Blogs from Redway, California, United States, North America


North America » United States » California » Redway August 23rd 2014

Geo: 40.1203, -123.822When a family member tells you they are building ANYTHING and could use some help.....RUN!!!!!!! Let's just say the best laid plans of mice or Dave and Debbie usually have some kind of fly in the ointment. Stopped to visit for a weekend and ended up staying for ten days to help out family by building a barn and separate shade structure for a horse and ended up smack dab in the middle of a bunch of crazy A** people...... Everybody has a plan in their head how this thing should go but nobody has bothered to tell anybody else or draw up a plan or supply list.... Can anyone say goat rope or cluster f**k..... Add in everybody's personal drama, lack of hydration and nutrition while working our butts off...... I haven't ever ... read more
A welcome and too infrequent break......
Woods heavy in case you didn't know.....

North America » United States » California » Redway August 15th 2014

Geo: 40.1203, -123.822Landed in Redway after going through the Leggett California fire zone.....Nasty, nasty, nasty air. Things are so dry I'm surprised the entire state isn't on fire but going through this smoke zone was enough for me. Visiting one of my two favorite sister-in-laws for the weekend and come to find out she needs a barn built for her horse on the back of her property and she needs it now..... Well we got the time, we got the skill (ok Dave does), we can buy the beer and hopefully our backs will hold out to get it done in the next week or ten days. The hard part is having to build it around her 8 foot herb garden since harvest time isn't for another couple of've started to adjust to the new ... read more
Just showin' ya some road.....
Staging Area.....Fire Zone
Two on the ground, a handful in the air.....

North America » United States » California » Redway May 23rd 2012

Geo: 40.1203, -123.822... read more

North America » United States » California » Redway December 23rd 2010

Geo: 40.1203, -123.822... read more

North America » United States » California » Redway September 19th 2010

Geo: 40.1203, -123.822... read more

North America » United States » California » Redway June 5th 2009

Geo: 40.1203, -123.822Good Morning One & All,I'm sitting here trying to put together an email to describe the laughter, the tears and the fears over the last week since we left and it's almost as overwhelming as the adventure itself. How do I describe the beauty and the awe of the country. The pictures don't even come close to doing it justice. With each mile we passed, it seemed to grow more breathtaking. That was a good thing since lack of planning while packing made the first 4 days trying at times.We wanted so badly to get the hell away from the situation, we decided to throw it all in the trailer and sort it out later…..BAD MOVE. It would have worked perfectly if we had planned on camping out on our way to the Redwoods ... read more

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