30 years, is the one who does these.... read more
This is right after the duck notice!
Seems simple enough!
This sign is sitting beside a

North America » United States » California » Tuolumne October 26th 2007

Let’s talk about acorns…have I mentioned that they are falling around here?! Actually, they are beginning to taper off, so now when they hit the roof they’re even more startling! I rolled up the big awning yesterday, and at least a dozen of them fell. It seems like they’d roll under our feet as we step on them, but they are softer than that, and just break open. The nut doesn’t make a mess, in that they don't squish and track on the bottom of our shoes, but they are everywhere! I don’t think you’d be able to vacuum them up in the lawnmower like you do the leaves, so they must be a hastle to rake up. (But look at us~~do we care?!) I have a ton of pictures, so I’ll give more info with ... read more
Just a look at them on the
You can see that they're dull

North America » United States » California » Tuolumne October 25th 2007

It’s been a busy week…more socially that workwise! Last night we went into town (Sonora) because the camp took us out for appreciation dinner~~as if they don’t feed us dinner at lunchtime every day! The dinner was early, because Paul and Germaine are leaving after work tomorrow (usually we don’t work on Friday, but the men are working till noon…long story.) They’re headed to Victory Ranch on a special project basis. Germaine will be taking care of the two kids of the camp director, as his wife is going through cancer treatments. Right now Paul is scheduled to work with the men, but that could change. The other day we drove past a house that was covered with Halloween lights, and the front yard (it was more of a front yard space, as there was no ... read more
He stood and looked at me
before he slowly sauntered off!

North America » United States » California » Tuolumne October 23rd 2007

We read about the terrible fires going on in southern California, and I wanted to let you know that's not us. We're further north than they are, and we're not even getting their smoke. However, our next project is at Victory Ranch, in Moreno Valley, and we heard this morning that they don’t have any power right now, and the camp is inaccessible because of fallen trees. We don’t know the status of our project there, but have no reason to believe it will be canceled. We leave here two weeks from yesterday. Being here obviously puts a different scope on things and we realize when something like this happens in Montana it’s bad enough, but when it happens out here there are so many more people affected. Our weather is very mild; it drops to ... read more

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