Blogs from Vladivostok, Far East, Russia, Europe - page 4


Europe » Russia » Far East » Vladivostok July 4th 2008

Se faire balotter par un train durant 7 jours sur plus de 9000 km, manger des soupes instantannees, regarder par la fenetre et voir des steppes, des rivieres et des petits villages par centaines, observer et etre observes par des passagers russes, tenter de parler russe, faire des siestes quand il vous plait, manger du poisson seche, se degourdir les pattes deux fois par jour sur un quai d une gare ferroviere bondee et surtout ne jamais vouloir que le voyage se termine, voila comment je puis le mieux vous raconter l experience a bord du trans-siberien!! Apres avoir quitte la trop grande Moscou nous avons mis le cap de nuit vers Irkusk, qui est a mi-chemin de Vladivostock. La trajet nous a pris 4 nuits et 3 jours. Par mesure d economie, mais surtout par ... read more
Avant de les secher il faut les attraper!
Quand je vous disais que le lac Baikal etait brumeux!
En voiture!

Europe » Russia » Far East » Vladivostok August 13th 2007

In Russia all the signs are in their script, making transportation and navigation, at times a challenge. When in doubt we asked someone. More than likely they didn't speak English, but we learned the phrase 'nappi-shite' which means please 'write this.' Communication was challenging, but a smile keeps everyone happy enough, even to the tough and unapproachable looking! The people we interacted with were friendly and helpful. The lodge owners were more than happy to have us, some were even amazed at how we'd managed to travel the distances without speaking Russian. Independent foreign tourists outside Moscow, were few and only seen in the hostels. They passed on a few good tips and hints to help us along our way, like the time we rented a rest room at a train station. The hostel workers helped ... read more

Europe » Russia » Far East » Vladivostok February 20th 2007

The three drunkards and the scotch-experience Taking the train to Russia was a bit of an experience! Most of the Russians come in groups by bus, so the ones travelling by train, are the poorest, most hardcore ones. At seven in the morning, there were about fifty, sixty of them, with maybe ten HUGE bags each, filled with goods to sell back home. A good deal of them had already had their dose of morning-vodka, and I somehow happened to attract the drunkest of them. At the train one man with a strange nose, that sort of hung down at one side, sat down beside me. He had tattoos everywhere (which in Russia is a sort of cast-mark that you have been to prison), while his comrade, who had only half an ear on the right ... read more

Europe » Russia » Far East » Vladivostok February 5th 2007

Privjet! Het laatste gedeelte van de transsib express (deze keer wat luxer in kupe gereisd; de Rossiya heeft geen platzkart plaatsen). Nieuwsgierige gezichten. "Hoe heet je?", vragen we. "Ik heet Alexandr". "En jij?" "Ik heet Alexandr." Zo ontmoeten we vijf soldaten waarvan er vier Alexandr heten. Al snel proosten we op de vriendschap en wordt de ene piva na de andere piva aangevoerd (onze provodnik heeft een handeltje in bier). Ina uit Leipzig vertaalt voor ons, ze leerde Russisch op school tijdens de DDR-periode. Bier wordt gedronken als thee, dus als ze je uitnodigen om bij hen langs te komen de volgende dag, verwachten ze je om 9:00 (op de koffie?) met een ladinkje Piva. Echt lol gehad met deze vriendelijke Russen. Praatten we over hun werk als grenssoldaat, dan werd de coupedeur gesloten. Alexandr heeft ... read more
Restauratie Rossiya

Europe » Russia » Far East » Vladivostok July 7th 2006

So, I started Vlad on the correct foot, had fun getting here, but the concert and the fireworks were all fun. Monday morning came and my contact came and picked me up from the hotel and dropped me off at my homestay. It was with an older lady, think widow here, and it was your classic soviet style building. No hot water and the elvator was one of those lifts that has the outside door, and sliding doors on the inside, so a lot of fun for me when I was getting in and out. We made plans to meet a few days later when it was decided what I would do for train stops and airfare to leave the country. Later in the afternoon, I met up wiith a friend from the fireworks that offered ... read more

Europe » Russia » Far East » Vladivostok March 29th 2006

...and I feel fine! Hey ihr daheim! Ich bin endlich angekommen. Auf dem (ersten) Ziel meiner Reise. In Vladivostok. Nachdem ich vor einigen Tagen in Novosibirsk los bin, habe ich nach ca. 35 Stunden in Irkutsk einen kurzen Zwischenstopp gemacht, bin zum Baikalsee und dann weiter nach Vladivostok. Aber ich habe ein wenig die Reiseumstaende verbessert. Ich bin naemlich mit einem extraschnellen Zug gefahren und habe auch noch die Variante ueber der schlechtesten genommen. Also nicht mehr in diesem Waggon mit 60 anderen meist Betrunkenen, sondern in einem Abteil fuer vier Personen. Weiterhin hat die Reise auch nur knappe 80 Stunden gedauert. Also, alles in Ordnung. Nun was kann man sagen ueber so eine Zugfahrt. Es ist langweilig. Man befindet sich staendig in einem Zustand zwischen wach und Schlaf. Man liegt quasi die ganze Zeit. Der ... read more
Und ab in den Zug
Und ab in den Zug 2
Und ab in den Zug 3

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