Blogs from Northwest, Russia, Europe - page 7


Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg September 2nd 2018

We were making our way through the entrance to St Petersburg as we awoke this morning. The sky was heavy with dismal looking clouds and we thought it was wintery but by 10am the sun had burnt the cloud off and it was a gorgeous blue sky day. We breakfasted in La Terraza and then found some more parts of the ship we hadn’t seen before, making our way up to the library lounge at the top of the front of the ship. We spent some time in there before wandering back down to our suite. I’ve been madly reading my book and just want to sit and read (The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton), but this is not to be done. We had an early lunch up at the pizzeria above the pool deck - ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg August 26th 2018

Our last full day in St Petersburg was spent taking a 3 hour walking tour from the Anichkov Bridge on Nevsky Avenue Where we met our tour guide Glenn. It was a rainy start to the day so we were the only ones that turned up so we ended up having a personalised 3 hour tour of St Petersburg. Glenn took us around the back streets of St Petersburg where we learned that St Petersberg is a young City mostly built in the 1800’s by 5 Italian and French architects who left their imprint on this city on a big way. St Petersburg has borrowed its sense of place from all the great European cities so there are parts of St Petersburg which make you feel like you are visiting Rome, Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Florence. We ... read more
St Petersburg
St Petersburg
St Petersburg

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg August 25th 2018

After a big day yesterday we had breakfast at the hotel and headed for the hop on hop off bus at St Isaac’s Cathedral and headed along the Main Street to Victory Square where there is a huge granite column commemorating the 900 day siege of Leningrad from 1941 to 1943 which without the bravery of the citizens of Leningrad would of almost certainly fell to the Nazi’s and the city destroyed. Around the perimeter of Victory Square, we visited the “Moscow“ Railway Station (main train line to Moscow) which is the last surviving structure by a famous French architect as well as a brand new western style shopping mall “The Galleria” which included most of the high end fashion labels in Andrew’s Wardrobe except for Harris Scarfe says Tish. We visited a number of shops ... read more
St Petersburg
St Petersburg
St Petersburg

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg August 24th 2018

The Princess Anastasia arrived in St Petersburg at around 8:00 am and after breakfast, we joined the VIP departure at 8:50 am towards Russian Immigration then followed by the Shuttle Bus to St Isaacs Square. After all the travelling we have done over the last 36 hours coupled with arriving in a place with a language that is very different to English we were both pretty disorientated but the penny finally dropped with our orientation on the three maps we were carrying and we made the short 5 minute walk to our accommodation. After dropping our bags off, we headed straight for St Isaacs Cathedral and the hop on - hop off bus and travelled the two routes around St Petersburg, The audio narration of the bus was excellent and provided us with a background to ... read more
St Petersburg
St Petersburg
St Petersburg

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg August 7th 2018

So for our last night in Moscow I thought we would go further afield and into the suburbs of Moscow. I looked up on the internet and found a really nice little place called One Teaspoon. I got all the directions how to get there from the metro and even pin pointed where the place was on the map. Did everything go to plan - hell no! Did we find it hell no! I think I need some orienteering lessons or some new glasses as I honestly thought we were in the right place but could we find it NO. So what did we do but stop for a drink or two before returning to the area we knew very well Red Square, for a little bite to eat and more drinks. Anyway, as you know, ... read more
Hermitage Saint Petersburg

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow August 6th 2018

So my birthday did not finish as expected, President Putin did not send a undercover agent to pick me up for a meal in the Kremlin - I am sure it was because a major event was happening and he just could not spare the time in his busy top secret world. Anyway we decided to go to Gorky Park which to be honest was a BIG mistake I really did not want a birthday meal of eating a pizza or burger in a take-away (yes you guessed it Mike forgot to book a restaurant). Anyway we decided that we would walk back to the district named as Red October - yes that's correct Red October and no Sean Connery was not there waiting to wine and dine me for my birthday either (things are going ... read more
Kitai-Gorod Station
Dorogomilovo Station

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow August 5th 2018

So yesterday we saw so many things and were so blown away. Last night we went on a river boat. Now to give you some context whenever we go to a city and it has a river we always and really always take a river boat to see the sights and gain further information about the city we are staying in. Well all I can say is a Moscow river cruise is not like another river cruise I have ever and I mean ever taken before. We board the boat just like we always do. We go up top as you do and then all we hear is Sting, Rag and Bone Man etc any commentary on what we are passing i.e. the Kremlin NO just music - big lesson make sure any trip you make ... read more
Russian breakfast including caviar
Peter the Great

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow August 4th 2018

So it's day 2 in Moscow and we have a private tour booked - why are you having a private tour I can hear you ask! Well if you have ever been on a tour with me you will know the one person who asks so many questions and you are thinking not again!! Well that's me so that is why we have a private tour just to save everyone else the misery of another question. Before this we have booked breakfast in the hotel which is a novelty for us as I normally say no way let's eat like the locals. Anyway would you believe the breakfast room is situated around a fountain and that is not the best bit whilst eating your breakfast from an around the world buffet who walks out but a ... read more
Bolshoi Theatre
St Basil Cathedral

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow August 3rd 2018

Well our Russia trip started with successfully getting our visas. This was no mean feat but could have been a lot easier if we knew the information we needed before we started to fill in the visa form. So all you travel agencies out there why not give people who are booking a flight a fact sheet it would make our lives a lot easier. So we arrive in Moscow airport and it is a bit intimidating as you are herded into lines and you are not sure you should be in that line but we were so no bother there. The immigration is a bit daunting as your passport is really scrutinised which I have never seen before. Once through immigration everything goes swimmingly. We meet our guide who takes us to the train and ... read more
A stranger in Moscow

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg July 20th 2018

Your trusty travelers had two exhausting days in St. Petersburg. A ton of walking, but most thankfully the city is flatter than a pancake. Pete usurped the land upon which the city was built from the then powerful country of Sweden who attacked him through Poland and the Baltic countries. He eventually defeated Sweden during the summer campaign of 1709 and continued construction of his magnificent city. Indeed the city is magnificent. The roads are wide and arrow straight. Buildings majestic, yet we wonder their condition and use during the soviet era. Our street is the very long Nevsky Prospekt, which is filled with commercial enterprises interspersed with historical buildings and monuments. These capitalistic shops were not here in 1955, we feel sure. We have a couple of pictures as we walked "a gazillion miles" according ... read more
Peter and Paul Fortress
Distant Sight
St. Issac's Cathedral

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