Blogs from County Cork, Ireland, Europe - page 24


Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Blarney May 12th 2010

This morning we woke up to get on the road for our last day in Ireland :( The weather has been absolutely gorgeous..sunshine every single day. Had breakfast and headed to was another day of roundabouts for Jared. Blarney is a cute little village, our first stop was the famous Blarney Castle..absolutely gorgeous, hard to believe that someone really lived in it. Walking up to the stone were 100 very small rock steps, i bet they were only 6in wide and straight up spiraling. I was glad the line wasnt long to kiss the stone, I was impatient seeing as this is something Ive been waiting to do. You really have to hang your head down to kiss the stone, it's at the bottome of the rock wall. After Jared and I kissed, we walked ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork May 12th 2010

Hello again! I know you are all thinking "OH! Another one so soon!" This entry won't be too long, and no new photos... but it's here! With some reflections and stuff. My roommate Kasey moved out today. I walked her to her bus to Dublin. Her room is all empty and stuff... it's weird. I had another exam this morning, and one tomorrow. Then I only have one left. Saying that makes it seem like I go home as soon as I'm done with exams... ish. I am having a hard time with... TIME right now. 18 days (which is what I have left here) is sort of switching back and forth between seeming like a hundred billion years and absolutely no time at all, which is super freaky. I have not heard anything from Tony ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork May 12th 2010

So I had my first test today and i dont know if i told you but they take them in huge halls hundreds at a time. The only thing i could think of was that it felt like i was taking my owls in a harry potter movie. It was quite strange with proctors in those bike-glowing-yellow vests walking up and down the halls. Wow it was a little intense. Also you had to stay for the first hour and the last 20 min. So for the hour and a half test we had a 10 min window to leave the room and then you were trapped! YIKEEESS!! It was a bit nerve racking but i think i did okay. I guess we shall see... After that I went to the gym and sweated out all ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Cork May 11th 2010

As of yesterday, I have begun a countdown to homecoming! Okay, that's a lie. I've been counting down for a while, but not in such an excited fashion. Just as a sort of marker of how much time was left/how long I'd been in Cork. But yesterday was my 'twenty days left in Cork!" day. And WHAT a day! It was Tony's last full day here, and we went on a marvelous bus tour of south west Ireland. We went up through Limerick into the Burren, saw a weird megalithic tomb, scurried to the faraway pier on our lunch break in Doolin so that Tony could touch the ocean for the first time (and made it back to the bus in time!), and finished up with the "magnificent" Cliffs of Moher (not that they aren't magnificent! ... read more
Ice Cream
Wishing Well 1
Wishing Well 2

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork May 10th 2010

I finally loaded all the images from yesterday's blog so if you didnt see any of them, you should- they are so pretty :) So today I went to breakfast with my friend and then started my day of studying, I walked to the library and was there till mid afternoon. i know its against my policy to study in libraries but i had to be there to read the on reserve books for my class. I then went to the gym and came back to study some more. I decided i needed a nap so thats what i did. and then i made dinner and am now studying again. isnt that such an eventful fun day?? haha not really. well i need to study more before i go to sleep so i shall write again ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork May 9th 2010

hey everyone, let me start off by saying happy mother's day. even though it is not mother's day here i have been told that everyone in the states is celebrating. I wish my mother and grandmother and diana and everyone's mothers the best of days today!!! so i am finally back, i hear a bunch of you called my moma and asked about my whereabouts, i thank you for caring. so let me try to recall my adventure and let you know of all the fun we had. i got to galway on the 3rd around 7. i was meeting my friend who is actually a girl in my program as well just based in galway. so we got to her place after about a 20 min treck! sadly they put they placed them closer to ... read more
cork garden walk 2
cork garden walk 3
cork garden walk 4

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork May 9th 2010

I hear there are some of you out there who are very eager for an update! This one probably won't be too long, as it's late at night, and I have to be up bright and early to catch a bus tomorrow! Tony and I (yes, you read that right! He's here!) are taking a bus tour, like genuine tourists, to go see the Cliffs of Moher and a bunch of other stuff, which I will blog about when he is gone and I am sad and lonely and need something to fill the time. But for now, I'm just going to cram in some photos from London, the Amanda Palmer show, and Ireland. Next week, I will put up photos from Tony's visit (during which there was some elusive Irish Sun!) At any rate. Photos! ... read more
Evelyn Evelyn
Pure Rock
Lara and Beau

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Blarney May 9th 2010

There is a stone that whoever kisses, Oh! He never misses to grow eloquent, ‘Tis he may clamber to a ladies chamber or become a member of parliament - Francis Sylvester Mahony Legend has it that those who kiss the Blarney Stone will gain the gift of the gab. In other words, you could charm your way to anything you wanted. Although there are many who don’t need to kiss the stone, over 350,000 visit the castle every year. We thought that it was time that we added to the numbers. Cork has many attractions but it was my ignorance at how close the castle was to the city that kept me from visiting before this. Only 10km’s from the city centre it was surely worth a visit on a sunny Sunday afternoon. We got to ... read more
Wishing Steps
Kissing the Blarney Stone
Can you see the witch

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork May 2nd 2010

hey guys, so today i just worked on my sweater some more and watched more prison break... what an eventful day! i did get to talk to my moma tonight :) tomorrow i head for galway!! i am SUPER EXCITED!! we are going to the aran islands and the cliffs of moher and who knows what else. it should be really fun. i will take pics and put them up for you guys when i get back. oh that reminds me, i also took pics of the walk to school through the park along the river. i will put them up with my random adventure as well. once i return i will sadly have to hit the books and study and that also means that i only have one month left here :'( very sad day. ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork April 30th 2010

so today i woke up early to go to boot camp. one of my friends had set up an appointment with a personal trainer and invited me to go along. It was kind of tough but way less so that i thought it would or what i was used to from a training session. it was intense enough though to make me a little sore already so it should be interesting tomorrow. after that I went and turned in my paper for my culture class. the school was packed with people trying to get in their last minute studying before exams start on tuesday. since mine dont start till the 12th and most of my studying can me done from my computer, im hoping i wont have to deal with that. at around 7 i went ... read more

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