Blogs from Jasper, Alberta, Canada, North America - page 10


North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper July 24th 2007

After a pleasant, but somewhat wet, night, Sara and I packed up and headed to the trailhead. The tarp seemed weatherproof enough to handle any storm we might encounter and our legs seemed recovered enough to do the same for any trail. As we passed the Visitor Center our views of the peak were still obscured by clouds, but the sun at least made an effort to shine on us as we parked the car. The trail was not hard to find, as we joined fifty or so other cars in the parked lot, and made our first crossing of many over the silt-laden Robson River. Just short of paved, the trail’s condition didn’t seem to be much of an issue for the first four kilometers, but apparently the river, due to the warm temperatures and ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper July 22nd 2007

Our time in Jasper was quite short what was not too bad, because the weather in Banff was much better than in Jasper. So we spent about 2 nights and 1 day in Jasper. During that day we hiked on Whistlers, which is the house mountain from Jasper. At the next day, we left to Edmonton. On the way we made a stop and went bathing in the hot springs. The temperature of the water which comes out of those hot springs is about 40 degrees! After that bath we left the national parks and drove to Edmonton.... read more
Water falls

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper July 17th 2007

Howdy So since I seem to be on a roll with the updating I'll post an extra one just for you! Lots to mention for the last 6 months so I will make it short. Ok, so we track back to say Feb-March-April - Snowboarding!! Dogsledding!! Coldness!!! I've mentioned this many times but just in case you missed it and don't know where Canada is, let me tell you this. When the Titanic sunk, it wasn't because it was warm, it was a freakin iceberg and generally that means its cold. (Duh!?) Yes Canada reaches temperatures that you really don't want to feel. As you can see by one of the photos it's better to leave your drinks outside to being in your fridge! So snowboarding was good fun, I now have to strap my ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper July 1st 2007

2nd time trying to find the top of this mountain near Jasper/Snaring River. First time ended up on the wrong mountain...this time took 11hrs return just to find the secondary summit...the real summit was at least another few hours away along a scary thin ridge line.... read more
Hey, Its Still Winter Up Here - Mt Chetamin

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper June 30th 2007

Hi all, After making our way from lake louise to Jasper on the coach we only stayed 1 night as the Hostel was a shit hole and we were 3 km at least from everywhere and had no car. So it was gonna be a nightmare to get food and drink so we headed the next day for Vancouver. 25 mins outside Jasper and the clock went back an hour. (its completely crazy) After a coach journey which felt like a lifetime lol we finally arrived in Vancouver, We got up the next day and headed for stanley park to go to the aqarium. The park itself has a 5 1/2 mile radius its massive and the aquarium was good. Later that night we went out for a few drinks, we were sitting outside the bar ... read more
on the way to jasper
on the way to jasper
On the way to Jasper

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper June 28th 2007

With the prospect of not seeing one another for 4 weeks and my soon to be incarceration into a 5 week training schedule, saw us take the long way to Calgary. I needed to be in Calgary for July 3rd to start my training with Westjet, so we throw in a mini road trip. We left early on Thursday morning and drove to Kamploops in the BC Interior and then up past Mount Robson and into Jasper National Park. We found a nice room to kip in for the night and went out for some dinner. The next day we woke to sun. A late brunch of a greasy fry up meant we had fuel for the day ahead. We wandered around Jasper for an hour and then the clouds rolled in - doh!!! Just in ... read more
A beautiful view
Taking it easy
Maligne Lake

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper June 22nd 2007

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper June 20th 2007

Wildlife abounds here in Jasper National Park. The amount of wildlife is almost overwhelming. We've seen a couple of black bears, coyote, fox, wolf, elk, deer, goats, and bighorn sheep. Going out for a drive usually results in wildlife sightings! No cougars or grizzly bears yet though. We have been travelling with Melina's parents Doug and Shirlee Hoffman for the past 10 days. A Big Thank-You to them for making this part of the trip happen. The kind of travelling we're doing here requires a car to get around the park. It's been great travelling with them since Calgary. We get along very well and have been living it up! We've been in Jasper Alberta for the past 4 days and it's stunningly beautiful. The Rocky mountains live up to their name with huge rock ... read more
Mount Edith Cavell
View West
Our Travelling Companions

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper June 20th 2007

Ice Fields, Eh?  North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper By Lisa Ted and ChongJune 20th 2007 We were climbing all over glaciers, pronounced glas-ee-ers, today! We visited the Columbian Icefields and took a snowcoach tour with a bunch of blue-haired retirees. This icefield feeds into the Athabasca river and forms a tremendous waterfall downstream, appropriately named, Athabasca Falls. Enjoy the pictures! We will be departing Jasper tomorrow and heading north towards Grande Cache, Alberta. We are planning on spending a couple of nights in Grand Cache and from there, will head towards Dawson Creek - mi... read more
Ted and the Sno Coach
Lisa at the Columbian Ice Fields

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper June 18th 2007

Lisa caught a fish! We were considering cutting our losses, and ending our career as anglers, but the big catch has re-ignited the spark and we're excited to do more fishing along our trip. It was a beauty of a Rainbow Trout and a small crowd gathered to watch Ted net the sucker and watch our photo shoot! We also saw a gorgeous mother black bear and her young cub yesterday. The sighting was also long awaited, because we have been meeting people left and right that have numerous bear stories under their belts and we had yet to spot any! We'll be heading out of Jasper on Wednesday morning. We have 600 miles to drive before we hit the start of the Alaska Highway. We are planning on stopping over in Grande Cache, Alberta ... read more
Lisa's Rainbow Trout
Lisa Fishing in Maligne Lake

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