Blogs from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North America - page 40


North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto May 6th 2010

I didn’t feel like doing much so just stayed at the hostel and cooked all the food I had left. I watched lots of CSI and a couple of films. I played poker with 2 Germain guys, 1 Germain girl and an Australian guy. I watched the guys play for a while and then joined in and had fantastic beginners luck and won nearly every time. I then headed to the train station. I waited around for a while and everyone who worked there was very helpful and friendly (one lady saved me $20 because she didn’t charge me for my bag being over weight). I boarded and found 2 seats by myself with plenty of leg room so I settled in and did my best to sleep.... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto May 6th 2010

FINAL STATS: Total kilometres travelled = 5,993 Total number of hotels = 14 (plus the two either end in Toronto) Total injuries/illness: 1 per team member (Ted: recovery from ghastly guts, Davis: minor concussion, Lennon: leg injury) Total number of lakes spotted = We can't count that high. No one can. Total number of Tim Horton cream cheese bagels = Minus .5 courtesy of a peckish seagull OBSERVATIONS: - Canada's landscape is indescribably spectactular - and we've barely even covered an inch of it on the map. This is a VERY big country. Danny Bhoy is right: "You drive for nine hours then look at the map and you haven't even moved." - Canada's people are so freakin' friendly! And very "Aussie-like" in their openness and warmth. And weirdly they love the Aussie accent...hmmm not sure ... read more
Horseshoe Falls
Pity he's not real
Fluoro Ted

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto May 5th 2010

I met Ryan at CN Tower and we went across to the Steam Whistle Brewery. We waited for 5 minutes until they opened, there was another guy standing outside and when the doors opened he was in there finishing his free sample before Ryan and I had entered. We got a free sample and then booked the tour, which meant we had an hour and a half to go up the tower. Ryan had said he was scared of heights but I didn’t realise how bad until we went in the first elevator which went 114 stories. Ryan held the handle and wouldn’t look outside infact he put his sunnies on and looked in the corner. We then went up to the Sky Pod which was another 33 stories higher. It was amazing to be that ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto May 2nd 2010

I walked down to Bay Hudson and looked around then went to the top for lunch. I sat opposite the Old City Hall, so managed to take great photos. I spoke to my parents and my brother (for the first time). I wondered about and into Dundas Square where a dance show was taking place. The first part I saw was called Nia - a type of relaxing dance for loosening your muscles mainly for older people. A man kept getting up and trying to do his own dance (I think he had mental disabilities) and security kept a close eye on him. Then there was hip-hop dancing where a guy was teaching just some of the audience to dance. One guy tried joining in at the end and looked ridiculous because he couldn’t do the ... read more
USA and Canada Trip 324
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North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto May 1st 2010

I doddled around and went up to McDonald's for breakfast although it was 12. I started walking back to the hostel as I wanted to ask about the weed march, was just interested to see what it was about. I ran into Mark who said he would show me. So we walked to Dundas Square and then asked a market stool keeper where it was. So we trekked up to Queens Park and got caught in the swarm of people going the same way. The march was basically a load of students (and couple of elderly people) who wanted to get high. They were protesting because in Vancouver you can smoke a joint anywhere including walking down the street (basically) but in Toronto you can only smoke in certain areas although parks are allowed just not ... read more
USA and Canada Trip 304
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North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 30th 2010

Again another start at 10 and after a shower and going on the internet it was about half 11 until I left. I managed to speak to Matt on facebook and then phoned him. I went and met him and Ryan and we went back to his. We then trekked down to the ferry port and went to Toronto Island. We wondered around but it was pretty cold even the though the sun was out, but it was a lovely place to be. We came back and went are separate ways. I came back cooked dinner and chilled out after getting some beer and played cards with Mark and Chris.... read more
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North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 29th 2010

I slept until 10 as I was tired then went for along walk. I walked down to Lake Ontario and along the waterfront then up to Roger Stadium and the CN Tower. I went round some shops, it was nice to find different shops and different clothes. The staff were very nice and always took my clothes and put them in the changing rooms. I did notice that the first few shops I went in didn't have mirrors and not all had mirrors outside the changing room either. It did make trying clothes on slightly harder. I did buy a top. I wandered about and drifted up to China Town and Kensington Market. I bought some fresh vegetables and meat which I carted back to the hostel and then went down to the metro to buy ... read more
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North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 15th 2010

I confess that Toronto was chosen at random in response to someone asking "so are you going to Toronto when you're in Canada?". And given the limited time in which I spent researching, I went in fairly blind, and without a word of French. So after my plane ride from Vancouver amongst a bunch of school marching band geeks, I arrived into a bleak Toronto to a top temperature of 3 degrees. Walking to the hostel I thought it had started raining, but no - that was SNOW falling. Not to be deterred by such extremities, I explored the city on foot until I felt the first signs of frost bite and planned my weekend in a city I knew bugger all about (except that I would unfortunately be leaving before the next Toronto Blue Jays ... read more
Bath time
CN Towner
View from CN Tower

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 12th 2010

STARTING LINE-UP: Ted, Davis, Toronto's Harbourfront PITCH CONDITION: Sunny again yay! And minus the freezing wind. MATCH OVERVIEW: Team Ted's last home game for three weeks proved to be an easy win. PLAYER INFO: All players almost back to fitness. The sunshine and clean air (compared to London) are certainly aiding recovery. HIGHLIGHTS: - The sun continued to make its presence known hurrah. A scorching 15 degrees! - Wandered down to the Harbourfront area and really enjoyed it. The water is clean for such a big city, there are boardwalks and bits of park and lots of benches and places to sit and relax. - We read somewhere that Torontonians LOVE their dogs - this is definitely true! We encountered doggies of all shapes and sizes out enjoying the waterfront with their owners and of course ... read more
Our new friends
Air ball

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