Blogs from Inverness-shire, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe - page 52


Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Inverness December 13th 2006

Hi all, We have been in Inverness since last night - well about 3:30 pm yesterday, which is actually after sunset, so technically it's night! Our accomodation here is not quite as nice as in Edinburgh. We have a private twin room, but have to share a bathroom (next door) with a few other rooms, but haven't had to wait to use it yet. In Edinburgh, we stayed in a newly refurbished hostel, so all the fittings were almost brand new and our private triple room had an ensuite bathroom and a little table and chairs to sit at. We wanted to go to the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery today as it was raining lightly but steadily in the morning and looked as though it would continue all day (it did!). When we arrived there ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Isle of Skye December 11th 2006

Singapore was a great refresh, sitting out in the steamy gardens, then getting a nice long hot shower. Then the long flight back to London, 14 hours, ouch, over India, Iran, Cental Europe etc, had a scare when the entertainment was not working but they got it fixed, after all if the entertainment system is not working, think of the other things that could go wrong. Touched down back at Heathrow at 5am, the earliest Heathrow would let us, and was delighted to see things had not changed, due to staff shortages the ticket office at the underground was not to be manned that morning, brilliant. Made my way in the early stages of rush hour to Gatwick, hung around there for ages in fatigued daze, then got my short Easyjet flight up to chilly Inverness ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Fort William November 22nd 2006

Driving and sight seeing is what I’ve been doing best lately and what today was mainly consisting of, besides a little shopping the day has been pretty busy at the wheel getting from A to B to Z. The trip from Fort William went from one extreme to another with clear sunny weather cruising the highlands along narrow twisty roads at quite high speeds... Which would seem to be quite fast to me but, with such well made roads was not excessive at all and I was only keeping up with the locals!. The view however so breath taking that I was forced to pull over quite frequently to take in a few photographs. Then finding myself amongst many other cars and trucks on busy three lane high ways in such a heavy down pour of ... read more
How green can it get here
Assorted pics
Assorted pics

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Isle of Skye November 22nd 2006

My family are going away in a week’s time. The things I will miss most are normalness and my friends. I am really exited but am really scared and sad at the same time. I am exited because you don’t normally spend five, FIVE, months travelling the world! I am scared because I don’t know what I’m going to find out until I find out. I am sad because my friends can’t come with me. I wrote this for school as an example of what I feel. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Loch Ness November 21st 2006

Tuesday November 21, 2006 - Today was another partly rainy day, but hey, it's Scotland. We had breakfast in the hotel and then went to check out the Loch Ness 2000 exhibition. It was well done and I enjoyed it. Each room had a different video presentation and it documented the history of the loch and the possibility of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, in a fair and scientific way. We then spent a little time shopping and I bought a few presents before finding Steve again. We opted for a scenic drive around the entire loch, which I learned holds more water than all the lakes in Wales and England combined. I had no idea it was such an important body of water. We stopped early on at Urquhart Castle, located right on the lake ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Loch Ness November 20th 2006

Aberdeen was fairly quiet, after looking around the town we played some pool and watched some TV (which was nice for a change to just relax and do very little). The following day (Tuesday 21st) I went on a boat tour of Loch ness. At first it was raining and windy but then it cleared up and the sun shone bright. The tour was great unfortunately “Nessy” didn’t show. After the Loch Ness boat tour I drove up to Ullapool in the North West highlands to check out the scenery. The drive up was very pretty, an on off downfall of rain left little whitewater rivers running down all the hills everywhere spilling into large torrents of water which madly surged down the valley on their way to the lochs. The stop off in Ullapool was ... read more
Loch Ness
Interesting lighting
Interesting lighting

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Culloden November 20th 2006

Monday November 20, 2006 - Today Steve and I drove to Culloden after he made breakfast. This boy is domestic! Last year I read a series of book that took place in Scotland, in the Highlands, that my friend Kari gave me to borrow. I absolutely fell in love with the books and the characters, gave them to my friend Lynn for Christmas, and ever since we have been wanting to go to Scotland. The main character fights in the war that took place in Culloden against the English, when Bonnie Prince Charlie was trying to reclaim the Scottish throne. Well, the English won out but at least I got to visit the battlefield where my fictional character fought a fierce battle. We walked around the visitor's center while it was raining, and I did some ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Isle of Skye November 18th 2006

Ronan has found a new interest his teeth, he got a travel toothbrush, in two halves and the brush bit clips inside the handle, he loves it...not that my children are hard done by or anything, I mean we are taking them around the world, but when a toothbrush for a few coppers porvides such worthwhile entertainment, who needs a play station 2. I have a new rucksack which required Talitha's help to work out...In all the years of climbing mountains, I have never had a rucksack that required an instruction manual (luckily printed on the inside of the back panel cover - which hides all the straps away for air flights) There are lots of zips and a baby rucksack which zips to it (which Ronan has decided is his, and now houses his ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Isle of Skye November 14th 2006

Not long now!! Mum was in school to find out what I have to do to keep up with school. Writing my blog is part of it as well!! ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Isle of Skye November 6th 2006

2 weeks now, me and Dad arguing about what to take. Having to carry all my stuff will be a pain! Mums got most of the stuff we need now! We have the visas we need for all the different places. It's over 27 thousand miles!! ... read more

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