Blogs from Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico, North America - page 11


North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque July 13th 2008

Day 11 - Thursday 10th July: Palenque Mayan Ruins & some impressive waterfalls Booked my onward bus ticket out of Palenque for 9pm this evening - I'd been tipped off by an Austrian guy in Mexican City that there wasn't anything other than the ruins to see here, so to stay only a day at most. So when I arrived at my hostel last night to be offered a tour of the ruins and some local watefalls that finishes at 6.30pm it fits perfectly. Palenque is the first of the Mayan ruins I will be visiting which if I'm honest is the main reason I wanted to come to Mexico. I hope in the coming week or so to see Calakmul, Uxmal, Chichen Itza and Tulum in Mexico and Tikal in Guatemala. The Palenque ruins are ... read more
Misol-Ha Waterfall
1. Palenque - Templo de la Calavera
2. Palenque - El Palacio

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque July 12th 2008

Hola amigos and bienvenidos to the mexican leg of our cycle jaunt. We start off in Cancun and, oo it ain't 'arf 'ot. Except in our room in Casa Mexico Tipico, where it is just about sub-zero. We are staying with Hilda, her family and Pepita, the chihuahua. Hilda's mother is a music teacher and we are entertained by a parade of young pianists, percusionists and guitarists. All is not harmony, however, and I fear at one point that someone has stepped on Pepita, but it is only the violin class warming up. We liberate our bikes from the cardboard that has encased them for the past month and take them for a test drive around the Cancun hotel zone. This purpose-built resort, set on a sand spit in the caribean, has luxurious hotels and beautiful ... read more
Puerto Morelos
Temple of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza
Detail of frieze at Chichen Itza

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque June 26th 2008

We learned a quick lesson today that in central America your hotel need not have a shower as at this time of year nature is quite capable of providing one for you. We got off our bus and realised it was definitely air conditioned, a heat wave hit us as we exited in the small town of Palenque. We have dropped down in altitude now from Mexico city and San Cristobal de las Casas and finally Leanne feels at home in the stinky hot humid heat. Palenque is a small town with not much happening but set on the outskirts is the picturesque and very fascinating Palenque ruins. These ruins are an ancient Mayan city dating back from 100 BC to 900 AD and lost to the jungle for almost 1000 years. With only the ruins ... read more
Palenque Ruins
Egypt in the Jungle
The Jungles Secret

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque May 6th 2008

Leaving the Yucatan Peninsula and getting into Chiapas was like entering another country, one that is more green, hilly and simply more Mexican. It felt so much better when I could see whole Mexican families, how they eat, have fun and even do touristy stuff. The thing is, there really aren´t that many white tourists here, which is strange and quite refreshing at the same time. It forces you to learn the language a bit more quickly. So, for instance, I can now order my weak latte without explaining the milk Vs. coffee proportions (cafe suave) - it´s very helpful ;o) Palenque is a small town surrounded by this thick jungle and mainly known for its rather impressive Mayan ruins. We decided to stay in cabanas away from the town and in the middle of the ... read more
in the downtown
old chaps chilling out at the plaza
the boy with a turtle balloon

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque April 26th 2008

Palenque is a small town in the Southern Mexican state of Chiapas, near the border with Guatemala. It´s more Central American than Mexican as its surrounded by thick green jungle and humidity you almost have to swim through. The main draw here is a set of ruins built by the Mayans that have been absorbed into the jungle and untouched for a very long time. They were good to wander around for a few hours in the morning when the sun wasn't fully overhead. I caught the nightbus out of Mexico city in order to save a bit of time and a nights accomodation, we arrived in the town of Palenque bright and early at seven in the morning. I met a Kiwi named Darryl on the bus and we wandered around town looking for a ... read more
Agua Azul
limestone pools
tall water fall

