Blogs from Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, North America - page 14


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Victoria November 20th 2009

72 hour until I leave. Been getting hard to sleep at night these last few days. The mix of excitement and trepidation, lead to restless nights and moments during the day where I find myself just standing there staring blankly, lost in thought. I'm finishing up the last bit of packing up the few things I plan to keep, and will be taking those to be stored with my Dad. I have a few things to give to some friends, so they wont waste away and become garbage while I'm gone. I'll go out tonight, or tomorrow night, and see some friends for the last time before leaving, have a couple beer, and say my goodbyes. I have made myself a list of chores around the house to keep me busy and distracted. I've been ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Victoria November 20th 2009

Hierbij wil ik jullie verwelkomen op mijn eerste ooit geschreven blog en jullie hebben ook nog de eer om het te lezen. Bij deze ik vind het leuk dat jullie dat dan ook met een genoegen doen. Hoop ik dan;). Ik ben vorige week donderdag (12 nov) vertrokken vanuit Nederland naar Seattle. Mijn vlucht vanuit Amsterdam was een uur vertraagd vanwege mist in Frankfurt. Gelukkig haalde ik uiteindelijk toch mijn aansluiting en zat ik op tijd en in het goeie vliegtuig op weg naar Seattle. Daar aangekomen en nadat ik door de immigratie en alles was gegaan stond ik onverwachts sneller dan gedacht oog in oog met Sandra. Eindelijk weer de hereniging waar we al naar uit zaten te kijken. Tranen vloeide en was ook moment van stilte. Hoe fijn kan zo'n moment zijn..... Nadat ik ... read more

Well its two weeks to the day that I leave on the start of my journey. My plan is to backpack and camp in as many beautiful places I can find along the way around Australia. I am doing this with very little advanced planning. Due to my age I have absolutely no time for delay, if I wish to be able to make use of the working holiday visa I have. So I have packed up my bag, sold everything I own, (not much), and managed to gather the bare minimum $5000 Aud needed to enter the country. I will be doing this on an extremely tight budget, with just what I have on my back, a few $$ in my pocket, and a driving desire to explore and live in the most beautiful country ... read more

10 days till ma and I take off for Thailand! We're damn near counting the minutes. -Sara... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Victoria September 27th 2009

Travelogue - Day 5 & Day 6 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada & Day at Sea Hello everyone! - Tuesday, September 22, 2009 We arrived early in Victoria, BC and because we were only in port for about a half a day, our tour of Butchart Gardens, Wine & Chocolate left around 9:00 a.m. The day was gloriously clear and about 70° outside with no winds. The ride out to Butchart Gardens was quite enjoyable with our tour guide, Mike. He was an elderly Irishman who was full of information about the area giving us tidbits of history and all sorts of information interspersed here and there with a cute joke. He made the 30 minute ride from Victoria out to Butchart Gardens quite enjoyable. Butchart Gardens is about 18 miles outside of Victoria. It was started ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Victoria September 25th 2009

We got up Friday with the intention of heading to Victoria, provincial capital of British Columbia. Once we got our collective act together, it turned out to be too late to catch the ferry from Port Angeles, which is the shortest route. Further research revealed that if we drove to Anacortes, we could catch a boat that went through the San Juan Islands to a town near Victoria, so we headed north. The trip through the San Juans was very scenic, including a couple of stops at some of the islands. It was a fairly lengthy ride, but we ultimately arrived in Canada and made our way to Victoria. We drove around a bit, found a room for the night, and started off to see the town. It proved a hit with all three of us. ... read more
Boys mess with Dad
Orca Island in the San Juans
Northwest Schooner

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Victoria September 16th 2009

Well I didn't stay in Vancouver too long. The hostel was great and the people were nice but as soon as that ended and i was on the street things just started going crazy. The evening after my stay at the hostel was rainy and cold, I caught Pneumonia that night and am still sick from it. After that night the day following was rainy and cloudy for most of the morning and by the after noon it was starting to get sunny again. I set out with my friend to ask for change on Granville street and two ladies asked us if we needed help and proceeded to tell us they were part of an outreach group helping kids out. After we nodded our heads in agreement with them we were whisked off to a ... read more

I have now bought my greyhound bus pass which allows me 60 days travel anywhere within Canada and the USA so following that i got a bus to Victoria on Vancouver Island.....with a different bus company. The method to this madness however was that greyhound go to the north of the island then down to the south where Victoria is, so the journey would have taken a ridiculously long time (the island takes about 7hrs to go from end to end) where as the other company, who i got 25% off with due to the pass i bought with greyhound took me straight here. There was an hour and a half ferry journey involved which turned out to be pretty interesting as they did a nature talk on the deck of the boat about some of ... read more
Victoria-Galloping Goose 004
The start of the trail
Victoria-Galloping Goose 010

Oh Canada Part I While my mom was visiting the Pacific Northwest, we decided to get some use out of our passports and head to Victoria, BC, for a girls weekend. We made our way from Seattle to Victoria on the Victoria Clipper and I have to say it was a pleasant experience once I got the tip to pick up our boarding passes as early as possible to avoid the cattle drive that happens when they announce the boarding groups. In true "first-in-line" fashion, I picked up our boarding passes a full 6 days early, so that we were in the first boarding group. Of course, this meant that we were able to head upstairs on the Clipper and grab our choice of window seats for the best view. A few minutes later, a group ... read more
Hotel Grand Pacific

This post has photos, but unfortunately they dont bring you up to date. So much bizzle has happened, with no posts.. so, it would take a wee while to write it all down. I made it to Victoria. Last day was 130+ kms from Hope through Langley to Tawassen. I received my first official puncture in 7000 km on this particular kind of tire, Schwalbe Marathon Plus's, right smack in the middle of Langley, during the hottest part of the day. It was tough. Since arriving to the open arms of my mom and eating her copious amounts of baked goods, I spent time with my brother Harrison, my Dad, my youngest brothers Steward, Andy, and Darien, my step-Mom Sue, my sisters Natalie and Angelena. After 3 sweet weeks on the coast, I've finally left, likely ... read more
Natalie and the Pigs
Tyler and the Pigs
Natalie and Tyler

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