Blogs from Västra Götaland County, Sweden, Europe - page 19


Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County September 14th 2008

Well it is getting easier and easier to be here, I am at about 6 1/2 weeks in. It is getting colder I can feel winter just lingering ahead waiting to put its full load on us in the coming months. I miss New Mexico's warmth A LOT, but I am also looking forward to the harsh winter here. It will definately be a new experience. I can feel Halloween in the air, even though it is over a month away, I still smell the familiar smell of fall. The leaves falling changing colors and falling to the ground. The smell of wood burning in peoples fire places early in the morning and in the evening. I hear that they make celebrations here a big deal. I am sure that I will have a lot ... read more
Sweden M.2 017
Sweden M.2 016
Sweden M.2 021

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County September 10th 2008

Heading back down south more and the next city on the stop is Orebro. Pretty much a uni city and where I was staying in the middle of it all really and since it was the first week for the new year here in Sweden it is party time! I still managed to have a good look around the city though and the old castle that looks like it is floating on water would have to be the hightlight of this place. Another highlight would have to been to foreign exchange students trying to make this cake where I was staying. All the exchange students from the uni are put in grounps of around 8 and are set chanenges and this night was cake making night. The dude of the couple that I was staying with ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg September 1st 2008

Well, here starts our first real travel news. As per usual, nothing ever goes right on our trips. If it is not a natural disaster, it is man made disaster. Today, it's man made! All was going well, Lars droped us off at the airport in plent time to get stuff sorted out. When we looked at the board the first thin we see is "Flight to Frankfurt is canceled". Great start. But, look again, it is the earl flight, we were on the next one! Anyway, we are told, no worries, all is ok, our flight is good to go! So we wait in the departure loung and see our plane come in. All is good, we are good to go! NOT! We we wait a while then we are told that the engine is ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 31st 2008

Ok, so we are in the last day of august, we got some news. I'm writing in english, in this way everybody understands, but i'm sorry for the mistakes. anyways, a lot of news in my Swedes life. I went to stockholm, and it's really a wonderful city, i completely fell in love with Stockholm. It's built up on some islands, so you can see the sea everywhere, and you smell the typical sea fragrance, and i love it. And it's more similar to a big city, with metro ,adn a lot of traffic and ecc ecc. I think that i prefer it to Göteborg. And i went there with lucia, boby, pierrick, Therese and Jana, and there we met Lucia's brother and his sweidsh girlfriend, who carried us to the north of stockholm, with the ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 29th 2008

With the 1st of September drawing ever so near, I start to wonder if I have enough time to get things sorted out? You know what it’s like…. Ahh, plenty time left, I will do it tomorrow! Then as time goes by, you realise, hell, I better get my finger out of my ass and start to get stuff organised! Anyway, Linda and I are looking forward to this trip as winter is approaching Sweden, it is time to move on and head for the heat. It is strange to think that about 2 weeks ago, the coast line in Sweden was packed full of tourists and locals sucking up the sun and just loving life, shops were open, parties every night, life was good. Now the same places are like ghost towns, shops and pubs ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 15th 2008

KulturKalas I Göteborg AUGUSTI 08... read more
Arrival - ABBA tribute band 2
Arrival - ABBA tribute band
Arrival - ABBA tribute band

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 15th 2008

foreigners around Göteborg... read more
Therese, Jana and me
Pierrick and Me
Pierrick, Crhistine and me

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 10th 2008

Today excursion to Vrangö, the last Island in the Gôteborg Archipelago!... read more
On the Boat
Cookies Party

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 7th 2008

Hello Everybody! J'ecris en Français et arpés je ferais aussi une partie en Italian, comme ça tout le monde pourra comprendre....;Donc, on est le 7, je suis ici dépuis dimanche et j'ai trop de trucs à dire. Aprés un voyage trop long (je sui parti de Rome dimanche matin à 6 et je suis arrivé à Göteborg city le soir à 7), donc je suis arrivé ,et la première impression ke j'ai eu de la suède est que c pareil k un sol en hiver....froid mais plein de lumière...d'une bauté d'anges, q'on peut pas toucher, rein à voir avec les (superbes) villes argenitnes, pleines de vie..... donc, je me suis pa mal debourillé et j'ai rejoint la maison de la fille de couch surfing qui m'a donné ostpitalité une nuit...Et je dois dire ke ct vraiment ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 7th 2008

Hello Everybody! Allora, ci siamo, sono in svezaia. Sn 5 giorni ormai e anche se l’inizio è stato ed è ancora un po rocambolesco, piano piano mi sto adattando, alla differenza di temperatura, alle cose troooooppo organizzate ed al fatto ke sembra un amrzo eterno se la mattina c’è il sole, puo darsi ke piuova due o tre volte al giorno… ci sono anche un sacco di lati positivi…innanzitttuo la bellezza nordica ( e no, nn mi rifersico solo alle svedesi)… qui la città sembra esattamente un sole d’inverno….fredda, glaciale, ma di un fascino intoccabile , irraggiungibile, certo nulla a che vedere con una caotica roma o una stupenda taormina, ma sembra quasi un opera d’arte….e poi ovviamente ci sono le svedesi; e si effetivamente lo stereotipo è vero, la maggior parte sono delle fighe da ... read more
Radiotorget, Katja's Home
Solen Skiner

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