Blogs from West, Syria, Middle East - page 3


Middle East » Syria » West » Krak des Chevaliers February 11th 2009

Dag 243 og 244. Tirsdagen hadde vi en rolig dag; vi gikk rundt i gatene og kikket, og var paa souqen. Vi har mulighet til aa lage mat paa hotellet paa formiddagene - et lite kjokken som de ansatte bruker. Selv om vi folte at vi trengte oss paa, laget vi lunsj der idag. Valget var spansk omelett (en av de ansatte saa med stor interesse paa den lille stekepannen vaar i teflon, og kjokkenkniven vaar). Paa ettermiddagen var vi nok en gang paa juicebaren. Da vi var der var strommen borte - hver dag stenges strommen i et par timer paa ulike steder i byen, slik at byen sparer strom. Vi var paa internettkafe etter at strommen var tilbake - og brukte flere timer paa laste opp bilder til bloggen. Jane kjopte seg saa en ... read more
Citadel Masyaf
Porten til Masyaf
Masyaf - inngang

Middle East » Syria » West » Hama February 9th 2009

Dg 242. Siden vi skulle paa heldagstur idag, maatte vi opp forholdsvis tidlig. Vi skulle kjore kl. 08.30, saa vi spiste frokost paa hotellet. Istedenfor guidet tur hadde vi leid sjaafor med bil - i regi fra hotellet. Det var fast pris paa bilen pr. dag, alt etter hvor langt man skulle kjore. Det var 2 tyske jenter som skulle dele bil med oss, saa vi betalte 1 600 SP. Til forskjell fra turen vi hadde faatt pris paa i Aleppo (6 000 SP) var dette en ganske god pris - selv om vi naa reiste uten guide. Mange av stedene vi skulle se var vanskelig aa komme til ved bruk av offentlig transport, saa vi synes losningen var bra. Vaart forste stopp var citadel Qala'at Sheisar. Det var ikke mye vi fikk sett for de ... read more
Citadel Qala'at Sheisar
Citadel Qala'at Sheisar 2
Bilen "vaar"

Middle East » Syria » West » Latakia February 8th 2009

Ugarit (actual Ras Shamra رأس شمرة; en árabe) 35°36′06.60″N 35°47′07.58″E / 35.601833, 35.7854389 fue una antigua ciudad portuaria, situada en la costa mediterránea al norte de Siria a pocos kilómetros de la moderna ciudad de Latakia, en la región asiática conocida como Levante. Esta ciudad fue fundamental en la historia de las grandes civilizaciones del Cercano Oriente, especialmente durante el período de esplendor en el cual Egipto tuvo estados vasallos en el Levante, período que quedó registrado con precisión en la correspondencia de Tell el-Amarna entre funcionarios egipcios, ugaríticos, y de otras nacionalidades. El pueblo ugarítico, además, hizo importantes contribuciones a la escritura y a la religión, tanto semítica pagana como en las fases iniciales del judaísmo. Por estas contribuciones se puede identificar al pueblo que habitó Ugarit en su etapa histórica, que fue su período ... read more

Middle East » Syria » West » Hama February 8th 2009

Dag 240 og 241. Vi bestilte frokost paa rommet, en veldig behagelig maate aa starte dagen paa. Vi tok drosje til bussterminalen og betalte betraktelig mindre enn det vi gjorde til hotellet (det er alltid saa vanskelig aa vite hva det koster naar man kommer paa nye steder, og drosjesjaaforene utnytter veldig ofte dette). Da vi kom til terminalen var det en kar som spurte hvor vi skulle, og henviste oss til rett busselskap da vi sa Hama. Vi skjonte ingenting av det som sto paa billetten, det eneste vi visste var at bussen skulle gaa kl. 12 og at det skulle staa nr. 38 paa den. Vi satte oss ned paa en benk og ventet i 45 minutter for Eirik begynte aa gaa litt rundt for aa se om han kunne se om bussen var ... read more
Glade arbeidere
Vannhjul 2

