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Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra
October 8th 2007
Published: October 8th 2007
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Hello All,
I just finished a long day in Petra, Jordan which was so beautiful. We saw some temples and canyons and also successfully survived our first international adventure. We rode horses down and hiked back up which was really tiring but also fun. We are staying at really interesting kibutz now where the houses are made of straw and mud and there is hardly any waste. It is very ecological and also more socialist than most kibbutzim have become. Everyone is anxious to arrive and settle in a city and Jerusalem so that will be rewarding after a busy and challenging two weeks. We stayed in Beer Sheva earlier this week which wasn't the nicest of cities but it was fun because we had a night out bowling and getting ice cream etc. I want to add pictures when I get to Jerusalem so look for those and in the meantime I hope everyone is enjoying themselves. In response to questions I recieved about why the dead sea is called the dead sea: it is becuase it is so salty that absolutely nothing lives in it. More later, love always, Adina


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