Blogs from Gothenburg, Västra Götaland County, Sweden, Europe - page 14


Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 15th 2008

foreigners around Göteborg... read more
Therese, Jana and me
Pierrick and Me
Pierrick, Crhistine and me

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 10th 2008

Today excursion to Vrangö, the last Island in the Gôteborg Archipelago!... read more
On the Boat
Cookies Party

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 7th 2008

Hello Everybody! J'ecris en Français et arpés je ferais aussi une partie en Italian, comme ça tout le monde pourra comprendre....;Donc, on est le 7, je suis ici dépuis dimanche et j'ai trop de trucs à dire. Aprés un voyage trop long (je sui parti de Rome dimanche matin à 6 et je suis arrivé à Göteborg city le soir à 7), donc je suis arrivé ,et la première impression ke j'ai eu de la suède est que c pareil k un sol en hiver....froid mais plein de lumière...d'une bauté d'anges, q'on peut pas toucher, rein à voir avec les (superbes) villes argenitnes, pleines de vie..... donc, je me suis pa mal debourillé et j'ai rejoint la maison de la fille de couch surfing qui m'a donné ostpitalité une nuit...Et je dois dire ke ct vraiment ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 7th 2008

Hello Everybody! Allora, ci siamo, sono in svezaia. Sn 5 giorni ormai e anche se l’inizio è stato ed è ancora un po rocambolesco, piano piano mi sto adattando, alla differenza di temperatura, alle cose troooooppo organizzate ed al fatto ke sembra un amrzo eterno se la mattina c’è il sole, puo darsi ke piuova due o tre volte al giorno… ci sono anche un sacco di lati positivi…innanzitttuo la bellezza nordica ( e no, nn mi rifersico solo alle svedesi)… qui la città sembra esattamente un sole d’inverno….fredda, glaciale, ma di un fascino intoccabile , irraggiungibile, certo nulla a che vedere con una caotica roma o una stupenda taormina, ma sembra quasi un opera d’arte….e poi ovviamente ci sono le svedesi; e si effetivamente lo stereotipo è vero, la maggior parte sono delle fighe da ... read more
Radiotorget, Katja's Home
Solen Skiner

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg July 12th 2008

Stockholm to Malmo I managed to navigate the ticket machine at Stockholm's Central Station, found the right platform and leapt on to the train. Found seat 67 and made myself comfortable. Ahhhh a nice couple of minutes to spare before we head out. All of a sudden, I'm surrounded by a family trying to sit with me and put their luggage in the overhead compartment. Somehow I must have offended one of them as I received a stern look. Apparently I have the right seat number, on the right train, on the right track, but the WRONG wagon! Oooooooooooops - sorry about that chief! After my false start, I lugged the purple wonder down the platform, found Wagon 15 (rather than 5) and the REAL seat 67. Phew! A shrill whistle was heard and we pulled ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg June 28th 2008

Okay this is a long one cause I've squeezed the last ten days into one update. So picking up where I left off in Sweden... Wednesday (18th June) saw another cross-country train journey - this time from the capital Stockholm on the east coast to the second-largest city Göteborg on the west coast; where I then lugged my backpack around for an hour trying to find my hostel, after turning down the wrong street! I might have seen the funny side of it if my shoulder hadn't given out the second I finally took my backpack off. :-( So after dumping my bags and resting up for a while, it was time to get a tram back into town to watch the football with thousands of parochial Swedes on a big screen set up in Kungsportsavenyn ... read more
A rare glimpse of sunshine in Göteborg
Another low bridge
Sailing ship and 'Lipstick'

I will say now, I wish I were Swedish! It's that simple. Okay my judgement may be misguided by the amazing weather I've had all the way up from Copenhagen. Blue sky and 25 degrees+ all the way with a little chill breeze which makes it bareable cycling (but also probably has fooled me into getting an even worse roasting by the sun). But this coastline and the water is one of the nicest stretches I've ever seen. The scenery has been gentle rolling from the start, but turning more rocky all the time (a bit like NW scotland maybe) with sandy beaches and rocky beaches interspersed all the way. And the Swedish way seems to be enjoy the sun while it's here, so some stretches have been really heaving with people (think Helsingborg - I ... read more
Kids playing on a Moore at the Louisiana
Elsinor castle .- from the boat to Sweden
In Sweden they seem very patriotic, even the road signs are in the Swedish colours!

Den sista dagen spenderade vi genom att först shoppa i Hirakata och sen Toriki en sista gång. Efter det gick vi vidare till Peters lägenhet där vi pratade, åt ramen och var allmänt... nere eftersom vi bara väntade på att åka hem. Somnade vid 04.30 och gick upp igen vid 05.00. Efter några tårfyllda avsked tog vi oss till slut till flygplatsen där vi checkade in två timmar före avgång. Åt mackor, drack vit choklad och... bara väntade ännu mera. Ganska jobbigt. Var säkert ca 15 pers som kom ända till flygplatsen för att säga hej då till mig och David. Enormt rörande men... att säga hejdå till dom, vända ryggen och gå genom spärrarna mot flygplanet var... något jag aldrig vill göra igen. Flygresan till Helsinki gick relativt smärtfritt då man sov lite, fick mat, ... read more
Peters place.

Dear Friends and Relatives, I know I've been behind on writting my blogg which began on 22nd May to The Mediterranean but now I've got it together and hopefully while I'm in ALICANTE, Spain, YES, that's where we are at this very moment. More details to arrive very soon, with lots of lovely photo's from our trip's to alot of lovely places. So I hope you'll wait. If anyone is not interested in receiving my blogg and is still on my address list, just let me know and you will be deleted and you won't hear any more from Lars or I. Caroline... read more

Just a quick entry. Hope everyone is well. After a fun ferry journey from Denmark - complete with man and guitar and dancing drunk swedish pensioners we docked in Göteborg port. We're having a great time here in Sweden with our friends, Camilla, Rick and their 3 energetic children. Having continuously glorious weather and enjoying Swedish hospitality. Götenburg is a lovely city and Camilla has an apartment right smack bang in the middle of the city centre - very convenient for sightseeing! It has been lovely seeing them and will be sad to leave tomorrow, but Denmark is calling us once again!... read more

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