Blogs from Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv District, Israel, Middle East - page 16


Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 26th 2008

My best friend from school, Meg, came to visit me after her semester in London ended. We went to the beach, wandered around Jerusalem and Yafo, and she went to the Dead Sea and Masada. When she called and asked if she could come visit, Hilary and I had already booked our hotel and flight to Cairo, so Meg came with us. We left late Thursday night after checking out of the dorms and moving all of my stuff to my friends Jono and Jeremy's place in south Tel Aviv. They gave Meg a rough time in security (she looked pretty shady with her huge backpack and big blue eyes) and ended up thoroughly searching all of her bags at least twice. We got into Cairo around 3 am and somehow got to our hotel and ... read more
A Sphinx-dog
In Giza
Meg, Hilary, and me overlooking Cairo

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 25th 2008

I got my kibbutz placement. I will be going to Kibbutz Baram on Monday. I should have been tipped off to the somewhat bum operation when I walked into the building where the kibbutz volunteer office is located. I walked up to the receptionist, conveniently located behind bullet proof glass, and asked brightly where I might find the volunteer office. Based upon her reaction one may have thought I was asking where I could find the slaughtered pig and milk factory. I received a terse, "Not here" and a backward flick of her head towards what I could only assume was the kibbutz volunteer office. Located on the lower level, the windowless office is staffed by two women, one morbidly obese and the other rail thin. There was one additional room with "Manager" written across the ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 22nd 2008

There are a few things people don't tell you about Israel that, as an American, I find a bit strange. First, people don't keep their dogs on a leash. Not in cities - not anywhere. As someone who lives in New York, where the average dog is 75% pit, I have simply grown cautious when it comes to strange dogs. And I love dogs, pits included. I live with a darling New York rescue mutt and he's sweet as can be. But when I'm walking down the street in a foreign city and I see a German Shepard trotting freely towards me, I'm bound to get a little bit nervous. On Traffic: People ride their bicycles on the sidewalks. I asked around to see if this is in fact legal and at best, got a shrug. ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 21st 2008

Here is more or less the itinerary of my last week or so in Israel. Thank you Katherine and Erica for organizing this! I wouldn't have remembered other wise. As you can see, it was packed to the brim. Sunday Arrive at hotel in Jerusalem Dinner and Icebreakers Monday Panoramic view of Jerusalem Tour of the Old City and Wailing Wall Short hike through arab village (name anyone?) Long bus ride up to the Golan Heights Evening at Kibbutz Gadot Night out at Kibbutz pub (bar in bomb shelter, ha.) Tuesday Half-day Canyon water hike in the Yahudia and Kazerin canyons of the Golan Heights - swimming in water falls. Rafting the Jordan River Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, Tiberias Camping at Antina campsite Campfire fun Wednesday Hike in Amoud Wadi near Tsfat (forested ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 21st 2008

I'm not even sure if that's the correct transliteration for the Hebrew word excuse me. There doesn't seem to be a free transliteration website. Well, I've never written a blog before. I don't even read other people's blogs. Everyone else seems to have a litany of go-to web sites, blogs, and such. I don't. When I work at a desk job I go to facebook, gmail, and maybe I have no idea what else is out there and frankly find it hard to get worked up enough to nose around anywhere else. So if you're reading this, you are far more internet savvy than myself. I will now stop blogging about the blog. It's too meta. I'm in Tel Aviv at the moment. I wish I had started this earlier. I've been in Israel for ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 17th 2008

Dutch Version: Het wordt weer eens tijd om wat fotootjes up te loaden. Geen lange verhalen deze keer, gewoon een impressie van de laatste maand (of iets langer). Ik ga nog steeds 3 ochtenden in de week naar hebreeuwse les, werk een paar uur per dag als telemarketeer voor de nederlandse markt. Tussendoor maken we uitstapjes en we hebben in de maand april en begin mei zoveel joodse feestdagen, vakanties etc. achter de rug dat ik de tel een beetje kwijt was. Nu is het weer even rustig na de grote afsluiter van het 60 jarig bestaan van de staat Israel net bij ons om de hoek, groot feest!!! Mijn visa aanvraag (voor werkvergunning etc.) is geweigerd omdat ik een lullig stempeltje miste op mijn geboortecertificaat dus dat was toen snel klaar, fuck zo blijf ik ... read more
At the beach of Ceasaria
Learning Hebrew at Ulpan Gordon in Tel Aviv
Purim party at the school

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 16th 2008

Israel's day of remembrance for fallen soldiers was last Wednesday, and I sang in service our program put on last Tuesday night. The next day, Hilary and I left early in the morning for Eilat. On Yom Hazikaron and Yom Hashoah, a siren goes off every year, and the whole country stops and stands for a minute and listens to it. On Yom Hashoah I was in class, a siren went off during our Yom Hazikaron service, and our bus to Eilat pulled over and we all stood up for the siren. Eilat is interesting. The city is really small, the beach is the main attraction. The beaches aren't as nice as Tel Aviv beaches though. Hilary and I hung out on the beach for Thursday and Friday, and Friday morning we went scuba diving with ... read more
Scuba gear!

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 9th 2008

As the sun sets, and Israel's 60th anniversary officially draws to an end, my sunburned self and friends sit on our upstairs mirpeset (patio) and sing and dance our hearts out to 80s music. Perhaps not a "normal" way to bring this momentous day to a close, it seems a fitting end...dancing and singing...for a day most of the world never dreamed could happen. And on this day, which began in the night with a tekes (ceremony), after a national day of mourning those who had the courage to stand and fight, and were killed in doing so, we celebrate. But, the real question is...what exactly are we celebrating? In the Jewish tradition we are fastidious about marking occasions, events, lives, deaths, and time periods. 30 days after a death is considered the "shloshim" the time ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv May 3rd 2008

I spent my Pesach break in London and Ireland. A bunch of my close friends are studying in London, so I stayed with them in their dorm near Kings Cross. They had been complaining about their dorm, because it's brand new but nothing quite works right, but it's like palace compared to my prison of a dorm room. It was really nice to see them again, but it was strange to be in London with them- I had planned on studying there for this semester up until late last summer. The day after I got there, their program took them to Brighton Beach, so I came along for the trip. Brighton Beach is beautiful. The pier is really fun and the whole town is just adorable. The first weekend I was in London, my friends and ... read more
Tower Bridge
Big Ben!
Afternoon Tea!

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv March 26th 2008

Nachdem es die letzten Tage einfach nur zu heiss war (um die 35 Grad aber gefuehlte 40) ist heute wieder das Wetter human geworden und ich moechte ein paar Fotos von einer sehr schoenen ruhigen Gegend zeigen. Man glaubt es nicht aber diese Nachbarschaft liegt mitten im Zentrum, zwischen 2 Hauptstrassen, direkt hinter dem Markt, und nahe am Strand. ... read more
ein wahrer Ruhepol
eine Oase

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