Blogs from Merida, Yucatán, Mexico, North America - page 10


North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida September 29th 2011

It has taken me a little while to write but that's because Mexico is awesome so far and we've been to busy eating, drinking and exploring to sit down for a period of time. We arrived in Cancun on 22nd September after a loooong 10 hour flight. I am used to medium haul flights due to returning to Sydney regularly however this one left at 10am so I was wide awake. Its saving grace was that it was super empty and the BA staff tried to ply us with alcohol as they were bored. Needless to say it worked and there was no more vodka on the plane by the time we got off! Cancun was hot and steamy and our hotel was in the centre of town. It was an eco hotel and ok but ... read more
First cervesa...mmmmmm
And tacos!
Lovely morning breakfast spot

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida September 21st 2011

Was left all by myself again in Cancun.. one by one my friends left me.... So i left too. I am now in Merida, in the state of Yucatan. This is the Mayan region and is full of ruins. Though i couldn't see them all i went to the main ones, Chichen itza (large pre-Columbian archaeological site built by the Maya civilization), which are about 2 hours from Merida. Apparently they are now recognized as one of the wonders of the world, and i can see why. The ruins are over 1500 years old.. a little older then my mum. there is a great huge pyramid that towers over the site as you walk in the main entrance, followed by many other ruins as you walk around the huge site being heckled by the many almost ... read more

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida September 10th 2011

Next stop on the trip is Merida which is situated in the Yucatan peninsula in the east of Mexico. The main draw for Merida (for us anyway), is that it’s a good access point to indulge in tours to Mayan ruins, and in this case arguably probably the most well know one in Mexico being Chichen Itza. Those of you familiar with the recent programme in the UK ‘An Idiot abroad’, will have seen this New Wonder of the world, and also witnessed one Carl Pilkington slate some aspects of the attraction for certain reasons….some of which, I’m sad to say, I actually agree with, which is a massive surprise, but more of that in a moment. On arrival in Merida, we decided to take our usual walk around town to check out what’s going on, ... read more
Chichen Itza
Chichen Itza
Chichen Itza

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida August 21st 2011

The last couple of weeks of August we spent in Mexico. I submitted an abstract about my honours work for the Society for Ecological Restoration Conference in Merida; which to my delight and utter surprise was accepted. We found ourselves planning a short trip down to Ol’ El Paso. Finally the day came! After a short schmozzle – I left my poster beside Phil’s front door and realised just over halfway to the airport – we made record time getting to Toronto airport for our Montreal-Cancun flight. Hey, in my defence, it was a VERY unsociable time in the morning! Our excitement grew as the plane descended into Cancun and we could make out the distinct junglyness of tropical plants and vegetation! On landing we were greeted with the longest immigration and customs line-up I’ve ever ... read more
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Columns through the jungle
Columns at the temple of the warriors

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida August 5th 2011

The first week in Mexico....... read more
Mexico City
Mexico City

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida June 12th 2011

After a relaxing time in Progreso we were ready for the hustle and bustle of Merida. Merida is the hub of the Yucatan and as such was a very busy spot. After dropping off our backpacks at the quaint Hotel Chabais we headed into the city centre to find a thriving zocalo (which is a large plaza open area with seats and trees). Being a saturday there were plenty of people out and about doing their shopping and generally enjoying their weekend. Shopping is a major attraction of Merida and with the wealth of the city there were quite a few diamond and jewellery stores. The department stores were a welcome reprieve from the heat of the day. Another place was the small restarant/bar Las Vigas where we replenished our energy with a serving of fried ... read more
Traditional dancer on Sunday morning
colourful pinatas
Bonny in Merida

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida May 23rd 2011

The pilot announced we would enter the glide path in four minutes. Soon, coastal villages could be seen, glowing in the darkness. As we descended he told us it was 9:30pm, and the temp on the ground was 91ºF / 34ºC ( which actually doesn't correlate; 34 is 93, but who's counting: hot is hot). This is my first encounter with Merida's famous summer season (April & May) before the cooling rains of June arrive. The heat was a bit of relief, really, after such a long cold winter in Buffalo, which had rudely hung on into spring. But sleeping was a bit challenged by minor inconveniences. My room was right on the sidewalk, with a streetlight above it. I wanted to sleep al nudo. (The locals sleep in hammocks to minimize bed sweating; but that ... read more

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida April 18th 2011

It was my last day in Cancun. I had been trying to decide where to go next and it was after chatting to a Canadian lass called Stacey, and reviewing a bunch of recommendations given to me by erstwhile colleague, Charles, that I decided to head to the Yucatan peninsula to soak up some culture. But that was a whole day away. Firstly, we had to polish off Cancun in style. Everyone at Hostel Quetzal had grown close so Kate the TV chef decided to hold a farewell BBQ for those who were leaving the following day. This included me and Stacey (who had only been there one full day up till then - such was the warm close-knittedness). Prior to that we went to some nearby ruins called El Ray. They were pretty boring but ... read more
El Ray - Mayan ruins just outside of Cancun
Wicked iguana, El Ray
El Ray and the Hilton, crassly imitating ancient Mayan architecture

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida April 13th 2011

Vacation and I opted for the Yucatan - again. Friend, Phyllis, came along with me. She too is now totally in love with Merida and everything about it. Stayed where I always stay at the Hotel Mucuy in Centro. Ms. Ophelia owns the Mucuy, is a wonderful person and has a beautiful small establishment. The airport is under construction for new additions, has more shops in it and was open at 9:30 pm (the shops and snack / drink places that is). Things were even open at 5:30 am when we left a week later. Amazing, After landing, we were not that tired and were excited to be there so off to our room to deposit suitcases and down the block to my favorite two restaurant & bars. Phyllis ate the salsa even though I warned ... read more
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Photo 5

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida April 6th 2011

My buddy Alan from couch surfing was late for picking me up from the bus station. But I didn't mind that much as I knew about the "Mexican punctuality". When he came his first words were: "Do you wanna come to a pool party?" "Yeah sure" I responded. Because the party was actually a birthday party of his uncle I could meet some members of his family. Unfortunately the language barrier was to big to have deeper conversation and also because there were no atractive women present I felt sort of bored after a while. The next day was supposed to be more interesting. I ate breakfast at the house of his aunt and then got a ride to downtown Mérida... There are three things that are famous from Mérida: Mayan hats, hammacks and special shirts ... read more
My buddy Alan
Paseo de Montejo
Merida - downtown

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