Blogs from Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe - page 53


Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Trier November 2nd 2005

Yep, it's Wed. and I'm already done with my first week of class. =) It wasn't too bad. Here are the classes I'm taking: *"Political System in Germany" - I have this class for 2 hours on Mon. This past Mon. though, the Prof. wasn't there, so all the secretary did was take roll and then we left, so I can't tell you anything about the course. * "Introduction to International Relations and Foreign Policy: The Europeanization of the European Nation's Foreign, Security and Development Politics" - I have this class for 2 hours on Mon. and Wed. It's a really interesting class, but it's also going to be a really hard class. There are a lot of Germans retaking the class. Today I met a girl in there taking the class for a 3rd time. ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Trier October 31st 2005

Yeah, so what went wrong yesterday with the train ride back to Trier? Better question, what didn't go wrong. From the very get go things went wrong. Katrin and I were gonna take the Train from Arnsberg to Hagen, Hagen to Koblenz and Koblenz to Trier. We left at 2 and were supposed to be back here at 7. We even figured that we could take turns sleeping (as neither of us had gotten much sleep the night before). Well, it was a nice idea anyway. We rushed to the train station in Arnsberg thinking we were either gonna be late, or just be in time to catch the trian. Of course, the train came 8 min. late. (Not good when you only have 10 min. to switch trains in Hagen). As soon as our train ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Trier October 26th 2005

Hi everyone, Don't have much to write today. Just wanted to say hi. Class today was uneventful. We discussed how Germans deal with enviornmental issues. They are so much more concious about protecting the earth than we are. It's amazing the lengths they go to to protect nature. Things like building animal bridges across the Autobahn so that animals can get safely across the Autobahn. This afternoon I went over to my friend Simona's and studied grammar with her. YUCK!! I'm getting really tired of all this german grammar. I'm really quite nervous about the exam on Mon. though. It's coming up and I'm still having a lot of trouble with the advanced german stuff. Today Simona and I spent 2 hours trying to understands Nominalisierugn and Verbalisierung in German (Nominalisierung = making nouns out of ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Trier October 24th 2005

Yep, another good weekend in Trier. Fri. afternoon I went shopping in town with Katrin. We both had to find b-day gifts for our sisters. Later Matt, Jaime and I met at the train station to pick up Graham. We then hung out in the city for a while and ate dinner at Astrix... they have very good pizza and it's pretty cheap (really student friendly). I tried an apple wine for the first time (Veize)... never again... yuck. At least I can say I tried it though. In the restaurant there was a poster that I really really wanted to take a picture of, but there were too many people sitting in front of it. In large captions it said 'US World Domination Tour' then under it is a picture of the world colored in ... read more
Eltz Burg
Bernkastel-Kues from across the bridge
Saying on a building in Bernkastel-Kues

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate October 21st 2005

18th, 19th, 20th and 21st October, 2005 Munich, Germany and then the Rhine Valley, Germany. Day 7 Today I have seen the sun both rise and fall from the confines of my seat and traversed three seperate countries in the interim. By the time the bus reached Munich this evening I was clinging to the last of my patience with this fool's enterprise, and had long since abandoned my customary vigil by the window for sights unseen. Unfortunately, we were about as far from town or entertainment as possible, so all I could do to burn off the excess energy was storm stupidly back and forth around the camping grounds. Oh, don't worry yourself, I wasn't staying in a tent or anything; hell, in that cold we'd have frozen to death. No, we were staying in ... read more
Dachau Concentration Camp
Dachau's Opinion of the Nazi Swastica
Sleeping Quarters of the Prisoners

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Trier October 21st 2005

This morning in class we worked on grammar. Our professor wanted to go over some of the stuff that will probably be on the placement exam on the 31st. I couldn't do any of it!!!! It was all way over my head. It made it really noticeable that I've never learned grammar in a classroom setting. I didn't know any of the terms for certain sentence structures or times. What in the world is a 'Participal attribute', or 'participal 2'? I now have a week to go back and learn all the different grammar terms and what sentence structures belong with each term.... YIKES! It really stinks, cause I know what 'wurde gemacht werden' (would be done) means, I just don't know if it's Konjuktive 2, Konjuktive, Präteritum, Präsens, and so forth. I need to know ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Trier October 20th 2005

Yeah, so the beautiful weather is gone. Now it's rainy, cold, and gloomy. Oh well, gotta love the German weather. It's supposed to be rainy till at least Mon. (can't complain too much, the rain is the reason everything stays nice and green). Things have been going well here. Dinner Tue. night was fun. We went to a restaraunt not far from campus, Weingot Gehlen. It was pretty good. We were two different groups that went, so we pretty much filled the little restaurant. The restaurant was down in a cellar and was filled with all kinds of wine. We of course had wine with dinner (even those that would've prefered beer drank wine cause they didn't serve beer). I definitely knew I was in wine country after finding out they didn't serve beer there. It's ... read more
Simona, Me and Aneta at Weingot Gehlen

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Trier October 18th 2005

What an awesome class today. The theme was Multi-cultural society. We talked about what culture was, what made a society multi-cultural and whether we thought Germany was a multi-cultural society. We talked a lot about foriegn workers in Germany and how the Germans feel about foriegners. During the 60s, 70s there was more work than there were German workers, so Germany advertised in Turkey and Italy for 'Gastarbeiter' (guest workers). Of course a lot of them came, especially a lot from Turkey. In the early 1990s, when the wall fell, there was an anti-foriegner mentality that came from East-Germany. During that time, there was a lot of violence aimed at foriegners. In responce, there was a lot of advertising and so forth to promote tolerance. We looked at one such advertisement today and I absolutely loved ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Sankt Goar October 17th 2005

After 2 hours of sleep we were up and ready for my day as tour guide. This also gave me the power that is the microphone on the bus, boy it was good. No-one was allowed to doze off as we travelled past Lake Thun, through amazing scenery on our way north through Switzerland and into Germany. The idea of Contiki Idol was put forth and after Mike started off with a rousing rendetion of Run To Paradise more people were willing to try out their vocal chords. Some great efforts especially by Shell and Kath, who put the rest of us who tried to sing to shame. Although as I sang Time of My Life with Sharlee, I am pretty sure her vocal abilities pailed into comparison lined up with me. Such frivolities involved with ... read more
On the Mic
Contiki Idol
Bus posing

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Trier October 17th 2005

Got to play the piano today. =) Loved it. It's nice to have those small comforts from home. I'm quite glad there's a piano for us in the apartment complex. Unfortunately the hours that it's available to be played stink, but at least it's there. Not much else to say. Got some new pics up. Took a few from around campus just to give you some idea of what it looks like. Been spending a lot of time studying my german grammar and vocab. Got two weeks before the 3 hour placement exam... not looking forward to it. I've also been trying to figure out what classes to take (It's a very confusing system here). I also found out that most students take 3 classes (that's only 6 hours of class a week!!) That's nothing. I ... read more

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