Blogs from Moscow, Northwest, Russia, Europe - page 60


Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow January 28th 2007

This is my first entry in my new TravelBlog. Hope in the next few years I'll have a lot to tell about my travelling. Though I'm not a very regular traveller, when I get the chance to travel I never lose it!!! And currently I'm planning to to go to London for quite a while and to travel around the UK. But let's get back to the present time. I guess, quite many people have visited Moscow, and for everyone it is different. The best thing about Moscow is that everyone can find something attractive here - ancient churches and museums with famous paintings, amazing parks and landscapes, the poor and the rich, busy nightlife and busy City... Contrasts are everywhere. That is the most amazing thing about it. Most of my friends who come here ... read more
first snow in Moscow
Cow festival in Red Square

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow January 23rd 2007

Privyet! Geland met het vliegtuig storten wij ons meteen in Russchisch onderhandelen voor beginners, nee we willen geen taxi, we gaan zelf met de bus richting centrum. Als enige backpackers vielen we natuurlijk wel een beetje op, maar via via toch bij het busstation aangekomen. Wat een chaos rond zes uur op de weg! Auto's en bussen, alles rijdt door elkaar en pogingen enige structuren in de wegen te onderscheiden laten we dan ook gauw achterwege. Na anderhalfuur bus aangekomen bij metrostation Rechnoy Vokzal. We zien een nog grotere massa mensen bij elkaar, maar iedereen staat netjes in de rij te wachten tot ze de bus mogen betreden. Via felle neonlichtreclames, kleurrijke bloemenkraampjes, groepjes mannen in grijze uniformen (wat later blijkt: immigratiepolitie) en houten klapdeuren betreden wij een metrostation in de hoop de goede weg naar ... read more
affiche (Lina's fetish)
Sjoerd op Ul Arbat

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow January 20th 2007

I told you birthdays were a big thing here in So on Tuesday, I took my direct reports to dinner at the Douglas Hotel/Restaurant. It is the nicest closet restaurant we have to the plant. As you can see by the pictures, most of my direct reports took this very serious and all dressed up very nicely for the dinner. Photos are very important to most of the Russians I have met and since I did not have any of earlier years with me, I decided to put some pictures together since I have been here in Russia. Everyone laughed at me about it was suppose to be a dinner and not a presentation, but here I was with my Powerpoint presentation. It went over very well and I think helped some of my people ... read more
Presentation?, Vince

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow January 19th 2007

Alles voorbereid en klaar om te gaan, raast er een hevige storm over Utrecht en omstreken. Hoe kom je op Schiphol zonder treinen en taxi's?!? Gelukkig waren Lina's mamoeshka en papoeshka bereid om ons om een uur 's nachts nog uit Utrecht op te pikken (nogmaals bedankt!). Daar zaten we dan in cafe West, te genieten van de laatste Nederlandse biertjes en gesprekken met onze vrienden. Onze lieve vrienden achterlatend in de kroeg, zijn we vertrokken naar het onbekende. En Moskou...met handen en voeten gevraagd hoe naar het hostel te komen per bus en metro (werd ons totaal afgeraden door de informatiedame en heren die taxi's hadden, we zouden er echt nooit komen...) Zonder enige talenkennis toch de bus en het metrostation gevonden. Moskou ondergronds tijdens spitsuur; stromen met mensen op grote lange roltrappen waarvan je ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow January 8th 2007

It started to snow as Carly's plane arrived from Texas. on December 19th. It was a special day for all of us as we were so excited to see our daughter and 30 years before Brad and I were married in San Diego. We celebrated this anniversary with family in Moscow. We have had some fun adventures that's for sure! WE missed our son Tyler who is still teaching in Taipei. Carly was a trooper as we saw almost everything possible during her three week vacation. WE toured the sights here in Moscow, walked through Red Square at night, visited churches and museums, ate wonderful meals, walked Riley the dog in snowy parks and of course cooked our favorite dinners. WE had a quiet Christmas with family and friends and then we flew off to St. ... read more
30th anniversary!
Carly Datcha
Sergev Posad Monastary

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow January 4th 2007

Happy Holidays Dear Family and Friends, It has been a year of great excitement and change for the Steer Family. Brad, Betsy and Riley the golden retriever moved to the Russian Federation and after 8 weeks in a five star hotel, we now call a 7th floor flat in central Moscow our home. We have a spectacular view of the city and Brad can walk to his TNK-BP geology job in 10 minutes. Betsy’s cousin Tom lives here in Moscow which has been a blessing and we have also gotten reacquainted with many “old” expatriate friends that are now empty nesters just like us. Brad has already traveled to Tyumen in Siberia to consult with the exploration team. He finds the work there and in Moscow very challenging as all business is conducted in Russian. He ... read more
Bolshoi Theater
Troika ride

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow January 1st 2007

And so, we left the land of cavier and Stroganov. When we checked our bags the lady at the desk told us they were oversize. Our bags were the same as just about everyone elses on the tour. But clearly, ours were ... marked for something higher. We were forced to go to another desk and then farewelled our bags into an elevator. I wonder if we'll ever see them again. Later on the flight one of the stewardesses spilt coffee over me when she was clearing away my tray. The plane manager came by a few minutes later and told me I had been randomly selected to fill in a customer satisfaction survey - did I mind? Oh, I would be delighted, I said. ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow December 31st 2006

To begin with we visited Gorky Park. Already famous, however our reason for visiting was that many of the statues and symbols of the old communist regime had been thrown here once they gave up on the great expeirment. The statue park was quite impressive, old soviet stars and statues of lenin and stalin. We paid 100 roubles each to enter the park, but the entrance we left by didn't even have a ticket lady. A day previous some of friends entered and walked past the ticket lady without being bothered to pay. Like everything in Russia, it was a bit hit and miss. Back to our food court for lunch and thencely to a shopping street for some, shopping. A little more experienced with the Russian experience, we haggled rather than taking the suggested value. ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow December 30th 2006

Moscow being a little more Westernised that the rest of Russia had a slightly more western breakfast. Pancakes and hamburger patties. mmm, patties and mustard for me. This morning we meat Karina near the Kremlin where she gave us directions on where to buy our tickets, how to buy them, where to check our bags, where to use our tickets and where to meet for lunch. The entrance to the Kremlin had a massive queue full of people. It turned out though that today, kids (but not their parents) were allowed in for free for some Christmassy something or other, where the kids come in to the Kremlin, Grandfather Frost gives the kids all a little goodie bag and every one gets a little bit of indoctrination. The parents had to hand over their kids and ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow December 29th 2006

Knock, knock, knock! Knock, knock, knock! All to soon, the guard was running down the hall knocking on each cabin door, waking us for our approach to Moscow. The toilets empty directly on to the track. This kind of thing is not really all that neat, when you're in a train station, so they are closed half an hour before each station. We were woken with an hour to go, in case we had to... go. All along the side of the tracks were houses, I'll be the houses that are half an hour from Moscow station are pretty cheap. Thankfully at the hotel we were told we could check in. Cheri (by virtue of not having to get her bag) was first in line, so we were soon having a proper sleep, waking at 11 ... read more

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