Middle East » Syria » West » Hama December 26th 2008

We got up this morning and went in search of breakfast. It was almost a fruitless search as there was noone in the restaurant that we could easily find . However on a second attempt we managed to rouse somebody and they actually ended serving us up the most delightful breakfast (although mum absolutely hated it). Dad and I both had a truly lovely omelette, followed up by some cornflakes. Mum has steadfastly refused to use the milk in Syria as she cannot find out whether or not it is pasteurised, so instead she has been putting bottle water onto her cornflakes…… yummy. After breakfast we went for a little walk around the old town of Hama. It is actually quite beautiful and there is very little rubbish strewn around the streets as in other cities. ... read more
Orontes River in Hama
Water Wheel
Aquaduct and Water Wheel

Middle East » Syria » West » Latakia December 23rd 2008

We were allowed to have a sleep in this morning. Delicious. We didn’t have to get going until 10am this morning. So mum and dad got me out of the room at 7:15am to have breakfast. I still can’t work out how this is a sleep in. Breakfast was another interesting array of food. We had cucumber, tomatoes, cheese, bread and boiled eggs and omelettes. After breakfast we took a brief stroll down the corniche of Tartus. The cornniche of Tartus wasn’t exactly a glory spot. They are in the process of constructing a series of breakwaters and mini ports around the corniche which is actually going to make it quite pretty in the end. However ones overarching impression of Tartus is of a place that is pretty run down and in need of a bit ... read more
View from the Hotel in Tartus
An interesting way to move reinforcing
Dad and I in Urgarit

Middle East » Syria » West » Hama December 3rd 2008

We had a "free morning" to explore the town of Hama. Unfortunately I still needed to sort out my money so spent the time in an internet cafe and then persuaded the tour guide to sort out a pay phone for me. Good job he did because (a) I could not find it (it was on the wall in the street outside a shop) and (b) to get it to work I needed a chap to fish coins out of the coin box and then feed them back in to the slot while I discussed the issue, at length, with my bank. However, after much wrangling they unlocked it and I quickly withdrew some cash to last the whole holiday... before more suspicious transactions appeared. After this it was nearly midday and our agreed meeting time ... read more

Middle East » Syria » West » Hama December 2nd 2008

The next morning we found that more than half the group had got food poisoning from the meal the night before. Luckily my fussy-ness meant that I escaped and I went out to find another fruit juice from the nearby bar. We caught a bus down to Hama with people being sick every so often. Not a great journey, but I was very glad I had avoided the bug. To get us in the mood for our destination we watched "Kingdom of Heaven" as we travelled south. I couldn't hear much of it, but it certainly got me in the right frame of mind. Having unloaded the most sickly people at the hotel we went on to the Crac de Chevaliers. This was quite impressive and large. Our tour leader was fairly good as a guide, ... read more

Middle East » Syria » West » Tartus November 20th 2008

En el año 1123 los cruzados construyeron la iglesia de nuestra señora de Tortosa sobre este lugar, más tarde fue utilizada como mezquita después de la reconquista musulmana, como caballerizas por los otomanos y renovada bajo el mandato francés. Ahora es el museo de la ciudad, . En 1152, Tortosa fue entregado a los caballeros Templarios, que lo utilizaron como su jefatura militar. La ciudad de Tortosa fue conquistada por Saladino en 1188 y los templarios se fueron a Chipre, quedándose diez años más en la isla de Arwad, desde donde realizaron una rafia para recuperar la protada de la catedral. 1123 the Crusaders built the church of Our Lady of Tortosa upon this site. It now houses this altar and has received many pilgrims. The Cathedral itself was used as a mosque after the Muslim ... read more

Middle East » Syria » West » Krak des Chevaliers September 30th 2008

Is that a camel's head for sale? The souks of Allepo Our first stop of the morning was a local juice bar - something that seems very popular in Syria. We walked as a group to the juice bar for our morning breakfast of juice and cheese bread before meeting our local tour guide named Ahmed. Ahmed was a little old man wearing a white hat and a tattered old blue suit. He had a very strong English accent and spoke in very clipped tones, enunciating every syllable as he spoke. He took us for a tour of the city showing us what he called the ‘New Town’ - but in actual fact - looked very old and weary to me. As we walked through the town, I wasn’t surprising to discover that we were the ... read more
Breakfast at the Juice Bar
The souks of Allepo
Side street shops in Allepo

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