European Adventures with Mom!

November 8th 2007
Published: November 8th 2007
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Well mom finally made it, signaling that I have officially lived in France for two whole months!!! AH so crazy. It was so great to see my mom, she looked a little travel weathered when I picked her up, but can you blame her, it was a good 18 hours of traveling, just to come see me, that’s when you know your momma love ya!! Well our first night together consisted of us resting in my apartment, co... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 73, Displayed: 21


Cinque terre Cinque terre
Cinque terre

The beach
Cinque terre Cinque terre
Cinque terre

Mom dipped her toes
Cinque terre Cinque terre
Cinque terre

I got a bit more then dipping...
Cinque terre Cinque terre
Cinque terre

Our feet in the Mediterranean
Cinque terre Cinque terre
Cinque terre

Amazing weather !
Cinque terre Cinque terre
Cinque terre

Town two
Cinque terre Cinque terre
Cinque terre

The narrow stairways
Cinque terre Cinque terre
Cinque terre

City three
Cinque terre Cinque terre
Cinque terre


13th November 2007

that is so exciting! did your mom totally love it? you introduced her to some good food right? you better have girl because that's the best part of travelling!!! wells shnukum, i am dearly missing your smily face... you took the sunshine with you to europe, it seems, since it's only fog and clouds and rain...... sniff.... oh and wind.... but its looks like your guys are having good weather there.... nice nice.... anymoos.... luv ya and miss hun!

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