Blogs from Heathrow Airport, Greater London, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 24


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport February 7th 2007

It's 'D-Day'! Still felt like a normal day right up until 5:30pm, when we headed off to Heathrow. It was only when we were sat in Wetherspoons watching the footy that it all felt a bit different. Before then we had the issue of not having reserved seats online, so we were 9 rows apart. However, by the time we boarded, Sars had it all sorted and the holiday was to begin... until a technical glitch delayed the flight 90mins! Oh well, 7 February and in the air on way to Singapore.... read more
Sars at Heathrow
On the plane to Singapore
On the plane to Singapore 2

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport February 1st 2007

Heathrow - thanks go to BA cabin crew for turning up...... read more
Nintendo fun

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport January 26th 2007

London is a cool place. It´s amazing how a group of people that speaks the same language as you can be so hard to understand. The airport in Heathrow is not the greatest, but the people are friendly and patient. I met a girl, named Olivia, that is studying abroad in Switzerland. Since we both had a layover for 2 hours we got to sit together and it was nice to have someone to talk to. I would like to spend more time in London someday. It is beautiful.... read more
Royal Palace

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport January 17th 2007

We both had to get up really early to meet at Heathrow aiport for our flight that was due to leave at 12.25. The flight was actually delayed by about an hour which didn't really bother us because we had a 6hour wait at Hong Kong airport anyway! The flight was excellent (as far as flights go!) in terms of food and inflight entertainment. We were able to choose which film we wanted to watch as well as when it started and at any point during the film we were able to pause/fast-forwrd/rewind it! ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport January 17th 2007

So I wentdown to Heathrow with my dad and his partner and it was apretty shitty moment when i had to say goodbye,kinda like that feeling you get when you know you're just about to fall, 'cus it's the first time i've been really on my own. Anyway on the way through security I got pulled aside by these security guys, obviously i look a bit dodgey, and they make me pose in front of this full body X-Ray machine. After this they asked me if i wanted to see the pictures, and when i went to the computer screen it was just me in the buff but painted blue, very wierd and slightly pervy of BA, but they all laughed when i told them i was in better shape than i thought i was. The ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport December 29th 2006

Have I mentioned that layovers in the British Air First class lounge don't suck??? Here we are...we've got six hours to kill with all the food, drink, showers and massages we can handle.... all gratis! But of course.. they do charge for wi-fi service - 6pounds per hour.. go figure. Therefore - we'll keep this one short and sweet..... The flight from PHX to Heathrow was pretty uneventful. The only excitement we had was realizing upon check-in that BA only allows 1 carry-on bag on flights that connect in the UK - so the scramble to consolidate bags at the check-in counter was pretty interesting. I promised myself I'd pack light on this trip..yet my carryon felt like I was toting a family of 5....crazy heavy. I think Jay was in the same boat.. but he's ... read more
Karl relaxes

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport December 22nd 2006

Welcome to Heathrow... Friday, December 22-23, 5:15pm We arrive from Iceland. The original plan had been to spend the night in London and come back to the airport in the morning for our continuing journey. That was when we were arriving at noon, had our luggage, and outdoor visibility was greater than 2 feet. From London's Daily Mail newspaper for that day: It is difficult to explain to anyone visiting these shores how a dose of winter frost and fog can so easily envelop one of the world's leading airports in chaos and calamity, compelling its national airline to wipe off hundreds of flights at a stroke and stranding passengers for hours, maybe days. For the second day running, these were the horrendous scenes at Heathrow as nearly 200,000 people struggled to get away for Christmas. ... read more
Foggy planes
Baggage claim chaos
more baggage

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport December 21st 2006

We finally arrived at the airport this afternoon after almost a 4 hour journey :-( Many thanks to Ruth and the girls for taking us and hope that you have a better journey home. The Range Rover's Sat Nav just kept pointing out more and more accidents but the heated seats made life slightly more comfortable! When we finally arrived at the hotel we were accosted by the BBC wanting to know our travel woes but when they found out we were travelling tomorrow to Bangkok they were not interested!! ITV camera crews are camped out in the hotel car park and we just watched the 6 o/clock news bulletin live from Heathrow out of our room window. CNN are here as well and Simon is getting aggrivated by the annoying American woman with the mobile ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport December 20th 2006

Hi all, I haven't had access to internet for a while so will catch up now with some backdated entries. We arrived at Heathrow Airport at 7:30am on Tuesday 20 December to check in for our 10:20am flight to Finland via Stockholm. Heathrow was badly fogged in, so at about 8:30am they asked everyone to go upstairs to a departure lounge and wait for the announcement to check in. We went back to the check in desk at 12 noon even though there had been no announcement only to find that our flight was full! Apparently many people had ignored the request to wait and they had actually been checking these people in on the flight. Profuse apologies did not really help me feel any better as we had to stand in another line for about ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport December 18th 2006

Hola todos y saludos desde el ooootro lado del mundo! y es que cuando uno realmente ya se da cuenta donde esta, es impresionante y hasta te pone a filosofar! no solamente es el otro lado del mundo, sino OTRO mundo! Decidi llamar a este blog "la travesia" ya que eso es lo que fue el llegar hasta aca, la 'soleada' Inglaterra, jajaja. He aqui el relato.... El viaje fue relativamente largo aunque bastante mas agradable a lo que me esperaba. Mi papi me llevo hasta el aeropuerto a las 5am, sniff sniiiiiiff comence el viaje a las 7am no sin antes ser inspeccionada de pies a cabeza por una chica que aunque dizque de la brigada del lucha contra las malas intenciones y pensamientos afines, parecia mas de migracion norteamericana recibiendo un mexicano de bigotito ... read more

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