Blogs from Princeton, British Columbia, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Princeton June 16th 2017

When I planned the stage after Princeton I thought it would be okay to make it a bit longer (117 km) as the elevation changes reported in Google maps were more down than up (908 m down, 559 m up). Of course, 559 metres up is still a substantial climb if it is done all at once. In an ideal world, little bits of that elevation change would be added in convenient places just to break up the coasting downhill. I asked the waitress at the restaurant in Princeton what the hills were like on the highway to Osoyoos. She said it was pretty much flat the whole way. But then she hesitated and said, “Oh yeah, I forgot, there’s that really long hill after Keremeos.” Next morning, the ride down the Similkameen valley was simply ... read more
Better name
Home on Osoyoos Lake
Hilarious Quail

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Princeton November 2nd 2008

We lied, we managed to fit in a wee trip before the end of the year - so hurrah, another travelblog abounds. The first part of the trip was a solo one for Charlotte. Bidding for vacation the year before doesn't always work out. So as a result, Charlotte had all her vacation time in October and November. It's been a big year money wise with trips to the UK and of course, our wonderful wedding so it wasn't possible to do too much this time around. With Mike busy at work with the Canadian elections it was a chance to slip away for a few days. One good thing about having holiday time in October is that most places aren't too busy. I managed to get a hotel in Las Vegas for 23 US a ... read more
Autumn colours
Vegas baby

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Princeton August 27th 2008

Hello Folks, Sorry it's been a while, but somehow things always seem to conspire against me getting internet access. Anyway, I'm solo again. Chrostoph and Iris wanted to spend more time hiking around Waterton, I wanted to get to the coast, also Christoph had a cracked rim and was waiting for a replacement. The Rockies have been incredible, beautiful scenery, long long climbs (20K to 25K) @ 6% to 8% grades, and mixed weather. Of course my 1st pass was the highest, Kootenay pass out of Creston, at 1774M. And naturally full on conditions; started to rain about 5K into the climb, hail for a bit and then lightening and thunder as the grade kicked up to 8% at about the 20K point. At the summit it was snow mixed with rain and wind. A very ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Princeton July 26th 2007

Victoria is the capital of British Columbia even though it is much smaller than Vancouver. It's a very charming tourist town. The main city area is only about 6 blocks long and 3 blocks wide which makes it very easy to get around on foot. Almost all of the main attractions are within walking distance. The main shopping street is cobbled and has limited traffic. By the time I arrived in Victoria, I had managed to pick up a nasty cold. There always seems to be something doing the rounds in hostels. So I spend a few days taking it easy and Victoria was a great place for that. I read a few books and watched a few movies. Including Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in preparation for the new book. Canada has ... read more
Canada geese
Hanging baskets
Knowledge totem pole

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Princeton October 2nd 2006

Well, 10 months ago I booked my 4 week tour to Thailand, which has mushroomed into a two month trip to Borneo, Thailand, and Cambodia, and there is only 3 weeks until I leave! And, after having not at all much help from my travel agent, I am proud to say I did it all on my own. It all seems so surreal now. Sometimes I don't think it has sunk in. I am just now finishing up all the last minute details, and although I thought I had been working on these all along, it seems that there are hundreds more things to think about. I keep reminding myself that it's okay if I forget something, but still can't help stressing a little bit. Good stress though! (If my memory of high school biology is ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Princeton June 14th 2006

Well, after another 11 hour day our little party of four made it home safe and sound. We started to break camp in the pouring rain at 6:00am (way too early!) and actually made it out of the campground at 7:00. Record time! The early morning was worth it when we realized we would make the 10:30 ferry and knock off 4 hours of travelling time. Halleighluah! What a relief that was. The ferry gods were looking down upon us again. Sometimes I really like those ferry gods. Only just sometimes though. The rest of the drive was wet and dreary, but perfect for travelling. No sun glaring in the wee one's eyes. We saw three bear on the way home. Big, beautiful, healthy bears. Not at all like the dumpster diving bear we saw in ... read more
Sea Life
Ty enjoying the sunset
Beach life

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Princeton June 1st 2006

This is my first blog entry. I am planning a 7 week trip to Thailand and Cambodia in November. I'm so excited I could almost puke. Five months seems so far away!! Although I am sure the time will fly. In the mean time I have a short trip to Tofino coming up soon, so I will use that as my practice blogging. Hope all my friends, family and any strangers who happen across this enjoy my trips as much as I will. Talk to you all soon!... read more

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