Blogs from Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain, Europe


Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba October 8th 2022

I could have done with an extra hour in bed this morning but equally we can’t handle the heat later in the day so we’re out of our hotel by 9am and walking down the cool narrow streets of this photogenic town. Ian has worked out a walking circuit and we start off at the old Roman Bridge and the town gate. It’s still a pleasant temperature and there’s not too many others hanging around. We had hoped to beat the crowds to see the Mezquita, the highlight of the city, but today they are not opening till 10am so we decide to visit this later when the majority of tour groups will be at lunch. Well that’s the plan anywa IAN’s ACCOUNT OF OUR CIRCUIT Córdoba was established in 125BC as a Roman trading post ... read more
Mosque arches
Market Place

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba January 25th 2022

Après cette bonne soirée passée au restaurant de la Casa Pepe... nous avons fait de beaux rêves et sommes prêts à affronter aujourd'hui la visite de la Mosquée-Cathédrale... Il fallait s'inscrire, avec guide ou sans guide... La mosquée-cathédrale de Cordoue, également connue sous son ancien nom de « mosquée de Cordoue » (Mezquita de Córdoba) et sous son nom canonique et officiel de cathédrale Notre-Dame de l'Assomption (Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción), est un ancien temple romain qui devint basilique chrétienne, du monarchie wisigothique, puis une mosquée, du cathédrale, dans l... read more
et c'est parti....
une forêt de colonnes...

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba » A Mezquita October 30th 2020

CORDOBA 10/23/19 After a pleasant night spent at the Cordoba Center Hotel we had time to organize and repack for the next leg, before leaving for a walking tour of the historic center of Cordoba. This unique city was once capital of Islamic Spain. Referred to as Spain’s historic cultural capital, it is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We found that Cordoba, like Toledo, is often a study in contrasts: a historic mixture of Moorish, Christian, and Jewish, old and new. A reference to when it was possible for 3 major religions to coexist in harmony. We should take a lesson from this! Our lovely Vera gave us some historical background of the region which I supplemented with my own research. Once capital of the Western world, Cordoba was founded by the ancient Romans ... read more
Guadalquivir River, Cordoba
Kathleen at Monument to Moses Maimónides
Calleja de las Flores

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba January 12th 2020

What better way to start the day in Sevile than by having a bowl of cinnamon toast churros with friends? We had to check out the Crunch Cafe before heading to Cordoba for the day. It was delicious and fun. I think a franchise in New Brunswick would be a success! Cordoba was next on the schedule and since I hadn't pre-arranged any tour there, I turned to my good friend Rick Steve's and he didn't disappoint. He suggested a personal guide, Angel, and that's who we spent 3 hours with in Cordoba. At least we did once we figured out the right orange tree and fountain that was our meeting place. Once again there was a Jewish Quarter; only in Cordoba it still has that name. And there is a remnant of a synagogue to ... read more
Breakfast of Champions?
The women's section of the synagogue

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba June 25th 2019

Bonjour à tous, Voilà une journée qui devrait intéressante avec le beau programme que m'a concocté la réceptionniste de l'hôtel. Dans un premier temps 2 visites, situées l'une près de l'autre, dans le quartier d'Albaysin, Sacramonte, dans de la montagne qui domine la ville. Carmen del Chapiz, c'est un ensemble de maisons mauresques, du XIV siècle, et le Palacio del Cordova. 2 visites qui sur les guides méritent le détour. Et en plus le Mirador San Miguel Alto, pour une vue imprenable sur l'Alhambra. Ces 3 lieux sont dans un cul de sac, a priori facile d'accès, sauf quand il n'y a pas de travaux, des routes barrées, des détournements. Le gps n'a rien pu pour moi. Je me suis retrouvé dans des ruelles, où j'ai eu peur d'y laisser les rétroviseurs. J'ai du mal à ... read more
village Andalou
les ruelles

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba June 13th 2018

We took an early morning ‘side trip’ to Cordoba (a place that Jane has wanted to visit since I have known her), which resulted in a guided tour of the majestic Alcazar of the Catholic Kings and its purely magnificent gardens (as they all happen to be here in Spain), the Jewish quarter, Synagogue, and the monumental site of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba. The majority of side streets that we walked were flower lined and our senses were enjoying a high with va...rious aromas wafting through the air. We did, as usual, try the local cuisine. The photos of inside the Mosque-Cathedral, with all its long history, do not satisfactorily convey the vastness or skilled architecture / engineering of the place. It is an exceptional monument, still in everyday use for religious purposes, and to an ... read more
Alcazar Gardens, Cordoba

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba May 12th 2018

Cordoba ist zwar schon, aber es war so überlaufen, dass ich ganz grantig geworden bin. Die Mezquita-Catedral von Córdoba, zu Deutsch Kathedralmoschee oder Moscheenkathedrale, ist seit der Reconquista der Stadt deren römisch-katholische Kathedrale. Ihre architektonische Weltgeltung besitzt sie aber als ehemalige Hauptmoschee aus der Epoche des maurischen Spaniens. Als Kirche heißt sie Kathedrale der Empfängnis unserer Lieben Frau. Mezquita ist die spanische Form des arabischen Wortes مسجد Masdschid, DMG Masǧid und entspricht dem ebenfalls gleichbedeutenden deutschen Wort Moschee. Der berühmte Betsaal ist durch Hufeisenbögen in 19 etwa gleich hohe Schiffe mit bis zu 36 Jochen aufgeteilt. Er wurde durch die Emire und Kalifen von Córdoba in mehreren Bauabschnitten immer wieder erweitert. Das Bauwerk gehört mit ca. 23.000 m² zu den größten ehemaligen Moscheebauten weltweit.... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba May 11th 2018

Die Berge nördlich von Estepona sind fantastisch- Sierra Bermeja und Serrania de Ronda. Ich spielte da stundenlang bis ich endlich nach Ronda kam. Auch hier gibt's eine Kirche, die aus einer Moschee entstanden ist. Dann genussvolle Weiterfahrt über Landstraßen nach Cordoba.... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba » A Mezquita April 8th 2018

These early starts wear you down after a while. This time we're up at 6am to catch the 8.30 train to Cordoba, once the capital of Andalusia. The AVE trains are great, very similar to the TGV in France but the Spanish ones are actually running. Its almost 5 hours from Barcelona to Cordoba with numerous stops along the way. For the most part we appeared to be travelling through Olive groves for as far as the eye can see at around 300km/h. The trains are really comfortable and you can charge all your devices while you watch the world roll by. We arrived in Cordoba at 1.15pm, caught a taxi to our hotel, a little over 1km from the old city centre, dumped our bags and headed straight into town via the old roman bridge ... read more
seville oranges
romsn bridge

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba February 16th 2018

Our personal tour guides Stephen and Christine who live in nearby Coin took us on a 4 day tour which included Sevilla and Cadiz. Sevilla has many beautiful Plazas, outdoor seating areas. and seemed a little less hectic than Madrid. In some ways I would compare it to Melbourne, with Sydney as Madrid. Apparently it is stiflingly hot in summer. Cadiz is well positioned on the coast and played an important role in Spain's era as a dominant naval power until Drake and the British navy took over. We had one of our most enjoyable meals here, fish called John Dory or Peter's used to be available in Sydney but we have not had it for many years. Marlene celebrated her birthday in Malaga this year and recalled that she has not had a birthday ... read more
Torre del Oro
Cathedral de Sevilla
Orange Garden

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