Blogs from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, North America - page 10


North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 25th 2009

This past weekend, we went on two different excursions...Saturday to a city c. 45 min away from Guadalajara called Tlaquepaque. When we got there, I noticed that it looked exactly like the movie with Brad Pitt called "The Mexican"... in the middle of what I can only describe as a tropical desert. We took a tour of the city and visited a very modern art museum. Tlaquepaque is full of tourists, but people do live there. There were also a lot of people with indigenous roots selling things on the street, e.g., jewelry, string art, dolls, paper mache, etc. It was a cute little town and definititely had good shopping. The same day we also drove around the Plaza in downtown Guadalajara. We walked around the governor's palace and viewed some AMAZING murals by a ... read more
road to tequila
road to tequila
road to tequila

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 25th 2009

Photos from our tour of downtown Guadalajara... read more
Photo 18
Photo 2
Photo 3

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 25th 2009

So I have noticed that my blog is lacking in cultural here are a few that we've found so far: 1. If people are being jerks on the bus when there's standing room only, it's okay to physically force people to move. 2. You must always look both ways when crossing a one-way street. 3. Instead of slowing down when there's a pedestrian, many people will literally speed up. 4. Money will allow you to do just about anything. 5. Bargaining is encouraged when there's no price listed. People here know to overprice things to allow for this. 6. Men will whistle and shout at US women even if it means causing a traffic jam. 7. If you don't understand what's going on due to the language barrier, just smile and say "OK" and that's ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 21st 2009

Today we ride the famous Tequila Express train from the FerroMex train station in Guadalajara to the Amatitan valley. Supposedly the birthplace of tequila, the town is home of the Casa Herradura tequila distillery at the Hacienda San Jose del Refugio. The tour is extremely well organized, the assembled group is divided among four packed train cars, all very modern. We are in the red car. As we line up to board we are greeted by a mariachi band, Los Toritos (they actually have songs available for download on napster). Like tequila, mariachi also traces its origins here and is another of Guadalajara's famous exports to the world. The train ride is about 1 hour 45 minutes during which we are serenaded by the mariachi band. The train passes through nice country, filled with farms of ... read more
Los Toritos mariachi band
Jalisco landscape
Blue Agave farm

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 20th 2009

We left Guanajuato around 9 AM and arrived in Guadalajara at noon after an uneventful 3 hour trip through some nice country that is reminiscent of Texas or the American Southwest; very open, scrub trees, mountains in the distance, blue sky. All in all, a nice drive. After dropping the luggage and passengers at the hotel, Dave and I head to the Guadalajara Country Club--the wife of a couple we are friends with at the Embassy in Tegucigalpa is from here and her family still lives here. Her dad is a long-time member of the club and gets us all in as guests. The course is very nice, the nicest course I've ever played including even the Blue Monster in Doral, FL. They shut it down for close to a month every year to get it ... read more
Getting Ready to Tee Off
Teeing Off
Chipping over a Bunker to the Green

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 19th 2009

So last night, I went with 9 other girls from GSU and CEPE to a club called CHESS. I am amazed with the strength of the American dollar here: including 2 cab fares and drinks, I spent a grand total of $6.15 (80 pesos). We heard that the club was rather chic, so we all dressed up in our little black dresses and skirts/heels. When we got there, there were about 100 people lined up to get in. But, since we were the only "gringos" there, we went around to a side door and were let right in. We were handed plastic chips that were supposed to be worth 50 pesos each for drinks. Drinks were in actuality a lot more expensive than 50 pesos, but ridiculously less expensive than in the US. The population here ... read more
Top Model
Top Model
Photo 4

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 18th 2009

Our host mom led a group of us to a very swank internet cafe right down the street. We're all sitting around chatting, using the internet (it's free here as long as you purchase food or coffee)...It looks like we're the only tourists here, surprisingly. In fact, I haven't seen any other foreigners besides our group and the 80 or so others at CEPE. I'm glad we're getting the "real" Mexican experience. We had a rather interesting experience last night...Amber, Crystal, and I were about to leave our house in order to meet up with some people, and all of a sudden, the temperature dropped from a very hot 95 degrees to a very chilly 60 degrees within about five minutes. The clouds moved in and suddenly reaped havoc on the land, saturating everything in sight. ... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 16th 2009

Today was the first day of classes at CEPE. I have two grammar classes with two profesores quien son muy seriosos. Trying to speak and listen to Spanish all day long is exhausing. I'm sure it will get easier, but even this Mexican keyboard on the computer is confusing. Everything from purchasing a bottle of water to listening in class takes every ounce of energy in your body. Honestly, I feel like I´ve been here for a week or more... Amber and I stayed up last night talking about the effects of "culture shock". Neither of us expected to be having any symptoms of culture shock, because as Anthropology majors, we´re taught to accept other cultures and to remain "culturally relative". We're not too shocked by the customs and culture of the Mexican people, but it ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 13th 2009

The time is upon us: we will leave Atlanta tomorrow on an evening flight to Guadalajara, Mexico! The flight should only last around three hours. Guadalajara is two hours behind Atlanta time, so we should arrive in Mexico around 7:00p.m. I am supposed to take two language courses while in Guadalajara for five weeks, helping me complete a minor in Spanish. After Mexico, I should only have two more Spanish literature courses to take in order to do this. I need to pack my suitcase...I've been doing laundry and mentally packing outfits for the trip. I have heard from multiple people that I need to pack lightly so I can bring back things I buy there. Here's to packing!... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 4th 2009

This blog will include the following cities. Tequila, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Aguascalientes, and Zacatecas I lived in Guadalajara in a semester abroad program. I was living in the area of Los Arcos and la Minerva. My first night in the city was memorable and was a harsh introduction to the country. I decided to come in a day early and stay at a hostel in the city. I made friends with a few Mexican guys that were hanging out in the hostel they were watching a soccer game and were drinking beer and tequila. One was the friend of the guy that ran the reception the other his brother, the owner (a 'man' of about 20) and his girl friend Flaca. After a few drinks at the hostel we headed out. We went to a nearby bar/salsa ... read more

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