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque April 5th 2008

Flash, followed but a roaring, billowing BOOM. The lightning is close, very close. The sky is a constant flicker of light as sparks jump through the clouds. A heavy rain pitter patters on the aluminum roof of the truck. We just cooked a vegetable pasta dinner in the most extreme cooking conditions of my life. We were able to get the stove started on the tail gate just before the storm hit. instantly everything became dark as the thick storm clouds blocked the setting sun. Intense rain descended and we were soaked to the core in a matter of seconds. There was so much water falling that our bowls were overflowing by the time we were ready to use them. It's hot and humid in the cab of the car, but it's fun to step out ... read more
Temple of the Cross
Templo de inscriptiones y el palacio

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque March 27th 2008

After a rather uneventful 10 hour bus trip from Merida (well the only thing of interest was the militray checkpoint where little Mexicans with big guns did a random search of our luggage, including Soni´s), we finally reached Palenque. The next day we went to the Mayan ruins of Palenque, which are even more impressive that those at Chichen Itza. These ruins are in more of a jungle setting, the humidity is high, and the bug count is even higher! Unlike Itza, were were able to climb some of the pyramids, and in one or two of them, go inside and view the tombs (still in remarkable condition). The roads so far have been flat, with not a hill in sight, from today that all changed. 4 hous in a mini-bus on a road that was ... read more
Mayan Ruins

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque March 21st 2008

Ok, auf diesem Hoehenflug immer weiter.. trampen scheint ja nicht gefaehrlich und somit auf den Pickups immer weiter. doch diesmal schien mir das glueck nicht so hold zu sein.. schlussendlich fand ich mich irgendwo im guegerihue wieder an einer tankstelle (immerhin moeglichkeit zum essen, trinken, quatschen) und warten.. nach 4 stunden und voelliger dunkelheit war selbst das nicht mehr lustig. hab dann schon mal ne stelle ausfindig machen koennen um dort zu uebernachten (ja natuerlich hinter dem shop von der tanke) aber dann hielt dann zum glueck doch noch ein reisebus, der sich meiner erbarmen konnte und somit mich direkt (ist sowas moeglich) an der party ablieferte.. Dann mal da, und ich eigentlich nur fertig.. also erst mal zelt aufstellen.. (natuerlich hatte ich auf diesem ollen weg, meine zeltstangen verloren und somit war ich gezwungen im ... read more

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque March 2nd 2008

Hey everyone Thanks for all your messages! Back to the trip 12 February - 13 February So we were up early again to get back on the ADO. This time we were travelling all day through Tobasco to Palenque in the state of Chiapas. Chiapas is known to be the most wealthy state in Mexico for resourses but the people here are among the poorest in the country. The area is home to a terrorist group, largely because of the wealth not reaching the people in this state and they they have hade many skirmishes with the Mexican goverment. But we were looking forward to it nonetheless! We arrived at 6pm in the small village and got straight on a mini bus to our hotel in the jungle! It was a lovely little place we ... read more
Salvador & his Mrs & son called Hey You
Bob & Apron 1
Bob & Apron 2

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque January 13th 2008

Vanuit Campeche haden we dus de bus van 10 uur. ´s Avonds dus. Het was een eersteklas bus, wat o.a. inhield dat je wat meer beenruimte had. Ik probeerde wat te slapen, maar na een tijdje kwam ik tot de gedachte dat ik toch wel wakker wilde zijn als de bus op zjin kant zou tuimelen. Dat denkbeeld was waarschijnlijk wat overdreven, maar als je slaperig bent, achterin zit en het buiten pikkedonker is, dan voelen de schommelingen van de bus behoorlijk heftig. Ook fijn was het klimaat in de bus; met mijn vest aan en onder een plaid had ik het lekker warm, want de airco stond uiteraard op standje ´vrieskist´. Mijn voeten hadden het echter wel heel erg warm! Wat bleek: tegelijkertijd met de airco, stond de verwarming op standje ´hete luchtoven´(!) Jaja, die ... read more
It´s a jungle out there!
Stam van een Ceiba boom
Versteende Maya

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