Blogs from Northwest, Russia, Europe - page 8


Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg July 18th 2018

Hello from St. Petersburg. We have now made an overnight ferry trip on the Princess Anastasia (the Princess was a member of the Czar's family the Communists murdered almost exactly 100 years ago). Our first impression of the ship was favorable compared to the Viking we have previously sailed and will two more times. Newer paint, carpet and other décor. However, when we were confronted with the ship's systems and meals we quickly altered our view. The buffets do not approach Viking. Can't drink the water-must buy bottled water from them. Furthermore, at the buffet where potable water is available a sign is posted not to fill water bottles. Really? Nonetheless they delivered us to St. Petersburg. Now for customs. Upon leaving Helsinki we were thoroughly assessed by a Russian official. Fully two occasions of seriously ... read more
Admirality Buildings

Europe » Russia » Northwest July 17th 2018

14th/15th July St Petersburg Day One Russias most European city is the Jewel in the Baltic Crown and was Peter the Greats ‘Window on the West’. The European influence is that Helsinki and Tallinn are only a few hours away but it can take up to 9hours to reach Moscow. Needless to say the first day had the delays of passing through passport control and it seems better that you arrange tours through the Cruise because of visa restrictions. Day One Peterhof palace and Fountain gardens Day Two Catherine Palace and gardens Pictures paint a thousand words and I’ve whittled the photos down to some 30+ for the two days.... read more
Peterhof 2
Peterhof 3
Peterhof 4

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Arkhangelsk July 15th 2018

Arkhangelsk Today we are in ARkhangelsk. We had to tender ashore and its was a very difficult route to follow. No tender today We have a real dock. Arkhangelsk is considerably bigger than the other islands we have visited with a larger population. The ground is basically a marsh so construction is very difficult. All of the buildings were originally wood. Many of the houses are still wood. Our guide say older people like to live in wooden structures. The say it is healthier. There is a central heating plant that pipes heat in large pipes to all the houses. This is their idea of “Central heating”. It was a beautiful day with a temperature hovering around 75. n All the Russian young people were in shorts and tee shirts. The large river that runs through ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest July 15th 2018

SOLIVETSKY ISLANDS These are six islands located in the White Sea just 150 km from the Arctic Circle. The islands have long been used as a place of retreat and a place of exile. The Solivetsky Monastery was seated in the 15 th century. It is located on Solivaetsky Island. It was originally built as a monastery but has always had prisoners. The wall are built of hug boulders 6 meters thick and 11 meters tall. The main buildings are connected by covered walkways. The Uspensky Cathedral was built in 1551-1557, the Preobrazhensky Cathedral (1556-1564) and the Annunciation Church (1596-1601) Chu4ch of St. Nicholas 1834. There were also sleeping rooms for the songs, a kitchen and a refectory and a water mill on the premises. Many people still visit Solovetsky. There are two ferries that run ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Murmansk July 8th 2018

Yesterday we were in Hammerfest, Norway. Having been there before, we had decided not to get off the ship and instead to work on our MKSAP. This was a fortuitous choice. It was a miserable day. Cold and raining. The high only reached about 48 degrees but it felt colder because it was cloudy. The sun set at 3am and the sun rose at 3 am. I guess it is summer in the far north. Yesterday the engineers had to come and fix our heat. I finally got warm. We had dinner last night with the General Manager, Victor. He is Portuguese. We had a delightful time. Today we are in Murmansk. It is a beautiful day and warmer, about 60 degrees. After lunch we will go ashore and visit the monestary,Alyosha, and the light house. ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow July 8th 2018

We are now home and our cruise has finished. As you will see from the info below we didn’t really have a lot of time to write of our experiences. Too many jam packed days and yet still more to see in Moscow. Russia has been fantastic and very different from my trip in 1978. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the introduction of private enterprises there have been many changes. It is becoming very westernized which means more cars, traffic jams, but there are now shops, plentiful foods and smiling people. It is very easy to get around, particularly as most signs and stores have English signs. The children learn English at school, but as with many countries, older people while they may have an understanding they do not speak it. They do ... read more
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Monument to Peter the Great on 300th anniversary of the creation of the navy by him
Metro steep escalator

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow July 2nd 2018

We weren’t sure what to expect of the sprawling Russian capital when we first go there. It was a beautiful city— that much was obvious. However, the word that immediately came to mind was “intense”. The megacity has a rather frenzied energy to it, which certainly gave it a lot of character. And let’s not forget how much rich history it has to offer! Here are some of the sites that we were able to visit when we were there. We hope this will help you with your own itinerary when you visit Moscow! Kremlin The Kremlin is probably the most important historical structures in the entire country, which is doubly impressive when you consider the sheer size of Russia. There were so many marvelous things to see inside that we only wish we had more ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Karelia June 30th 2018

Kizhi is an island near the geometrical center of the Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia, Russia. Lake Onega is between 31 - 127 metres deep with 1650 islands (mostly rocky outcrops). The best known island is Kizhi. The island was very prosperous from the middle ages because of the trade with timber, furs and fish. It was frequently targeted in raids but when Peter the Great established Russia's soverignity in the Finnish borderlands that the region witnessed a construction boom using the local timber. They have a very traditional method of cutting wood by cutting with axes rather than sawing believing that it closed the grain of the wood against moisture while wooden pegs and joints were used rather than nails as they were expensive. As we set off for our tour of the ... read more
Traditional bead making using crochet techniques
Domes being restored

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg June 27th 2018

Our cruise begins. After a boring and uneventful drive and border crossing we reached our destination of the Scenic Tsar - our cruise vessel from Saint Petersburg to Moscow. Checkin, orienatation and dinner, the first night complete. We have 4 days here each day jam packed. Our boat is moored about 1/2 hour (1 hour in traffic) from St Petersburg but we are lucky as we are the only boat there. Further away and on the other side of the river is the other boat mooring dock for river cruise ships kwhich we see on the day we leave. There are 13 boats there stacked against one another in groups of five or six. We are very fortunate as we can have our blinds open , use our balcony and relax without another boat next to ... read more
Booties to cover your shoes to protect the parquet floors

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow June 9th 2018

Über St. Petersburg ging es für mich dann weiter nach Moskau. Kurz vor der russischen Grenze wurde es im Zug tatsächlich ganz ruhig. Die Grenzkontrolle durch die russischen Grenzbeamten erfolgte dann ganz sachlih, kühl und unfreundlich. Und schließlich kam ich in Moskau mit dem Nachtzug an, der auch in der 2. Klasse mit Tischdecken und warmem Frühstück sehr luxeriös war. In Moskau war ich zuerst so sehr von den wunderschön gestalteten Metrostationen beeindruckt, so dass ich gleich am ersten Tag auf eigene Faust eine Tour zu den schönsten Stationen auf der Ringbahn unternahm. Am nächsten Tag nahm ich dann an einem geführten, alternativen Stadtspaziergang teil, der sehr interessant war und für mich wichtige Informationen für die nächsten Tage in der Stadt enthielt. Später machte ich noch eine typische Hop-On-Hop-Off Tour für Touristen mit, um auch noch ... read more

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