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August 23rd 2007
Published: August 23rd 2007
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So everyone says that French food is the best, I don't get me wrong, I love it. However, I'm having major problems with "les supermarches"! I can't find any fruit that isn't rediculously expensive, except apples... which I buy two of for breakfast every morning from my very friendly little man at the Francprix. I've been shopping at the Monoprix several times, and all I can find is yogurts (grapefruit and pear are a little weird flavours...) and soup. I bought oatmeal, but had a few problems figuring out what to do without a microwave, but the problem was solved when I just poured boiling water over it, and left it covered for a while. The cereal that I bought (similar to Special K) is very yummy, except that I can't have it with milk because a) there is no such thing as Skim milk and b) they don't keep it in the FRIDGE! And if you know me, you know I'm fanatical about those two things! My solution: buy Nutella and dunk the cereal in that 😊

And what's the deal with cottage cheese? I can't survive without it, but I can't find it anywhere!

Anyway, besides my food worries, life is going pretty well. I went on my first run today. I took the metro to l'école militaire and then ran through the park to the Eiffel Tower, then got accosted by man who kept pointing at me and saying "combien... combien pour une heure... viens-ici!", but I ran away from him, accross the bridge and along the Seine on the other side. I went past the Diana memorial and ran all the way through the Tuilleries to the Louvre, then back accross the Seine, past the Musée d'Orsay and got the metro in St. Germain back to my apartment. It was good to finally exercise, even if it was in the rain. Gyms around here are so expensive... the best deal is Curves for about $250 for 3 months, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to go to Curves yet...

Anyway, sorry there are no pictures today, I didn't take my camera on my run.



24th August 2007

Please don't get mugged/raped/killed on your runs. Thank you.
24th August 2007

le coût exorbitant des fruits
Au journal télévisé hier soir j'ai vu une manifestation à Paris, Place de la Bastille! Les producteurs protestaient contre les prix exorbitants des fruits vendus par les hypermarchés. Ils vendaient leurs produits directement au public, au prix juste, plutôt que de les vendre aux hypermarchés. Il y avait une foule énorme.

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