Photos from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, North America

Unrated | High Rated (2.5)
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward  Island
Water Street
Bonded warehouse on Water Street
The Irish Memorial
Govenors House (2)
Govenors House (1)
Rochford Square
The chain of children
War memorial
Rochford Square
The chain of children
St. John
Charlottetown Architecture
Attempting one more angle
Creative Breakfast
Another Stately Home
Downtown Charlottetown
Strolling in costume in Charlottetown.
The locals seem to enjoy the cold water
The local brews are tasty!
Shrimp, Scallop & Haddock Salad
Beautiful fields
Swimming area at Basin Head
Martha enjoying the cool waters
East Point Lighthouse
Quaint Fishing Villages
Cute fishing boats
One false step and.....
Blueberry Crisp
Seafood Chowder!!
The Boat House Harbor Eatery
Fields of color
Sandy Beaches
Hiking to the Dunes
Greenwich Dunes
Dave & Chuck goofing around
Martha and Chuck enjoying the trail stop
Greenwich Dunes
Marshlands at near Greenwich Dunes
Boardwalk trail to the beach at Greenwich Dunes
Lupines and Evergreens
Dave & Martha attempting navigation
Martha taking in the bay at dinner
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