Blogs from Austria, Europe - page 232


Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna September 15th 2007

Feeding on popular worldwide confusion between Austria and Australia, tourist vendors here sell t-shirts that say "There are no Kangaroos in Austria". That is of course wrong in a literal sense since there are kangaroos in zoos here, but also in a figurative since we had lunch and "winner" (a wine dinner) with Oliver (who is Austrian) and his wife Sarah (who is Australian). So we have at least corrected that new myth that these tourist shops are trying to propogate. The Belvedere The day started out a little chilled and rainy as had become the custom but I ventured out in my shorts hoping the mid-80s high they had promised us for later in the day would become a reality. So we took a back way towards the Belvedere, gently avoiding the familiar Karlsplatz and ... read more
Upper Belvedere
At the Belvedere

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna September 14th 2007

We are enjoying our Espresso's and Baileys in our little lounge as is our custom, at the loss of Cafe Pruckel (100 year old institution) since we suffered from a little bit of neglect from our server this evening, towards the end of the shift - no problem, it saved us some tip money and the costs of desserts and the gratis coffees we are now enjoying. We did however have our first bite of the Wiener Schnitzel tonight, Jennifer having, unbeknownst to her, the Kinder version, and I having the full-size Amer . . . er . . . AUSTRIAN version. It was good for what it is, thank you Tama, yes more of the same (international) fried food, but it wasn't pork so they're stringing us along for a couple more days here at ... read more
Sarcophagus of the Habsburgs
Scratch Frankfurt off the list
Kunsthistorisches Museum

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna September 13th 2007

We are at the Hilton awaiting for a room to be ready for us as we continue our trend of early arrivals. But we got access to the Executive Lounge as usual and are stuffing our mouths with the free food. More later on our trip in. I made contact with my Austrian friend Oliver from my MBA studies and we will be hanging out with he and his Australian (you read right) fiance on Saturday!!! My oh my! Where have all the community dogs gone? The city is incredible and is of course topping our list as our favorite now, so to be fair we will have to devise some categories in how we would rank and you cannot put Vienna in the same grouping as cities such as Belgrade or even Budapest that were ... read more
Two Rooms!
It's like a side-by-side fridge!
Hilton Vienna

Europe » Austria September 12th 2007

We arrived in Vienna after we battled through terrible traffic that forced Liz and I to get out of the bus on the highway, cross 2 lanes of (unmoving) traffic and run to the closest roadside toilet facility, such was the desperate-ness of the situation. Our first stop in Vienna was a mozart and strauss concert which i wasn´t expecting great things from, but was actually brilliant. We stayed in a nice hotel that had the most comfy beds i have ever slept in (that sure deserves a mention in this blog). In Vienna we saw the palace of the Hapsburgs, the state opera house, paliament house, Albertina museum, the schonerunn Palace, spent a hilarious few hours in the natural history museum and climbed the spire of St Stevens Cathedral to get amazing views of the ... read more
View from the tower of St Stevens
Natural history museum
Bike riding in Austrian Tyrol

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna September 11th 2007

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna September 8th 2007

Hello friends and family, So goes the journey....The rains finally let up last late this morning. Apparently they were pretty bad and all of the surrounding wineries were flooded today. Good thing we didnt book one of those tours (maybe monday). This morning we went to a giant outdoor flea market and farmers market. There was a tonne of stuff that we wanted to buy at the flea market, but there was no way we are going to cart it around for the next five weeks. There was also plenty of wierdos too. This one guy was selling a bunch of old remote controls and cpu boards ripped out of computers. The food at the farmers market was unreal mmmmmmmmm goooood. Heather went to buy a kebab for breakfast and the man enticed me into buying ... read more
Making the deal
The summer home

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna September 7th 2007

Hey everyone, quick little note to say that we made it to Vienna yesterday. CC is going to post pics later, but for now I can tell you that it is pouring rain and about 10 out, which is crap!! We had a crazy day yesterday, we missed our flight on KLM because all the computers went down at the Amsterdam airport and had to fly Air Austria instead, which was a very nice airline actually. We got in late and found a hole-in-the-wall bar to have a beer and relax and then slept for about 10 hours again. We really really loved Amsterdam more than either of us thought we would so now we have high expectations for Vienna. We are off to see what we can in the POURing rain and will write more ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna September 7th 2007

We had a seriously rainy day today and are a bit worn out. We did find a really great cafe to sip coffee in though, and also had our very first (of many I am sure) snitzel for lunch. Oh, and we also saw the Pope drive by in his pope-mobile as he is in Vienna for a visit. That was a bit bizarre and unexpected. So I have decided to try and upload some photos-- here goes. ... read more
Beers in Amsterdam
our hotel
The Pope mobile

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna September 5th 2007

This time the train was much more to his majesty's liking (someone had complained a little bit about the first train and wanted to go first class on the return trip to Vienna). Our return to Vienna was not auspicious and the weather was very cold, grey and windy. Our first impression of our new hotel was that it was in the middle of nowhere. We went out for a walk in the afternoon after we arrived and our impressions were being reinforced, right up until the point that we stumbled across the main shopping street that was two blocks away from our hotel. Right at that point it started to rain, and it didn't stop for the next three days. Much to our dismay. Vienna itself is just so lovely, it was such a shame ... read more
Imperial Porcelain
The imperial table napkin fold
An example of the weather

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna September 4th 2007

4 nights in Vienna where we met up with Honor and Katie. ... read more
Hundertwasser appartments
Katie and Honor

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